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Hair, skin, or nails
For dermatophyte culture, which types of specimens are generally contaminated with bacteria, rapidly growing fungi, or both?
Not acceptable
In mycology, collection of specimens through swabbing are:
False positive
Pus should be collected through aspiration since the use of cotton buds may give ____________________ microscopic results.
Wood lamp
It helps identify infected hairs by causing them to fluoresce
Skin and nails
Which specimen/s should be cleaned with 70% isopropyl alcohol before sampling?
Nail specimen
It may be submitted as scrapings or cuttings
Sterile scissor
It is used to cut complete nails into small thin strips
Isolator tube
It is a method for the recovery of molds and dimorphic fungi
It has a high contamination rate
Heparinized bone marrow
Which type of specimen should be plated directly onto media at the bedside?
Blood culture bottles
Not recommended for blood & bone marrow specimens
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
Which specimen should be concentrated by centrifugation before inoculation?
It is recommended for KOH and calcofluor white preparations if there is enough tissue
Abscess fluid, wound exudates, and tissue
Which specimens should be gently minced?
It is used to induce sputum
Non-viscous specimens
For which types of specimens should you inoculate directly onto media with a sterile pipette?
Oropharyngeal candidiasis
In respiratory specimens, it is typically diagnosed with direct smear and culture
Which antimicrobial agent should be avoided when plating nasal sinus specimens?
Urine, feces, and vaginal secretions
These specimens are commonly submitted for bacteriologic culture, but occasionally may grow yeast that needs identification
24-hour urine specimen
What type of urine specimen is not acceptable for processing?
Direct examination of clinical specimens could be stained or unstained
What is the KOH concentration for skin & hair?
What is the KOH concentration for hard tissues?
Specimens collected from sterile sites needs KOH
To increase the rate of clearing
In using KOH, what is the purpose of heating?
Calcofluor white
It binds to polysaccharides present in chitin of the fungus or to cellulose
India ink
It can be used to examine CSF for the presence of encapsulated yeast Cryptococcus
Periodic-Acid-Schiff (PAS)
It attaches to polysaccharides in the fungal wall and stains fungi pink
To demonstrate details of fungal elements
Detects fungi in tissues
Grocott methenamine silver stain (GMS)
Demonstrates melanin; best permanent mount
Giemsa stain
Used primarily to detect Histoplasma in blood or bone marrow?
Fontana-Masson stain
Stains melanin in the cell wall and identifies the presence of phaeoid fungi.
RT / 30°C
Most laboratories routinely incubate fungal cultures at?
35 °C
If the causative agent suspected is a dimorphic fungus, cultures should also be incubated at?
They grow rapidly and may fill the tube or petri dish w/ aerial mycelium within a few days
Color, texture, and growth rate
Which gross morphologic traits are observed in fungal cultures?
Direct mounting of the fungal isolate
The most common procedure for microscopic examination is:
Lactophenol cotton blue (LPCB)
It is used to fix and stain tease or tape mounts from cultures
Frosted tape
Fungi are not visible using which type of cellophane tape?
Cellophane tape preparation
An advantage of this procedure is that the conidial arrangement is retained
Slide culture
It is useful for demonstrating the natural morphology of fungal structures and for encouraging conidiation in some poorly fruiting fungi.
T. rubrum
In the hair perforation test, it causes only surface erosion of hair shafts
T. mentagrophytes
In the hair perforation test, it typically forms perpendicular penetration or wedge-shaped pegs in the hair shafts
Hair perforation test
This test may be used to distinguish penetration-capable M. canis from M. equinum, which does not penetrate hair
M. audouinii
It does not grow but turns the rice grains brown
Germ tube production
This test is a relatively easy test to perform for the identification of yeasts
C. albicans and C. dubliniensis
Which fungi is/are identified with germ tube production?
Carbohydrate assimilation test
This test can be readily performed as part of routine identification protocols
Cornmeal agar
Yeast morphology on what type of agar is useful in determining identification of yeasts?
The characteristic budding yeast forms usually seen on direct mounts of yeasts
It is a thick-walled conidium formed within or at the end of vegetative hyphae
These are produced when the blastoconidia germinate to form a filamentous mat
It begins as true hyphae but break apart at the cross-walls with maturity.
What is the color of a positive KNO3 assimilation result?
What is the color of a negative KNO3 assimilation result?
Cryptococcus spp.
They have weak growth at 35°C and no growth at 42° C
What is the optimal growth temperature for Cryptococcus spp.?
Christensen urea agar
Yeast isolates producing the enzyme urease can be detected easily with?
An important component of the cell wall of various fungi, including pathogenic yeasts and molds
A component of the Aspergillus cell wall, within plasma or BAL fluid
It is the leading agent for treating yeast infections but has limited to no activity against molds