Explain the Concrete operational Stage
being to distinguish from the internal and external world.
Formal Operation Stage is the…
are now capable of hypothetical and abstract thought.
what is the Preoperational Stage
they tend to only consider a single aspect of a situation typically to engage in "magical "thinking.
Sensory Motor Stage is the…
all learning is centered around the child.
Sensory Motor Stage age from
Sensory Motor Stage
all learning is centered around the child
Preoperational Stage age range
Preoperational Stage
they tend to only consider a single aspect of a situation typically to engage in "magical" thinking
Concrete operational Stage age range
Concrete operational Stage
being to distinguish from the internal and external world
Formal Operation Stage
are now capable of hypothetical and abstract thought
Formal Operation Stage age range
teach-back method
when you explain one thing and get them to summarize it in their own words
Based on past research, what type of information should be the focus when education 7-year-old child about his or her medicines?
they know that they need to take their medication to get the germs out or know they need to take the inhaler to breath better
What educational strategies would you use in each of Piaget's development stages?
the teach-back method
What are the four stages of cognitive development proposed by Piaget?
the sensory-motor stage
the preoperational stage
the concrete operational stage
the formal operational stage.
at what age can they start recognizing their medication and acknowledge it can only be used with the help of an adult
when can kids go to doctors visits alone?
what is the last strategy given by Bush and Hameen-Anttia
Don't give up. If you fail the first time, try again the next time. Pay attention to nonverbal communication
what is the first strategy given by Bush and Hameen-Anttia
Tell the parent that you are going to talk with the child