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Correlational Research
Examines relationships between variables without manipulation.
Common method for collecting correlational data.
Consistency of a measure across different instances.
Extent to which a measure accurately reflects concept.
Internal Consistency Reliability
Measures interrelatedness of scale items, assessed by Cronbach's alpha.
Test-Retest Reliability
Stability of measure over time using repeated tests.
Alternative-Form Reliability
Correlation between different forms of a measure.
Inter-Rater Reliability
Agreement between multiple raters on observations.
Face Validity
Subjective judgment on whether a scale measures intended concept.
Content Validity
Coverage of relevant material in a measurement scale.
Construct Validity
Measures if a scale reflects theoretical construct accurately.
Criterion Validity
Correlation of a measure with an outcome criterion.
Concurrent Validity
How well a measure correlates with existing outcomes.
Predictive Validity
Ability of a measure to predict future outcomes.
Correlation Coefficient
Pearson r indicates strength and direction of relationship.
Scatter Plot
Visual representation of relationship between two variables.
Point-Biserial Correlation
Used for continuous and dichotomous variable relationships.
Dummy Coding
Converts categorical variables into numerical format.
Phi Coefficient
Measures association between two dichotomous variables.
Analysis of Variance for comparing means across groups.
Analysis of Covariance, adjusting for other variables.
Multiple Regression Analysis
Examines relationship between one dependent and multiple independent variables.
Logistic Regression
Predicts probability of categorical dependent variable.
Factor Analysis
Identifies underlying relationships between variables.
Cluster Analysis
Groups similar observations based on characteristics.
Lifetime Prevalence of Homelessness
Percentage of population experiencing homelessness in their lifetime.
Sympathy Index
Strong negative correlation with homelessness rates (r=-.82).
Age Differences in Homelessness
Demographic patterns vary significantly across age groups.
Homelessness Prevalence in US
6.1% literal and 12.8% overall homelessness reported.
Mental Health
Psychological well-being affecting emotional and social functioning.
Depression T-score
Standardized score indicating severity of depression symptoms.
Anxiety T-score
Standardized score measuring intensity of anxiety symptoms.
Statistical test assessing multiple dependent variables simultaneously.
Relationship indicating changes in one variable affect another.
Temporal Precedence
Causal principle ensuring cause precedes effect.
Extraneous Variables
Uncontrolled factors that may influence study outcomes.
Internal Validity
Extent to rule out alternative explanations in study.
External Validity
Generalizability of study findings to other contexts.
Ecological Validity
Applicability of study results to real-world situations.
Non-Experimental Design
Research approach without manipulation of variables.
Observational Studies
Research method observing subjects without intervention.
Research Questions
Specific inquiries guiding study design and methodology.
Literature Review
Analysis of existing research to identify knowledge gaps.
Texting Prevalence
95% of students use phones in lectures daily.
Distracted Driving
Texting caused 16,000 fatalities from 2001-2007.
Independent Variable (IV)
Manipulated factor in an experiment to assess effects.
Dependent Variable (DV)
Outcome measured to evaluate the impact of IV.
Experimental Control
Use of confederates to enhance study realism.
Data Collection
Recording participant responses and performance metrics.
Informed Consent
Participants' agreement after understanding study details.
Statistical Tools
Methods for analyzing data and testing hypotheses.
Between-Subjects Design
Comparison of distinct groups to analyze variable effects.
Independent Samples t-test
Statistical test comparing means of two independent groups.
Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Measure of meaningful signal compared to background noise.
Statistical Power
Probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis.
Software for statistical analysis and data management.
APA Style
Formatting guidelines for reporting research findings.
Effect Size
Magnitude of difference between groups in a study.
Manipulation Check
Assessment confirming the effectiveness of experimental manipulation.
Statistical Findings
Results indicating significant differences in distraction levels.
Restriction Impact
External restrictions affect cognitive performance in education.
Statistical test comparing means between two groups.
High-Restriction Group
Participants with increased limitations on distractions.
Low-Restriction Group
Participants with fewer limitations on distractions.
Distraction Levels
Perceived interference affecting cognitive performance.
PATH Studies
Research analyzing homeless populations in urban areas.
Cultural Context
Influence of culture on homelessness characteristics.
Probability Sampling
Method ensuring representative samples in research.
Demographic Analysis
Study of population characteristics across groups.
Chi-Square Test
Statistical test for categorical data relationships.
Participant Matching
Aligning participants to control confounding variables.
Control Groups
Groups used to compare effects of interventions.
Placebo Group
Participants receive no active treatment but believe they do.
Attention Placebo Group
Participants receive attention but no active treatment.
Empty Control Group
No treatment given, only assessment of outcomes.
Waiting-List Control Group
Participants receive treatment later for comparison.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for depression treatment.
Relapse Rates
Frequency of returning symptoms after treatment ends.
Therapeutic treatment focusing on mental health.
Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Treatments excluding medication, like exercise.
Therapeutic Relationships
Connection between therapist and client influencing outcomes.
Individualized Care
Tailoring treatment to meet specific patient needs.
Vulnerable Populations
Groups at higher risk for negative outcomes.
Ethical Considerations
Moral implications in conducting research with humans.
Comparative Analysis
Examining similarities and differences across groups.
Cognitive Performance
Ability to process information and perform tasks.
Toro Study
Compared natural helpers and professionals' effectiveness.
Strupp & Hadley Study
Involved therapists, professors, and waitlist control group.
Nonspecific Factors
Elements influencing therapy beyond professional help.
Tompsett et al. Study
Examined age differences among homeless individuals.
Demographic Breakdown
Revealed gender and racial differences in age groups.
Targeted Interventions
Tailored support for unique age group needs.
Census-Style Counts
Annual counts to estimate homeless population tonight.
Service Utilization
Data from shelters to assess homeless services.
Large-Scale Household Surveys
Random sampling to estimate homelessness prevalence.
Lifetime Prevalence
Cumulative homelessness experience over a lifetime.
Point Prevalence
Homelessness rate at a specific time.
Initial Large National Surveys
Representative samples of households for data collection.
Substance Use Correlation
Alcohol consumption linked to homelessness rates.
Adolescent Homelessness
Includes ages 12-17, predominantly female.