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basic building blocks of an android graphical user interface, object that knows how to draw itself on the screen, responsible for a rectangular area on the screen and for handling events in that area
an object that interacts directly with the user (e.g., button or check box)
a view that acts as a container to hold its children
a ViewGroup that is responsible for positioning its children on the screen
XML filles for layout
must contain exaclty one root element, is placed in the res/layout or the res/layout-land, compiled into a View resource
can be inherited by View classes, some are specific to a view object
id attribute
used to uniquely identify the View within the tree
displays its child View elements in a linear direction, either vertically or horizontally, creates a scrollbar if the length of the window exceeds the length of the screen
allows you to create large and complex layouts with a flat view hierarchy (i.e., no nested view groups)
ViewGroup that displays its child View elements in rows and columns to HTML
tables, will have as many columns as the row with the most cell
Child views of tableLayout
TableRow objects
stretchable column
can expand in width to fit any extra space
shrinkable column
can be shrunk to fit the table into its parent object.
view group that displays a list of scrollable items, the layout involves two XML files, is not a layout but is usually the only view within a parent layout