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to what extent were the great powers successful in achieving their aims in the middle east between 1908 and 2011? - para headings
- economic interests
- competing for power
- secure boundaries
to what extent were the great powers successful in achieving their aims in the middle east between 1908 and 2011? - para 1
- britain and france - protect the suez to maintain oil supplies
- ussr wanted influence in iran to have oil supplies (pre ww2)
- unsuccessful - oil embargo but us helped arab states more after
to what extent were the great powers successful in achieving their aims in the middle east between 1908 and 2011? - para 2
- czech arms deal 1955 - ussr (indirect) influence in egypt
- eisenhower doctrine 1957 - us support for states threatened
- us dominance after collapse of soviet union
to what extent were the great powers successful in achieving their aims in the middle east between 1908 and 2011? - para 3
- mandates, creating independent states
- un forces to secure egypt-israel boundary 1956-67
- peacekeeping - us holding talks
authoritarian regimes in the middle east met the needs of their peoples throughout the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- socioeconomic
- political stability
- military involvement
authoritarian regimes in the middle east met the needs of their peoples throughout the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- turkey :) - women's rights, right to vote in 1930, encouraged to pursue education and enter public life
- egypt :) - arab socialism, increased freedoms, decreased inequality (eg. land reform giving 869 families land)
- iran :( - economic benefits from oil did not 'trickle down', economic chaos after shah's overthrow - spending on war and not much else
authoritarian regimes in the middle east met the needs of their peoples throughout the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- syria :( - unstable after independence, tensions between governmetn and muslim brotherhood, civil war from 2011
- egypt :) - arab socialism, nasser, sadat and mubarak all provided strong, stable governments
- iraq :( - us occupation after invasion, only 150,000 troops to control 26mil
authoritarian regimes in the middle east met the needs of their peoples throughout the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- iranian revolution :) - lots of support for islam, shows that the people's views were accounted for
- iraq :( - chemical weapons used on shias and kurds (a large minority), 180,000 killed
- syria :( - regular army intervention after independence (1945), civil war
the major turning point in the role of islam in the middle east was the iranian revolution of 1979. how far do you agree? para headings
can be measured by:
- their military actions
- impact on the great powers
- promotion of ideology
the major turning point in the role of islam in the middle east was the iranian revolution of 1979. how far do you agree? - para 1
- 9/11 - made political islam more present on a global stage
- hamas - success in 2006 palestinian parliamentary elections, winning 76/132 seats
- iranian revolution - made iran an islamic state, but failed to spread this across the middle east
the major turning point in the role of islam in the middle east was the iranian revolution of 1979. how far do you agree? - para 2
- 9/11 - shocked the world, caused the war on terror
- iranian revolution - wanted to remove all western influence, made western support for iran hard ie. i-i war, us supported iraq
- wahhabists - austere, puritanical form of islam, so did not want any western influence in saudi politics
the major turning point in the role of islam in the middle east was the iranian revolution of 1979. how far do you agree? - para 3
- iranian revolution - meant that iranian politics was religious, ayatollah khomeini 'islam is politics or nothing'
- hamas - promoted beliefs via welfare assistance for palestinians (synthesis - could be to increase their standards of living though)
- muslim brotherhood - welfare assistance (funding schools, hospitals)
zionism was the most important influence on attempts to resolve the palestinian issue from 1908 to 2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- social conditions
- warfare
- political stability
zionism was the most important influence on attempts to resolve the palestinian issue from 1908 to 2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- holocaust - caused the huge migration of jews to where they believed a homeland should be, after 1933 the jewish population tripled due to nazis, also caused a positive global view of jews
- palestinian refugees - over 1 mil (now 5mil), in syria and lebanon = very poor living conditions in refugee camps, became hotbeds for recruiting plo members
- netenyahu/water/wall - promotion of building jewish settlements around west bank, 2002 - security wall around wb, wouldn't allow palestinians to build new water supplies
zionism was the most important influence on attempts to resolve the palestinian issue from 1908 to 2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- arab-israeli wars - plan d = refugees
- plo - not initially included in peace process, clinton recognised this and included them in 1993 oslo accords (arafat and rabin)
- intifadas - 1st = casualities on both sides, 2nd = suicide bombing and rocket attacks by hamas
zionism was the most important influence on attempts to resolve the palestinian issue from 1908 to 2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- balfour declaration - britain broke promise to palestinians, partition plan = less to palestinians
- peace talks - palestinians not initially included
- palestinian authority - limited powers
to what extent did syrian policies influence pan-arabism in the period from 1908-2011? - para headings
egyptian policies more important
- pan-arabism
- dealing with the great powers-
- war involvement
to what extent did syrian policies influence pan-arabism in the period from 1908-2011? - para 1
- nasser overthrew monarchy - egyptian revolution
- nasser was leader of the arab world - most powerful leader, key in opposing western/israeli influence
- syria did instigate uar, however it failed - nasser led it though
to what extent did syrian policies influence pan-arabism in the period from 1908-2011? - para 2
- mandates, so britain and france controlled - unsuccessful
- nasser - pressure on west, czech arms deal, removed british influence
- militant islamicsts attacked ussr and us in 1980s
to what extent did syrian policies influence pan-arabism in the period from 1908-2011? - para 3
- egyptian success in suez crisis
- syrian own branch of mb
- plo activities
the biggest challenge to achieving stability in the middle east from 1908-2011 was meeting the needs of the religious groups. how far do you agree? - para headings
- religious groups
- military conflict
- socioeconomics
the biggest challenge to achieving stability in the middle east from 1908-2011 was meeting the needs of the religious groups. how far do you agree? - para 1
- sunni v shia - shias killed in iraq, despite being a majority (saddam = sunni)
- christians in lebanon and armenia - persecution since ww2
- jews v palestinians - agreeing on a homeland
the biggest challenge to achieving stability in the middle east from 1908-2011 was meeting the needs of the religious groups. how far do you agree? - para 2
- jew-arab conflict
- saddam attacks on kurds and shia - 180,000 killed from chemical weapons
the biggest challenge to achieving stability in the middle east from 1908-2011 was meeting the needs of the religious groups. how far do you agree? - para 3
- oil
- economic instability post-revolution/independence
the most important turning point in relations between the great powers and the middle east from 1908-2011 was the gulf war in 1991. how far do you agree? - para headings
- political stability
- military actions
- economic interests
the most important turning point in relations between the great powers and the middle east from 1908-2011 was the gulf war in 1991. how far do you agree? - para 1
- removal of mandates - therefore less gp influence
- occupation of iraq - increased us influence
- 1st gulf war - protecting the independence of kuwait, wmd sent to iraq
the most important turning point in relations between the great powers and the middle east from 1908-2011 was the gulf war in 1991. how far do you agree? - para 2
- 2nd gulf war - us occupation, chaos, starvation, water purification systems destroyed
- suez crisis - destroyed britain and france's dominance
- 1st gulf war - failure to remove saddam meant that un forces had to go to iraq to look for wmd
the most important turning point in relations between the great powers and the middle east from 1908-2011 was the gulf war in 1991. how far do you agree? - para 3
- nationalisation of suez - britain and france no longer received the tariffs businesses had to pay for using it
- oil embargo - us had to appease arab nations more
- 1st gulf war
egypt was the dominant arab state in the middle east in the period from 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
yes it was
- political stability
- freedom from great powers
- improvement of socioeconomic conditions
egypt was the dominant arab state in the middle east in the period from 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- british dominance, therefore not dominant, but monarchy overthrown in early 1950s
- controlled uar (however, syria instigated)
- mubarack - leader in negotiations with israel
egypt was the dominant arab state in the middle east in the period from 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- before full independence, their monarchy was a puppet for british interests
- nasser removed british influence
- stood up to great powers in suez
egypt was the dominant arab state in the middle east in the period from 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- arab socialism - improved welfare
- no major revolutions/ internal wars (unlike iran, iraq, syria)
how far did differences between ethnic groups influence political relations in the middle east from 1908-2011? - para headings
- minorities/ideologies
- involvement of great powers
- aim for independent, stable states
how far did differences between ethnic groups influence political relations in the middle east from 1908-2011? - para 1
- jews v palestinians - each want a homeland in the same place
- shia v sunni - iraq = shia majority, powerful sunni; syria = sunni majority, powerful shia
- kurds - large majority, spread across multiple countries so disrupted the political landscape in each of these
how far did differences between ethnic groups influence political relations in the middle east from 1908-2011? - para 2
- mandates - britian making different promises to jews/arabs
- support for jewish state
- oil embargo - new support for arab states
how far did differences between ethnic groups influence political relations in the middle east from 1908-2011? - para 3
- want for independent states
- pan-arab state - uar
- peace talks
to what extent have the great powers achieved their aims in the middle east in the period 1908-2011? - para headings
- economic interests
- dominance/power
- secure boundaries
to what extent have the great powers achieved their aims in the middle east in the period 1908-2011? - para 1
- britain and france - protect the suez to maintain oil supplies
- ussr wanted influence in iran to have oil supplies
- unsuccessful - oil embargo but us helped arab states more after
to what extent have the great powers achieved their aims in the middle east in the period 1908-2011? - para 2
- czech arms deal - ussr influence in egypt
- eisenhower doctrine - us support for states threatened
- us dominance after collapse of soviet union
to what extent have the great powers achieved their aims in the middle east in the period 1908-2011? - para 3
- mandates, creating independent states
- un forces to secure boundaries
- peacekeeping - us holding talks
conflict between zionists and palestinians from 1908-2011 have been primarily been caused by disputes over settlements. how far do you agree? - para headings
- secure state boundaries
- social issues
- warfare
conflict between zionists and palestinians from 1908-2011 have been primarily been caused by disputes over settlements. how far do you agree? - para 1
- agree - un partition plan
- agree - settlements on west bank
- agree - occupies territories
conflict between zionists and palestinians from 1908-2011 have been primarily been caused by disputes over settlements. how far do you agree? - para 2
- disagree - plan d, leading to refugee problem
- disagree - refugee problem
- agree - lack of access to water
conflict between zionists and palestinians from 1908-2011 have been primarily been caused by disputes over settlements. how far do you agree? - para 3
- agree - loss of land in 6dw
- disagree - plo - blakc september in munich olympics
- disagree - intifadas
to what extent did the reasons for the development of pan-arabism in the period 1908-2011 remain the same? - para headings
reasons did not remain the same
- ideology/culture/socioeconomics
- politics
- remove western influence
to what extent did the reasons for the development of pan-arabism in the period 1908-2011 remain the same? - para 1
- shared desire to recognise a shared culture and language
- jewish state/immigration
to what extent did the reasons for the development of pan-arabism in the period 1908-2011 remain the same? - para 2
- want a pan-arab state/freedom from the great powers
- nation states - syria, iraq, egypt
- arab league/education
to what extent did the reasons for the development of pan-arabism in the period 1908-2011 remain the same? - para 3
- securing independence form mandates
- fight against western involvement in war
defending their economic interests was always the most important aim of the great powers in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- economics
- peacekeeping
- competition/influence
defending their economic interests was always the most important aim of the great powers in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- britain - control of suez
- oil - yom kippur, oil embargo
- oil - after saddam's invasion of kuwait
defending their economic interests was always the most important aim of the great powers in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- helping them become independent states
- un peacekeeping force on egyptian/israeli border
- us brokering peace process
defending their economic interests was always the most important aim of the great powers in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- britain v france - mandates
- us v ussr for the largest sphere of influence during the cold war, capitalism v communism
- after cold war - not as us had dominance
assess the reason why there has been so much conflict between zionists and palestinians in the period 1908-2011. - para headings
- great power influence
- socioeconomics/wars
- geopolitics
assess the reason why there has been so much conflict between zionists and palestinians in the period 1908-2011. - para 1
- balfour declaration vs mcmahon hussein letters
- support for israel in wars
- not considering plo in negotiations until 1993 oslo accords
assess the reason why there has been so much conflict between zionists and palestinians in the period 1908-2011. - para 2
- palestinian refugees
- plo/arab states
- water
assess the reason why there has been so much conflict between zionists and palestinians in the period 1908-2011. - para 3
- both want homelands - partition plan
- extremists on both sides - disrupting peace process
- occupied territories
the sunni and shia divide was the most important cause of religious tensions in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- ideology
- land
- great powers
the sunni and shia divide was the most important cause of religious tensions in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- sunni-shia tension in syria and iraq (minority having the most power)
- iranian revolution (shia) - islamicism
- saddam - persecution of shia muslims
the sunni and shia divide was the most important cause of religious tensions in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- arab-israeli - jewish immigration
- creation of jewish state
- refugees - right to return
the sunni and shia divide was the most important cause of religious tensions in the middle east in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- mandates - dividing up areas
- support for some others - israel
- involvement in iraq 1990 ->
to what extent did the reasons for great power involvement in war in the middle east change in the period 1908-2011? - para headings
- economic interests
- competing for power
- secure boundaries
there were different reasons, however they all ultimately stem down to economic interest
to what extent did the reasons for great power involvement in war in the middle east change in the period 1908-2011? - para 1
- britain and france - protect the suez to maintain oil supplies
- ussr wanted influence in iran to have oil supplies
- protection of oil - embargo
to what extent did the reasons for great power involvement in war in the middle east change in the period 1908-2011? - para 2
- czech arms deal
- biltmore declaration
- us dominance after collapse of ussr - no longer a need to compete
to what extent did the reasons for great power involvement in war in the middle east change in the period 1908-2011? - para 3
- mandates, creating independent states
- un forces to secure boundaries
- peacekeeping - us holding talks
the attitude of zionist and israeli leaders has been the main reason why it has been so difficult to find a solution to the palestinian issues in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- homeland/politics
- ideology
- settlements/socec
the attitude of zionist and israeli leaders has been the main reason why it has been so difficult to find a solution to the palestinian issues in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- zionist v pan-arab
- david ben-gurion in 1947-8 war, said that war had to occur
- netenyahu - settlements on west bank and water
the attitude of zionist and israeli leaders has been the main reason why it has been so difficult to find a solution to the palestinian issues in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- britain and us
- us fully supported israel until 1973
- trying to resolve issue - peacemaking
the attitude of zionist and israeli leaders has been the main reason why it has been so difficult to find a solution to the palestinian issues in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- refugees - israel not allowing palestinian refugees to return
- occupied territories - israel not letting wb and gaza to be independent
- fuelling plo - refugee camps
of all the ethnic groups in the middle east, the kurds have had the greatest impact on the politics of the area during the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- warfare
- political stability
- actions of the great powers
of all the ethnic groups in the middle east, the kurds have had the greatest impact on the politics of the area during the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- support from iran in i-i war to try to topple saddam
- arab-israeli violence 1947-9
- plo - palestinian violence
of all the ethnic groups in the middle east, the kurds have had the greatest impact on the politics of the area during the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- 35 million across multiple unstable countries
- jewish immigration
- sunni v shia - iraq
of all the ethnic groups in the middle east, the kurds have had the greatest impact on the politics of the area during the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- us support for kurds against saddam
- us suppport for jews
- czech arms deal - ussr and egypt
the creation of the state of israel was the most important turning point in the development of the palestinian issue in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
importance determined by:
- political stability
- socioeconomic issues
- great power involvement
the creation of the state of israel was the most important turning point in the development of the palestinian issue in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- creation of israel - would make it more difficult for palestinians to be able to get land
- occupied territories after 6 day war - small but housing lots of palestinians
- mandates - britian deciding to help jews not palestinians
the creation of the state of israel was the most important turning point in the development of the palestinian issue in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- creation of israel
- refugees - poor conditions, not allowed to return
- oil - suez
the creation of the state of israel was the most important turning point in the development of the palestinian issue in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- creation of israel - western support
- oil embargo - somewhat helped to resolve it
- un resolution 242 - restore boundaries to pre-1967 levels
to what extent has the progress of arabism been limited in the period from 1908-2011? - para headings
- political stability/interests of leaders
- actions of the great powers
- social factors
to what extent has the progress of arabism been limited in the period from 1908-2011? - para 1
- mandates - struggle for independence
- uar failure - despite all wanting united arab state, each leader had too much conflict with one another preventing it
- nasser's death - end of pan-arabism, however start of pan-islamism
to what extent has the progress of arabism been limited in the period from 1908-2011? - para 2
- pursuing balfour instead of mcmahon-hussein
- us support for jews/israel - meant arab states focussed on countering this rather than pursuing a pan-arab state
- not recognising palestinian refugees in peace talks
to what extent has the progress of arabism been limited in the period from 1908-2011? - para 3
- palestinian refugees
- arab socialism has progressed
- failures in 6dw and yom kippur
throughout the period 1908-2011, minorities in the middle east have been the victims of persecution. how far do you agree? - para headings
- ideology
- social conditions
- military
throughout the period 1908-2011, minorities in the middle east have been the victims of persecution. how far do you agree? - para 1
- not - powerful sunnis in iraq
- jews - not accepted by other states, want israel to be destroyed
- minority islamicist groups have helped minorities - welfare assistance
throughout the period 1908-2011, minorities in the middle east have been the victims of persecution. how far do you agree? - para 2
- palestinian refugees - forced to leave their country, plan d
- christian persecution in egypt
- kurds - not allowed citizenship/unprotected minority status
throughout the period 1908-2011, minorities in the middle east have been the victims of persecution. how far do you agree? - para 3
- chemical weapons against shia/kurds in iraq
- not - shia islamicism in iran
- warfare against jews - by arab states
political, religious and ethnic minorities have been unsuccessful in achieving their aims in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para headings
- freedom from persecution
- creating an independent state
- achieving support from great powers
political, religious and ethnic minorities have been unsuccessful in achieving their aims in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 1
- palestinians - agree, plan d and refugees
- christians - agree, egypt and armenia
- shia and kurds - agree, chemical weapons
political, religious and ethnic minorities have been unsuccessful in achieving their aims in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 2
- palestinians - agree, mcmahon-hussein
- jews - disagree, israel
- kurds - agree, largest minority with no homeland
political, religious and ethnic minorities have been unsuccessful in achieving their aims in the period 1908-2011. how far do you agree? - para 3
- palestinians - agree, not initially included in peace talks
- jews - disagree, balfour, support from us
- kurds - disagree, support in i-i war and 1st gulf war
the major turning point in arab-israeli relations was the 6 day war. how far do you agree with this statement? - para headings
relations measured by:
- social conditions
- involvement from other nations
- fight for a homeland
the major turning point in arab-israeli relations was the 6 day war. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 1
- plan d - palestinian refugees 1 million after first a-i war
- 6dw - occupied territories gained by israel, poor treatment of palestinians
- settlements and water - netenyahu
the major turning point in arab-israeli relations was the 6 day war. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 2
- support for jewish homeland
- yom kippur - more consideration for arabs
- 6dw - un forces on israeli-egyptian border
the major turning point in arab-israeli relations was the 6 day war. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 3
- creation of israel - refugees
- 6dw - israel gaining land
- peace talks
the major turning point in the arab-israeli relations was the camp david agreement. how far do you agree with this statement? - para headings
relations measured by:
- social conditions
- land
- methods to reduce conflict
the major turning point in the arab-israeli relations was the camp david agreement. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 1
- plan d -> palestinian refugees
- oslo accords - palestinian elections (independence), more israeli withdrawals
- cda - little consideration for palestinian refugees (however it was needed to begin further peace negotiations)
the major turning point in the arab-israeli relations was the camp david agreement. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 2
- 6dw - occupied territories
- cda - israel agreed to withdraw from sinai
- un partition plan
the major turning point in the arab-israeli relations was the camp david agreement. how far do you agree with this statement? - para 3
- un resolution 242 - live in secure boundaries free from acts of force
- cda
- yom kippur war - us more balanced view of arab and israeli
do you agree that the major turning point for the great powers' influence in the middle east was the suez crisis? - para headings
measured by:
- economic interests
- military
- competing with other great powers
do you agree that the major turning point for the great powers' influence in the middle east was the suez crisis? - para 1
- oil
- suez - nationalisation
- czech arms deal
do you agree that the major turning point for the great powers' influence in the middle east was the suez crisis? - para 2
- suez
- war on terror
- 6dw
do you agree that the major turning point for the great powers' influence in the middle east was the suez crisis? - para 3
- cold war - czech arms deal
- suez
- eisenhower doctrine