Things occuring in the environment:
A car speeds towards us
A school bell sounds
Cognition: the mental process of acquiring and processing knowledge
Emotion: the body’s adaptive response to a particular situation
Two factor theory of emotion: an emotional experience that comes from a cognitive label and some physiological arousal
When someone experiences emotion, physiological arousal occurs and the person uses the immediate environment to search for emotional cues to label the physiological arousal
This cause result in misinterpretations of emotions based on physiological arousal
The knowledge about injections (Epi Inf, Epi Mis, Epi Ign)
The emotional situation the ppt was placed into (euphoria or anger)
Observational data recorded by 2 observers in a one-way mirror → to what extent the ppt acted in a euphoric or angry way
Self-report ppts completed following the emotional arousal
joins in the activity
initiates a new activity
watches stooge
ignores stooge
Based on participant’s response:
agreed with a comment (+2)
disagreed with a comment (-2)
neutral to a comment (0)
initiates agreement/disagreement (+2 or -2)
watches stooge (0)
ignores stooge (-1)
184 male college students in an introductory course to psychology, at the University of Minnesota
They received course credit for their participation
University health records of all ppts were checked to ensure no harmful effects from injections
Volunteer sample
The study was advertised to students who were part of a participant pool
From Univ. of Minnesota
They received 2 extra points in their final exam
Side effects of the injection:
Your hand will start to shake
Your heart will start to pound
Your face may get warm and flushed
Provided an explanation for their feelings
Told they could expect some side effects:
Your feet will feel numb
You will have an itching sensation over parts of your body
You may get a slight headache
Ppts wouldn’t have any explanation for actual side effects - control condition
Ppts were left in a room with another ppt (the stooge)
They were told they needed to wait 20 minutes for ‘Suproxin’ to be fully absorbed
0 to 4
e.g) How good or happy they felt
0 to 3
e.g) Did they feel any tremor?
announced the experiment was over
They explained the deception and its necessity
Answered any questions
Swore subjects to secrecy
Opening the window and hurled paper balls at passersby, while laughing
Jumping on the table, then spinning a hula hoop on his neck and the other on his leg
If a person is aroused with no immediate explanation, they will describe their feelings in terms of the cognitions available.
When an individual is aroused and has an explanation, they won't label their feelings in terms of the cognition available.
If an aroused person is in a situation which in the past could have made them emotional, they would be emotional again.
Epi Misinformed (1.9 self-report)
Epi Ign (1.78 self-report)
More susceptible to stooge because they were unaware of why their bodies felt the way they did
Placebo (1.61)
Epi Inf - understood why they felt the way they did (.98)
Epi Mis (22.56)
Epi Ign (18.28)
Placebo (16)
Epi Inf (12.72)
Epi Ign
Epi Inf
Epi Inf (1.91)
Place (1.63)
Epi Ign (1.39)
a pulse increase and high amounts of tremors (placebo group experienced the opposite)
Largest pulse increase in anger: Epi Ign compared to Epi Inf
Epi Inf claimed to have experienced fewer palpitations than Epi Ign
In all the epinephrine conditions, the pulse rate increased for all participants - biological reaction as it is a hormone being released into the bloodstream
In the euphoria condition, the Epi Mis group produced the highest activity index score compared to all other groups. This is because the participants may have been choosing environmental cues to explain their feelings.
Some participants may have joined in the activities because of their personality type, e.g. being more extraverted
Some participants may have joined in the activities because of the environment of having the stooge act in a certain way