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aerobic benefits

Lowers resting heart rate

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Anaerobic Benefits

-Increases endurance and ability to stand fatigue

  • Can help with weight loss

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-Improves flexibility

  • Determines range of motion, improves performance in certain activities and may reduce risk of injuries

  • Muscular skeletal system

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Physical activity and fitness benefit people's physical and psychological well-being and improve their resistance to a_. The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans specify an amount of b__ physical activity needed weekly to improve the health of adults aged 18 to 64 years and also state that c_ training is beneficial and counts toward meeting activity goals.

a. Disease b. Aerobic c. Resistance

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Iron-deficiency a impairs physical performance because iron is in the blood's b handler.

a. Anemia b. Oxygen

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In the early minutes of an activity, muscle a provides the majority of energy the muscles use to go into action. The more b_ a person eats, the more glycogen muscle store and the longer the stores will last to support physical activity. During activity the hormone c_ helps to prevent a drop in blood glucose.

a. Glycogen b. Carbohydrate c. Glucagon

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Athletes must strive to develop a__ and endurance, of course, but they also need muscle power to drive their movements, quick reaction time to respond with b, agility to instantly change direction, increased resistance to muscle fatigue, and mental toughness to carry on when c sets in.

a. Strength b. Speed c. Fatigue

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Which of the following beverages is recommended for an athlete? a. Soda water b. Beer c. Carbonated diet drink d. Caffeinated coffee e. Fruit juice

e. Fruit juice

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The anaerobic breakdown of glucose produces _______. a. Lactate b. Ketone bodies c. Amino acids d. Glycogen e. Galactose


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Based on the protein recommendations for athletes (from the American College of Sports Medicine), approximately how many grams of protein should Sally, a long-distance runner, consume daily if she weighs 130 pounds? a. 30 b. 47 c. 71 d. 100 e. 112


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Some possible adverse effects of high-dose caffeine consumption among athletes include stomach a, nervousness, irritability, headaches, b_ and diarrhea. It can also c the blood vessels, increasing the d__ e__ at a given workload.

a. b. c. d. e. Upset Dehydration Constrict Heart Rate

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Which vitamin is important for immune function, regulates immune cell (T-cell) responses, and has a role in antibody production?

Vitamin D

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A thrombus that breaks loose and travels through the blood vessels


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Lipid material mixed with smooth muscle cells and calcium that develop in the artery walls in atherosclerosis


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Movement of cancer cells from one body part to another, usually by the wat of the body fluids


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Tiny cell-like fragments in the blood that are important in blood clot formation


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A stationary blood clot


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Higher than normal blood pressure


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Which lifestyle modification would produce the greatest reduction in LDL cholesterol?

Reducing saturated fat

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You are assisting with caregiving for an AIDS patient. To support his nutrition status, you should _______.

Thoroughly cook all foods and practice food safety

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You are a 35-year-old male who has just had a physical exam, the results of which are shown below. Which of the results indicated that you are at risk for CVD?

HDL cholesterol of 35 mg/dL

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The DRI Committee's Tolerance Upper Intake Level for sodium is _______ milligrams per day.


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The FDA has approved the use of aspartame as a sweetener. This means that _______.

It has been shown to be safe and effective as a sweetener

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what is the most immediate threat to the safety of our food supply

Microbial foodborne illness

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To prevent bacterial growth, you should refrigerate food immediately after serving a meal and definitely before _______ has(have) passed.

2 hours

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Which of the following is true regarding organic foods?

They measurably reduce pesticide exposure

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You are interested in using a preservative that will protect a food from microbes and prevent the food from becoming hazardous to health. Which of the following would you use?


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During processing, foods often gain ______.


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Which food would be most susceptible to bacterial contamination during processing and preparation?


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Which characteristic is NOT considered to be a benefit of physical activity?

Reduction in gastric capacity and motility

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What is the guideline for aerobic activity as defined by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans?

A minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each week

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What are the components of fitness?

Flexibility, muscle strength, muscle endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance

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What physiological factors determine VO2max?

The volume of blood and the number of red blood cells High-intensity work lasting more than a few seconds requires

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High-intensity work lasting more than a few seconds requires muscles to rely upon which fuel metabolized through which energy system?

Glucose broken down via the anaerobic energy system

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What sources of fuel does the aerobic energy system use?

Glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, and lactate

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How does a high-carbohydrate diet help to sustain an athlete's endurance?

By ensuring ample glycogen stores

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What factors affect protein use during physical activity?

Dietary carbohydrate intake, intensity and duration of the activity, and degree of training

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A healthy athlete's diet is likely to consist of what macronutrient composition?

15% protein, 20% fat, and 65% carbs

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Your friend, who is an athlete, wants to take a supplement to improve his performance. What could you say to your friend regarding the use of supplements for improving athletic performance?

Supplements might be useful because vitamins and minerals are essential for releasing energy from the energy-yielding nutrients and for carrying out other functions that support physical activity

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How does iron deficiency affect athletic performance?

Insufficient iron impairs aerobic work capacity, causing the athlete to tire easily

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What beverage is the best choice for meeting an athlete's fluid needs?

Water, because it will replace the fluid lost from sweating during activity

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What is the purpose of sweating?

As sweat evaporates it cools the skin's surface and the blood flowing beneath it

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BK is a varsity athlete. If he is hungry 45 minutes before an intense competitive event, which would be the most sensible meal or snack choice for BK?

Large banana providing 30g of carbohydrate

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Which statement about caffeine as an ergogenic aid is true?

It reportedly provides a physical boost during sports

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what nutrient is correctly paired with its corresponding role in immune function

Vitamin A- maintains skin and epithelial cells

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Which statement about inflammation is true?

it is an oxidative defense that is critical to staying healthy

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What are risk factors?

Candidates for causes of chronic disease

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Some risk factors, such as avoiding tobacco, are important to everyone's health but other are important for people who are _______ to certain diseases.

Genetically predisposed

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How does diet impact the risk of developing CVD?

Diet-related factors can reduce LDL cholesterol

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What is the ideal resting blood pressure?


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What lifestyle modification is likely to provide the largest reduction in blood pressure for someone with hypertension?

Weight reduction of 10lb

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What is the major risk factor for the majority of cancers?


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The majority of evidence supports a role for fiber-rich diets as protective against ________ cancer.


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On a 2000-calorie diet, how many servings of grain per day does the DASH diet recommend?


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What significance does the vegetable group have within the DASH eating plan?

An important source of potassium, magnesium, and fiber

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What does the DASH diet recommend regarding fat consumption?

27% of calories as fat, including fat or added to foods

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Which demographic will likely experience the most significant epigenetic changes?


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Your friend wants to have her DNA tested because she thinks it will help her identify what foods she should eat. What is your advice?

Potential interactions between environmental factors and genome variations must be pinned down before effective application of DNA assessments is possible

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How can you minimize your risks of heart attack and stroke?

Consume fewer grams of saturated and trans fats

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What is the major agency charged with ensuring that the U.S. food supply is safe, wholesome, sanitary, and properly labeled?

Food and Drug Administration

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What microbe is likely to be found in raw and undercooked poultry, unpasteurized milk, and contaminated water?


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How does modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) enhance the safety and shelf-life of foods?

By reducing the available oxygen the helps microbes to grow

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Which statement about pesticide residue is true?

Very small quantities of pesticide residues on agricultural products can survive processing, and traces are often present in foods served to people

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The FDA has warned of unacceptable high levels of ________ in fish and other seafood


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The USDA inspects the production, manufacturing, and labeling of what type of food?


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Which substance is classified as an antioxidant additive?


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What is the most appropriate way to prepare poultry stuffing?

Cook until the stuffing center reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit

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Who is most likely to incur harm from eating honey containing dormant spores of Clostridium botulinum?

An infant

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What is a benefit of food irradiation?

rradiation eliminated organisms that cause foodborne illnesses, such as Salmonella and E. coli

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Which statement regarding microwaving foods is true?

You should use only microwave-safe containers and wraps for microwaving food

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What food processing technique may remove significant amounts of thiamin?

Drying with sulfur dioxide

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Frozen foods' nutrient content is most similar to what other type of food?

Fresh food

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Genetically engineered organisms represent the highest percentage of which crop grown in the United States?


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Genetic modification has the potential to eliminate natural toxins in foods. What are two examples of foods that can be genetically modified to reduce their naturally occurring toxins?

Cassava and potatoes

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intensity/duration relationship(s) with caloric expenditure

The longer and harder one works, the more calories will be burned

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Utility of sports drinks

Replace sodium from sweating

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Fluid and electrolyte regulation for performance and health

-Replace lost fluids -Replace sodium after loss from sweating

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Ergogenic aids

Substances, appliance, or procedures that improve athletic performance

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Types of diseases (2 main types) and how they are impacted by nutrition

Infectious and Chronic

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Causes of death in the U.S. (in order, most deaths -> least deaths)

o Heart disease o Cancers o Chronic lung diseases o Strokes o Accidents o Alzheimer's disease o Diabetes o Kidney diseases o Pneumonia and influenza o Suicide

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Body's defense systems against infection (skin)

Thickness, elasticity, and connective tissue are reduced compromising the skin's ability to serve as a barrier for the protection of underlying tissues; skin sensitivity reaction to antigens is delayed

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Body's defense systems against infection (Digestive tract membrane and other body linings)

Antibody secretions and immune cell members are reduced; barrier functions are also compromised

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Body's defense systems against infection (Lymph tissues (thymus gland, lymph nodes, and spleen)

Immune system organs are reduced in size; cells of immune defense are depleted

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Body's defense systems against infection (General response)

Invader kill time is prolonged; circulating immune cells are reduced; immune response is impaired

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Chronic inflammation

-Harms tissues -Worsens chronic diseases

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Acute inflammation

-Short-term process occurring in response to tissue injury, usually appearing within minutes or hours -Signaled by: pain, redness, immobility, swelling, and heat

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Heart disease Dietary contributions (can be modified)

-High blood LDL cholesterol -Low blood HDL cholesterol

  • High blood triglyceride (VLDL) levels

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity (especially central obesity)

  • Physical inactivity

  • Cigarette smoking -An "atherogenic" diet (high in saturated fats and trans fats and low in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains)

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heart diease Laboratory measures of risk (and target numbers) (cannot be modified)

-Increasing age

  • Male gender

  • Genetic inheritance

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Metabolic syndrome

-Cluster of conditions that increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes -Cluster of risk factors

  • Obesity and insulin resistance

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Governmental role(s) in food safety

  • Set standards and establish regulations -Regulate use of additives, packaging materials, and agricultural chemicals

  • Inspect food processing and storage facilities

  • Investigate outbreaks of food-borne illness

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At risk populations

-young -elderly -immunocomprised

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Food-borne infection

  • Caused by pathogens that multiply in the human body

  • Usually from consumption of a large number of pathogens that cause infection or produce toxins in the body

  • Salmonella or hepatitis

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What approaches should be taken to minimize risk of each

  • Choose foods carefully

  • Prepare food in a clean kitchen to reduce cross- contamination -Store food in refrigerator or freezer

  • Heat foods to recommended temperatures

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3 microbes highlighted in class

Bacteria Viruses Mold (fungi) Parasites Prions

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When contaminated plants or small animals are consumed by larger animals then eater by larger animals, reaching higher concentrations at each level of the food chain


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