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Civil Society
voluntary associations independent from the state, including local religious and neighborhood organizations, news media, business and professional associations, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
Nongovernmental Organizations
civil society groups that provide services governments can also provide such as volunteer fire departments to groups that provide advocacy for foster children
Political culture
the collective attitudes, values, and beliefs of the citizenry and the norms of behavior in the political system
Political Socialization
the lifelong process of acquiring one's beliefs, values, and orientations toward the political system
Political Ideology
is a set of values and beliefs about the goals of government, public policy, or politics
belief in individual civil liberties and freedom over governmental restrictions
refferring to the removal of barriers and restrictions on what internal/external economic actors can do; belief in limited governmental intervention in the economy; privitization of government controlled industries, free trade to lower tarriffs on imported goods, deregulation of governmental controls on business, and the elimination of state subsidies
belief in the abolition of private property with near total governmental control of the economy
belief in the reduction of income disparities and the nationalization of major private industries
extreme nationalist ideology that favors authoritarian rule and the rights of the ethnic majority over that of ethnic minorities and the political opposition
political philosophy that supports the interests and rights of the common people over that of the elites
Liberal Democracy or Authoritarianism
of states include the extent of state adherence to rule of law; the degree of governmental influence on or control of the media; degree and practice of free and fair elections; degree of transparency of governmental decision making; the degree of political participation by citizens; and the degree of independence of governmental branches
ability of the state to influence the conduct of individuals and organizations within the state
Rule of law
is the principle that a state should be governed by known laws and not arbitrary decisions made by individual government officials
state's legitamate right to enforce a power
Civil Rights
the protection of groups of citizens from discrimination by the government or other individuals
Poltical RIghts
protection of citizens' ability to run for office in free, fair and competitive elections
Civil Liberties
individual's protection against abuse of powers by the government
Welfare state
a government that takes responsibility for providing key social services such as healthcare, education, housing and retirement benefits
social values of self-expression and quality of life issues such as environmental issues and social and economic equality such as LGBT rights & abortion rights
Political Participation
ways citizens can attempt to shape government policy. Can be formal (casting a ballot in a government election) or informal (protests and political criticism expressed through social media)
Formal Poltical Participation
Government controlled methods of individuals voicing polticial opinions that are regulated by set laws such as casting a ballot in a government election
Informal Political Participation
Voluntary indivdiual actions intended to shape governmental policies with less regulation by the government such as protests and political criticism expressed through social media
allows citizens to vote directly on policy questions as exemplified by the UK's 2016 national vote about whether citizens preferred leaving or remaining in the EU
Competitive authoritarian regime(Illiberal democracies and hybrid regimes)
hold elections with little competition toward the ruling party and that tend to have diminished civil liberties
Political stability
the ability of a government to consistently provide services that meet the basic needs of most of the population to foster the public's confidence in the institutions of the state
Social and political cleavages are internal divisions that structure societies and may be based on class, ethnicity, religion, or territory
Separatist movement
when a group's actions to gain greater autonomy from a government diminishes the sovereignty of that government
Brute repression
use of coercive force by the government to suppress actions the government opposes.