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Exalted View: Spiritual realm more important than material realm.
Worldly View: Goodness of our lives depends on the material goods we have
1) There is a non-excludable good attainable by a group
2) Can be rationally attained by K members of a group (less than all)- reward will exceed cost of contribution
3) cannot be rationally obtained by single person
4) fear of contributing when fewer than K do and hope of not contributing when more than K do makes it rational to not contribute
Mutual coercion mutually agreed upon
makes a good excludable and impose sanctions on non-cooperation (fines, punishment, etc) Limits:
difficult and expensive to enforce
lack of sufficient expertise on whats best for the maintainment of the public good
makes it excludable
internalizes externalities (cost or benefit that happens to people who do not engage in the behavior) Limits: -Who gets it? -One person faces responsibility in face of disaster
1) The means by which you get property is by mixing your labor with a natural resource (initial appropriation)
2) You must leave enough for others
Impose social sanctions on non-cooperation thrrough guilt, shame, etc.
Limits: -Only works if they care -They need to be frequently interacting with the good
- What you do individually is morally relevant, no matter the result.
-Small contributions still make a difference
Efficiency lowers prices
Lower prices increases consumption
While the number of resource use per unit of goods produced goes down, the number of good produced goes up to meet that new consumption pattern,
So, the amount of resources used to does not decrease.
Reducing affluence is morally undesirable in some places
Non-coercive measures could decrease impact immensely more than the others
Methods: Free contraceptives, increased abortion access, increased educational opportunities for women in developing countries, tax incentives for fewer children, and media campaigns
Conservative: contraception and abortion immoral, women should stay in the domestic sphere
Liberal: puts undue burden and responsibility on poor countries even when its not their fault
1) We are morally responsible for curbing our inessential emissions
2) More of those emissions, stronger incentive to not make that choice
3) Choosing to have children is an enormous amount
4) They are inessential
Lowers overall utility: it's not necessary to live a decent life, ppl without children are generally happier
Too demanding: you can enjoy the love of parenting without having your own children
Right to have them: Could be overridden by crisis
Responsible for their impact: responsible for their essential emissions, which are enormous
1) immigration levels are at a historic high, is main driver of US population growth
2) Pop. growth contributes to envi problems within our borders
3) Growing pop. increases large envi footprint beyond our borders and our disproportionate role In stressing global envi
4) To seriously address envi and become good global citizens, we must stop US pop. growth
5) We are morally obligated to seriously address envi and become good global citizens
6) Therefore, we should limit immigration into the US to the extent that it is needed to stop pop. growth
-Cut immigration to 200,000
-Enforce sanctions against employers who hire illegals
-rework trade agreements and foreign aid to bolster countries where immigrants come from (yes it raises affluence but we only care about the US)