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34 Terms


Banking Method

A teaching approach where teachers deposit information into students' minds without encouraging critical thinking or reflection.

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Isolated Facts

Pieces of information that may seem meaningless on their own but gain significance when connected to other facts.

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The belief that knowledge comes from sensory experience and observation rather than innate ideas.

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Tabula Rasa

The concept that individuals are born with a blank slate, suggesting that the mind is devoid of preconceived ideas at birth.

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Inductive Method

A learning approach where simple ideas are developed into more complex ones through comparison, reflection, and generalization.

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Divine Right of Kings

The theory that monarchs have the inherent right to rule without question, a concept opposed by John Locke.

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Civic Education

The idea that individuals should be educated to govern themselves intelligently and responsibly, as advocated by Locke.

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John Locke

Emphasized education as learners interacting with concrete experiences, reflecting on them, and being active agents of their learning process.

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Herbert Spencer

Advocated for utilitarian education focusing on practical, scientific subjects to help individuals master their environment and contribute to societal progress.

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Utilitarian Education

A form of education aiming to produce students who can fit into society at an elite level, focusing on standardized curriculum and quantifiable testing.

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John Dewey

Believed in education as a social process, emphasizing experiential learning, problem-solving, and personal/social growth through active participation.

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George S

Advocated for social reconstructionism in education, promoting schools as instruments for social improvement and agents of change in society.

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Social Reconstructionism

A philosophy emphasizing the reformation of society through education, aiming to reduce the gap between cultural values and technology.

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Theodore Brameld

A philosopher and visionary educator who developed the reconstructionist philosophy of education, advocating for schools as forces for social and political change.

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The Social Frontier

A journal of social and educational commentary launched by George Counts and colleagues in 1934, becoming the voice of social reconstructionism.

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Charles A Beard

Historian whose progressive interpretation of history and emphasis on economics influenced Counts's social and educational theory.

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The Prospects for American Democracy

A publication by George Counts in 1938, emphasizing the role of education in critiquing and transforming the social order.

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American Federation of Teachers (AFT)

Counts served as president from 1939 to 1942, advocating to keep communists out of the organization.

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Liberal Party

Formed by Counts after leaving the American Labor Party in 1942, emphasizing progressive values in education and society.

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Dare the School Build a New Social Order?

A controversial pamphlet by George Counts in 1932, advocating for schools to create a new tradition in American life.

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Social Foundations of Education

A publication by George Counts in 1934, advancing the social study of education and teaching as a moral and political enterprise.

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Education as Power

A book by Theodore Brameld in 1965, outlining major tenets of reconstructionism and emphasizing the role of education in modifying culture during times of crisis.

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Defensible Partiality

In reconstructionism, the concept involves exploring alternative approaches to human problems and defending the emerging partialities resulting from opposition.

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Cultural Foundations of Education

An Interdisciplinary Exploration:A scholarly volume by Brameld in 1957 that showcased his indebtedness to influential anthropologists and his interest in culture.

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The Teacher As World Citizen

A Scenario of the 21st Century:Brameld's visionary book outlining his hopes and beliefs, reflecting on global transformations towards a World Community of Nations.

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Critical Pedagogy

An educational approach by Paulo Freire emphasizing the need to change the educational system to overcome oppression and improve human conditions.

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Banking Method

A term coined by Freire to describe the traditional approach where educators deposit information into students' minds, contrasting with problem-posing education.

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Freire's method of raising awareness through dialogue and critical consciousness to empower individuals to resist oppression and become active participants in their own learning and society.

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John Locke - Empiricist

Education involves learners interacting with concrete experience, emphasizing active learning over passive acquisition of knowledge from Classics.

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Spencer - Utilitarianist

Favors specialized education for survival in society, warns against over-specialism or superficial knowledge, believes in individual competition for social progress.

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John Dewey - Experience

Values accumulated wisdom of the past, emphasizes connecting past knowledge to present experiences for problem-solving, sees schools as democratic institutions for all.

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George Counts - New Social Order

Schools should be agents of change for social improvement, advocates problem-solving as the dominant instructional method, aims for positive change.

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Theodore Brameld - Social Reconstructionist

Critically examines present culture to build a new society, emphasizes global citizenship through international education in the era of interdependence.

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Paulo Freire - Critical Pedagogy

Advocates for critical pedagogy and dialogue over the banking system of education, rejects the idea of learners as empty receptacles to be filled.

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