Dr. Zheng's October midterm lectures 1-3
Year of the establishment of College of Health and Human Sciences (HHS)
Year of the establishment of School of Health Sciences (HSCI)
Well-known research specialties in HSCI
Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences
Radiological Health Science
Fastest growing healthcare jobs in 2023 by U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Nurse practitioner
Medical and Health Service Managers
Physician Assistants
Why are jobs in healthcare professions in high demand?
American are getting older and living longer - more aging patients in clinics than ever before
Aging America = more healthcare workers retiring
Affordable Care act increased access to healthcare for millions of people
New diseases like COVID-19 and Monkeypox
5-P advice from the instructor
Prior Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
A particular distinctive process in the body with a specific cause and characteristic symptoms, could be transmitted from one person to another.
Irregularity, disturbance, or interruption of normal body functions, usually not transmissible
Goals of health science professions: what do they deal with?
Diseases, causes, treatment and prevention
Allied (private) Health Professions
Focus on Disease and Patients
Diagnose diseases/disorders
Treat diseases/disorders
Care for patients
Serve for patients' well being
Public Health Science Professions
Focus on Diseases, Causes and Prevention
Identify the causes
Discover new means for treatment
Prevent the disease from occurring
Promote public health
Examples of Allied healthcare professions
Physical Therapist
Dental Hygienist
Physician Assistant
Examples of primary health providers
Category of health services provided by the US healthcare system:
Diagnose and treatment services
the most used healthcare service found in hospitals, clinics, etc.
Category of health services provided by the US healthcare system:
Rehabilitation Services
Restoration to normal or near normal function
Homes, community centers, rehab institutions, hospitals, outpatient settings and extended care facilities
Category of health services provided by the US healthcare system
Health promotion services
Promote better health through lifestyle changes
Hospitals, clinics, etc.
Category of health services provided by the US healthcare system:
Disease prevention services
Offer assistance in reducing the threat of illness due to environmental or occupational conditions
Nonprofit hospitals (79%)
Private owned hospitals
Voluntary hospitals: owned and operated by religious groups
Community hospitals: independent, nonprofit corporations of local citizens interested in providing hospital care for their community
Public (government) owned hospitals: financed and operated by government agencies
For-profit hospitals (21%)
Private owned by investors or shareholders of a publicly traded company
Types of managed healthcare organizations in the US:
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)
Fixed fee for basic and supplemental health maintenance and treatment services
Must use designated facilities and limited choice of clinicians
Types of managed healthcare organizations in the US:
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPOs)
High fee for services
Better choices and flexibility
Types of managed healthcare organizations in the U.S.
Association plans
Like if you’re associated with an organization you get special insurance
Roles of federal government regarding healthcare:
Finances research and individual health care for the elderly and indigent
Zero authority to provide direct individual services
Role of local/state government regarding healthcare:
provide public health services
Role of healthcare providers regarding healthcare
provide individual healthcare
In general, who finances the U.S. healthcare system, U.S. government, state government, non-governmental funds, individual patients, and/or consumers through private health insurance?
Individual patients and private health insurance
Federal insurance program for people 65 and older
Run by HHS's Health Care Financing Administration
Government pays hospital bills
Federal-state cooperative health insurance plan for the indigent
Many private facilities and physicians do not accept patients who have this plan because of low reimbursement or denial of payments for services provided
% of healthcare workers in all U.S. workers
Leading causes of death in the U.S. by CDC
Heart disease
Chronic lower respiratory disease
Alzheimer's disease
Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis
Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis