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development milestones
functional goals for a child
education of all handicapped children act (EHCA)
passed in 1975, was that all children age 6 to 21 years of age regardless of disability are entitled to free and appropriate public education
Individuals with disabilities education act (IDEA)
children from birth till age 5. are able to go to school and you are required to give them the least restrictive environment
development delay
a child that has not attained predictable movement patterns or behavior associated with children of a similar chronologic age
a severe disorder in the group of conditions called PDDs
congenital muscular torticollis (CMT)
one condition that may be associated with these in utero constraints
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
inflammation of connective tissue manifested as a painful inflamed joint
position of the affected foot, which is turned inward and slanted downward
development dysplasia of the hip
results from abnormal devlopment of structres surrounding the hip joint
Down syndrome
Congenital development disability caused by presence of a extra copy chromosome
Activities of daily living (ADL)
PT for older people to perform activities such as bathing, cooking, and dressing
Instrumentals activities of daily living (IADLs)
For older people to perform activities such as using public transportation and shopping
well ederly
65 years of age or older who are NOT experiencing physical limitations
Frail elderly
people over 65 years of age with conditions that impair daily functions
Older peoples hearing
Decreased activity or movement
Bone joint disease most commonly found in African Americans
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Disease of the immune system that cause chronic inflammation of the joints more common in women 40-60 years of age
Common disease in older people its decreased mineralization of the bones
Functional reach test
Measures how FAR the person can reach forward without losing balance
Dynamic balance
How long it takes the older person to walk a set distance
plaque build up in inner wall which decreases elasticity of vessel
myocardial infraction
lack of oxygen due to blockage of blood flow to heart
insufficient blood flow
chest pain from ishemia
congestive heart failure
heart is compromised to the point it can not move blood volume effectively
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
group of disorders the produce a chronic productive cough, excessive mucus production, changes in sound when air passes bronchial tube, and shortness of breath
inflammation of bronchi
trapping of air in alveoli
peripheral airway disease
collapse of terminal bronchioles
bronchial asthma
spasm like contractions of bronchi
cystic fibrosis
dysfunction of mucus glands, causing blockage of bronchi
restrictive lung disease
decrease in lungs ability to expand causing decrease in the volume of air that can move in and out of the lungs
cardiac muscle dysfunction
various conditions associated with heart failure
coronary heart disease
arteriosclerosis in coronary arteries
diaphragm and lungs contract ton increase in space in thoracic cavity
diaphragm and lungs expand to breath
conducting airways
tubes that transport air to and from the lungs
shortness of breath
tool used to measure various volumes and airflow ratio
description of specific disease
maximum level of improvement patient will experience
clot formed by substance detached from elsewhere
exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen between a person and cell
cardiac catheterization
passing of catheter into an artery until it reaches a heart then measures how much pressure is generated in chambers
percutaneous coronary interventions
mechanically dilating a blood vessel
high frequency ultrasound used o asses size of heart chamber pumping ability, and the motion of chamber walls and heart valves
assessment of heart rate and rhythm
exercise stress testing
how cardiovascular and pulmonary systems respond to controlled increased activity
chest imaging
baseline images that provide info if there is fluid in the lungs, air spaces, rib fractures, heart size, and nodules in lungs
tube placed in bronchial tube to permit visualization of structures and suction any secretion
pulmonary function test
assessment of respitory musculature and integrity of airways and lung tissue
blood and gas analysis
assessing arterial blood to determine concentration of oxygen and carbon dioxide
coronary artery bypass graft
attaching a small artery to a point beyond blockage to reestablish blood flow
A form of neural tube defect that results from a lack of the neural tube closure at the base of the brain. Not compatible with life and results in fetal death or death shortly after delivery.
Cerebral palsy (CP)
Group of conditions caused by a non-progressive lesion on the brain most often it has its origin before birth, at birth, or after birth and is caused by an interruption of oxygen to the brain of the fetus or new born.
A neural developmental disorder characterized by impairments in social interaction, communication skills, and repetitive behaviors.
Club foot
Disorder in which the foot is turned inward and slanted upward
Congenital muscular torticolis (CMT)
(Twisted neck) the muscle extending down the side of the neck is tight and shortened. An infant holds his or her head to one side and has difficulties turning the head
Cystic fibrosis (CF)
Most common inherited chronic pulmonary disease among white children, characterized by production of thick mucous with progressive lung damage
Developmental coordination disorder (DCD)
Motor condition in children with dysfunctions and motor coordination problems such as: awkward running, frequent falling, slow reaction times, immature balance reactions, poor handwriting, difficulty with AILDs
Developmental delay
Failure to obtain predictable movement patterns or behaviors associated with children of a similar chronological age
Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH)
Dislocation caused from abnormal development of structures surrounding the hip joint; allows the head of the femur to move in and out of the hip socket
Developmental milestone
Movement pattern that appears at a certain stage of growth and development
Disablement process
Examination that focuses on an individual's impairments, functional limitations, disability, and resultant restrictions in activities
Down syndrome
Congenital developmental disability caused by a defect of chromosome 21 (trisomy 21)
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD)
Progressive pelvic muscle weakness and waisting in a male child, combined with enlarged yet weak thigh muscles and tight heel chords
Dynamical systems theory
Treatment approach in children that incorporate all of the body's systems with the environment to facilitate or inhibit movements, emphasizes the process of moving rather than the product of a movement
Eclectic approach
Combination of therapeutic approaches used by the physical therapist and thought to be useful for a treatment of a given client
Enablement process
Examination process focusing on an individual's structural body and concurrent abilities while addressing age appropriate movement patterns and activities
Family assessment
Family interview, survey, or discussion used to obtain the families insights regarding a patient, especially a child; family history, relationships, concerns, needs, resources
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
Most severe condition in a continuum of alcohol induced disabilities related to high levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy
Goal-directed movement approach
Treatment approach that emphasizes the importance of task and environment features as a primary impetus for movement
Individualized education plan ( IEP)
A collaboration of therapists and family members, educators, and other healthcare team members to provide direct intervention in the classroom setting
Individualized family service plan (IFSP)
Detailed total plan of care for the child and the context of the family unit
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA)
Rheumatic disease characterized by inflammation of the connective tissue that manifests as a painful inflamed joint
begins in childhood
Benign herniation of meninges manifesting as a soft tissue cyst or lump surrounding a normal spinal cord and producing no neurologic deficits
Open congenital spinal cord region with minimal to no skin protection covering the deeper nerve roots most severe of these cases results in loss of motor function and sensation of the lower part of the body
Neural tube defect
The neural tube fails to clothes completely during the first month of gestational development
Neural developmental treatment (NDT)
Analyzes and treats neurologic disorders of posture an movement. Uses a motivating environment and a patients active participation.manual facilitation and inhibition techniques are employed by the therapist to present the patient with a "normal" sensory experience
Norm referenced
Assessment based on a large number of participants to create a comparison group
Normal developmental theory
Therapy goals and objectives that are designed to follow the progression of a normal motor development, this assumes children with central nervous system damage will acquire motor skills in a similar way as children with normal developing systems
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI)
Common and severe bone impairment of genetic origin, affects the formation of collagen during bone development resulting in frequent fractures during fetal and new-born period
Pervasive developmental disorder (PDD) (PDI)
A group of disorders of neural development characterized by impairments and social interaction and communication and the presence of unusual behaviour a such as repeating actions and poor play skills
Deformation of the skull during development caused by prolonged positioning in uterine or in the first few months of life
Prenatal cocaine exposure
Fetal exposure to cocaine in utero owing to maternal cocaine use during pregnancy symptoms after birth include hyper irritability, poor feeding patterns, high respiratory and heart rates, increase tremulous, irregular sleeping patterns
Lateral curvature of the spine; may be idiopathic neuromuscular or congenital
Secondary condition
Condition that is potentially preventable and is a direct or indirect consequence of inadequate attention to a disability
Sensory integration (SI)
Technique based on the theory that poor integration and use of sensory input (feedback) prevent subsequent motor planning (output)
Providing controlled vestibular and somatosensory experiences enables the child to integrate the sensory info. To evoke a spontaneous, functional response
Spina bifida
Congenital incomplete closure of the vertabrae
Spina bifida aculta
Congenital incomplete closure of a vertebrae (separation of the spinous process) that is not associated with disability
Spinal muscular atrophy
Genetic disorder characterized by severe muscle weakness in infancy and progressive respiratory failure
Standardized testing
Type of formal test in which the evaluation procedures remain the same when administered by different therapists and at various test locations
arterial insufficiency
deficiency or occlusion of blood flow through an artery
chronic inflammation
low grade, protracted inflammatory process
supportive, strong, and fibrous connective tissue protein that is found in dermis, tendon, cartilage fascia, ligament, and bone.
portion of the skin directly under the dermis; made up of fibrous connective tissue and supports sweat glands, sebaceous glands, nerves, and nerve endings, blood and lymph vessels, hair follicles and their allied smooth muscle
outer layer of the skin