Cashmore and Troyna (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Immigrants faced racism and hostility, 'turned inwards', asserting own ethnic identity and shared label of 'black'
Hebdige (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Rastafarianism, subculture and resist racism
Ghuman (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Tradition, religion and family values played an important role in upbringing of second generation Asians in UK
Anwar (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
"Culture clash", family source of conflict for Asian children because of the Western influence, girls less freedom and cultures mix at school
Butler (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Family puts pressure on control of women and girls defined their ethnicity and identity as Muslim
Watson (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Generational gaps
Driver and Ballard (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Indian families place great value on education, best grades and high ambitions
Archer and Francis (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
British-Chinese students, educational success is part of their identity
Coard (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
British National Curriculum is ethnocentric, based around one particular culture while ignoring others
Gillborn (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
"Self-fulfilling Prophecy" and teachers institutionally racist to black boys
Alexander (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
"Myth of the Asian gang" and exaggerated by media
Hall (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
'The White Eye', not true reflection and more positive now
Moghissi (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Muslims in the media are 'huddled together', moral panic, Muslim women victims of honour killings and males stereotyped as terrorists
Sewell (Traditional Ethnic Identities)
Black boys in media, participation in crime, relationship between gender and ethnicity, media and peer group, role model and cultural comfort zones
Back (Changing Ethnic Identities Postmodernism)
Two council estates, hybrid identities, cultural masks and cultural borrowing
Gill (Changing Ethnic Identities Postmodernism)
Blasian, code switching and brasian
Burdsey (Changing Ethnic Identities Postmodernism)
Second and third generation British Asian footballers and code switching
Nayak (Changing Ethnic Identities Postmodernism)
'White Wannabes'
Butler (Changing Ethnic Identities Postmodernism)
Family puts pressure on control of women and girls defined their ethnicity and identity as Muslim
Phillips (National Identities)
National curriculum, history lessons and connected
Schuden (National Identities)
Common national culture
Kumar (National Identities)
National identity is elusive, missionary nationalism and quest to expand Britishness may have diluted Englishness
Cashmore and Troyna (National Identities)
Cultural resistance, immigrants faced racism and hostility, 'turned inwards', asserting own ethnic identity and shared label of 'black'
Hewitt (National Identities)
'White backlash', preferential treatment of ethnic minorities and victimised in education
Hall (National Identities)
Globalisation, cultural homogenisation, cultural hybridity and cultural resistance
Fairweather and Rogerson (National Identities)
Cultural homogenisation, computer software, advertising, antisocial behaviour and digital communication