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Body mechanics
the way the body moves and maintains balance while making effective use of parts
base of support
8 to 10 inches apart
strongest muscles located
shoulders, upper arms, hips, thigh
weakest muscles located
OSHA's safety standards affecting health care workers
-Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard
-Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
Occupational Exposure to Hazardous Chemicals Standard
employers inform employees of all chemicals and hazards in workplace and provide MSDS for hazardous materials sold
Material Safety Data Sheet
Bloodborne Pathogen Standard
protect from exposure to body fluids (blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, etc.)
Diseases contracted from bodily fluid
Hep B, Hep C, AIDS
promote safety by adapting environment
Fires need
oxygen, fuel, heat
Class A Fire Extinguishers
Ordinary combustibles: wood, paper, cloth, plastic
Class B Fire Extinguishers
Flammable liquids and gases: paint, gasoline, oil, grease, cooking fat
Class C Fire Extinguishers
Electrical equipment: fuse boxes, wiring, outlets; try to turn of electricity before using
Class D Fire Extinguishers
Combustible metals: magnesium, sodium, etc; specific for metal and not used for other fires
Water fire extinguishers
contain pressurized water, use only on Class A
Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers
smothering action; forms cloud displacing air and oxygen; powdery residue; most effective on Class B and C
surgical procedure to withdraw fluid from amniotic sac during pregnancy (typically done 15-18 wks, tests fetus for genetic disorders, sex determination or fetal infection)
enlargement of the heart
painful or difficult eating/swallowing
Heavy menstrual period
studies beginnings and development of organism, covers 2nd-8th week after conception
studies body microscopically- minute structions and composition, functions of normal cells, tissue, organs
Right Upper Quadrant contains
right lobe of liver, gallbladder, parts of small and large intestine
Left Upper Quadrant contains
left lobe of liber, stomach, pancreas, spleen, parts of small and large intestines
Right Lower Quadrant contains
parts of small and large intestimes, appendix, right ureter, right ovary, fallopian tube
Left Lower Quadrant contains
parts of small and large intestimes, left ureter, left ovary, fallopian tube
Prone position
lying face down
supine position (dorsal)
lying flat on back
lateral recumbent
lying on left side with right thigh and knee drawn up to chest
kneeling with chest resting on examining table
Regions of spine from top to bottom
-Cervical (C): neck region, 7 vertebrae
-Thoracic/dorsal region (T or D): chest region, 12 vertebrae w/ each segment joined to a rib
-Lumbar region (L): loin/flank area between ribs and hip bone, 5 vertebrae
-Sacral (S): fused to form sacrum, 5 vones
-Coccygeal: coccyx AKA tailbone, 4 fused pieces
Flat bones
covering soft body parts (shoulder blades, ribs, pelvic bones)
Sesamoid bones
small, rounded, found near joints (knee cap), developed in a tendon where it passes over an angular structure
Macular rash
flat spots on the skin, such as freckles
papular rash
firm, raised areas such as pimples and the eruptions seen in some stages of chickenpox and syphilis
blisters, fluid filled sacs, such as those in chickenpox
pus filled sacs, such as those in acne/pimples
areas of dried pus and blood, commonly called scabs
itchy, elevates areas w/ irregular shape; eg. hives, insect bites
Two types of defamation
libel and slander
Raised scar caused by excess collagen protein in skin during healing
PET Scan stands for
Positron Emission Tomography
Tissue connecting tongue to bottom of mouth
lingual frenulum
Condition where skin cells build up to form scales and itchy patches, flaky, gray
Pioneer of antiseptic surgery
Joseph Lister
Area behind the knee
excess cerebrospinal fluid
medical term for baldness
farsightedness term
bottom tip of heart
top of heart
Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers used for
Class B and C fires
number of chapters required for state association
number of wbc per microliter of blood
4000 to 11,000
what century was gregor mendel's study
Professional negligence
temporary recovery
where does a DLT work
What is a registered nurse who can overlook and give anesthesia
CRNA (Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesist)
permanent committee that meets regularly
standing committee
what to say at end
are there any questions?
last paragraph of meeting minutes
what comes after unfinished business
New Business
improper beating of heart
loss of ability to express or understand speech caused by brain damage
function of valves
prevent backward flow of blood
term for nosebleed
what are the smallest veins
sympathetic nervous system
how many national officers are elected annually
wasting away of a body tissue or organ typically due to cells degernating or becoming useless through evolution
a large membranous tube reinforced by rings of cartilage, extending from the larynx to the bronchial tubes and conveying air to and from the lungs; the windpipe.
leaf-shaped flap of cartilage located behind the tongue, at the top of the larynx, or voice box.
number of phalanges per hand/foot
a physical or mental feature that is regarded as indicating a condition of disease, particularly such a feature that is apparent to the patient.
what is emt for
trained to respond quickly to emergency situations regarding medical issues, traumatic injuries and accident scenes
general hospitals
wide range of conditions, age groups, provide diagnostics, medical/surgical/emergency care
specialty hospitals
special conditions/ age groups
types of specialty hospitals
burn hospitals, oncology, pediatric, psychiatric, orthopedc, rehab, etc.
government hospitals
operated by federal/state/local government
examples of government hospitals
VA (veterans administration), state psychiatric, state rehab
university or college medical centers
hospital services and research and education, can by funded private or government
LTCs/LTCFs (Long Term Care Facilities)
usually for elderly patients called residents, disabled/handicapped, ppl w/ chronic/long term illness
Residential care facilities
aka nursing homes, geriatric homes
extended care facilities/ skilled care facilities
nursing/ rehabilitative care to prepare patients or residents for return to home
subacute units
help patients who need rehab to recover from illness, surgery, treatment, etc.
independent living/assisted living facilities
individuals rent/purchase apartment and are provided meals, housekeeping, laundry, basic medical care, etc.
clinics (satellite clinic/ satellite center)
health care facilities composed of group of doctors who share a facility
outpatient clinic
usually operated by hospital/large medical group, care for patients who aren't admitted to hospital
health department clinics
special services such as: pediatric health care, STD treatment, respiratory disease, immunizations,etc.
medical center clinics
usually on college/university, learning experience for students
Medical laboratories
can perform special diagnostic tests such as blood or urine tests
dental laboratories
prepare dentures, devices for repairing/replacing teeth
usually used by medical/dental offices, clinics, and small hospitals
home health care agencies
provide care in patient's home, often by elderly or disabled; services such as nursing, personal care, therapy, homemaking
care for terminally ill who have less than 6 month life expectancy, psycho-social-spiritual and financial counseling for patient and family, support to family after death
palliative care
provides support and comfort allowing persona to die w/ dignity
mental health clinic examples
guidance and counseling, psychiatric, hospitals, chemical abuse treatment centers, physical abuse treatment centers