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**Major Beliefs of Hinduism**
* polytheistic
* reincarnation
* karma
* world’s oldest religion (asia)
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**Major Beliefs of Buddhism**
* ancient religion w no holy book
* goal is to be enlightened
* four noble truths
* polytheistic
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**Major Beliefs of Judaism**
* Oldest monotheistic religion
* Guided by the Ten Commandments
* Founded by Abraham 
* Monotheistic (god)
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**Major Beliefs of Christianity**
* Holy Bible
* Spread of Christianity through the roman empire
* Followers of Jesus
* Monotheistic (god)
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**Major Beliefs of Islam**
* prophet Mohammed 
* Quran
* Five Pillars of Islam (central beliefs)
* Monotheistic (Allah)
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**Major Beliefs of Daoism**
* Living in harmony with nature
* Ying and yang
* Ancient traditions of philosophy and religious belief
* The Tao, “the way” (everything is unified and connected to the Tao)
* Originates 2000 years ago in China
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**Major Beliefs of Confucianism**
* Founded by Confucius
* More of a philosophy than religion combined with other religions
* Golden Rule
* 5 basic relationships = orderly society
* Teachings collected in the *Analects*
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* Belief in many gods
* Hinduism
* Buddhism
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* Belief in only one god
* Judaism (oldest)
* Christianity
* Islam
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**Mandate of Heaven**
* If there's an evil ruler, the god(s) will send a sign
* The sign is often a storm, drought, or famine
* This means the emperor/ruler has to step down
* God permitted rulers to rule
* China dynasties
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**Civil Service Exam**
* Originated in China
* A test to ensure the capabilities of government workers
* Have to pass to work in government
* Gets rid of getting government positions through family/ties
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**Cultural Exchange**
* Concept of ideas (religions, inventions) spreading
* Spread due to trade
* Happens throughout history
* ex// Buddhism spreading to Japan from China
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* A loyal warrior who acted as a bodyguard for lords
* Feudal Japan
* Dying an honorable death > living a long life
* Land for service (land from lords)
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* Demanding code f behavior for samurais
* Show courage
* Reverence for gods
* Fairness
* Generosity towards the weaker
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* State in Japan ruled by a Shogun
* Shoguns were supreme generals of the emperor’s army
* They often ruled through puppet emperors (figureheads)
* They were highest in the feudal system
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**Division of the Mongol Empire**
* Empire was broken up into khanates
* Broken up by Gengis Khan’s grandkids
* Most famous - Kublai Khan (ruled Yuan dynasty)
* Kamikaze (failed to overtake japan bc of storm and island)
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**Products of Trans-Saharan Trade Network**
* Across the Sahara desert
* Gold and salt
* Gold traded north
* Camels
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**Trans-Arabian Trade Network**
* Silk Road coming from China
* East to West
* Disease
* Middle East became the intersection of world trade
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**Accomplishments of Mansa Musa**
* Religion (Islam)
* Journey to Mecca (haj)
* Grew empire to twice the size of Ghana (governors ruled provinces)
* Royal control over gold-salt trade
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* Lived in city-states
* Practiced human sacrifice 
* Had a written language (glyphs, wrote in codex {book})
* Had calendars which had gods of the day (religion was basis of their life)
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* Largest 
* Practiced human sacrifice
* Did not have a written language
* Knots and ties (quipo) for communication/records
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* Sun god
* Built capital city around body of water
* Practiced human sacrifice
* Were originally nomadic
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**Middle Ages**
* 500 to 1500 (european)
* Between the Roman empire falling and the renaissance beginning
* Church was very powerful
* Franks, Charlemagne, holy roman empire
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**Cause of Feudalism**
* Invasions (Muslims, nagars, Vikings)
* Protection for service
* Gauarentee safety
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**Effects of the Crusades**
* Holy war, going off to retake the holy land (middle east)
* Crusaders - kights
* Decreased the power of the church
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**Effects of the Great Schism**
* During the middle ages
* Split in the church
* Two popes
* Decrease in the power of the church
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**Effects of the Bubonic plague**
* Came from the mongols 
* Killed about half of the european population
* Decreased the power of the chruch
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* Beginning of the renaissance
* Study of philosophy/history / individual achievement
* Humanism is the intellectual movement focused on human achievements
* Reflected through realistic pieces in art
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**Renaissance Man**
* Man who excels in many fields (well-rounded)
* Classics, art, politics, combat
* *The Courtier teaches how to become a “universal” person*
* Leonardo da Vinci: ultimate renaissance man
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**Renaissance Woman**
* Upper-class and charming, vocal, confidence
* Educated in classics
* Expected to inspire art but not create it
* Isabella d’Este, patron of artists, wields power in Mantua
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**The Printing Press**
* Allowed books and pamphlets to be made faster and cheaper
* Spread the revolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation
* The Gutenberg Bible - first book to be printed on the printing press
* Led to increase in education
* Johann Gutenberg - 1400s
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**Martin Luther**
* Began a movement to reform practices in the Chruch that be believed were wrong
* German monk
* Protest the corruption of the church (indulgences)
* Never recants and sticks by his word
* Makes own relgion (protestant / lutherans)
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**Luther’s 95 Point Thesis**
* His 95 problems with the church
* Printed w the printing press
* Spread like crazy around europe
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**Galileo Galilei**
* Scientific revolution
* Telescope (used telescope / improved it)(Kepler is the inventor)
* Proved the helicentric theory
* Recants and went to jail but took back what he said
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**The Anglican Church**
* Official church of England
* Leader is the french monarch
* Did it to divorce his wife
* Segment of prodestant faith
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**The Trans-Atlantic Trade Network** 
* Experation across the atlantic
* The goal is to spread god, glory, goods, gold
* Taking proffets across the atlantic
* Columbus, Cortez
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**Motivating Factors for the Age of Exploration**
* Gold
* Glory
* Goods
* Spread god
* Greed
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**Laws of Nature**
* Laws of science
* Gravity
* Concept of are laws of nature diff for each person (answer - always the same)
* Enlightenment ideas
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**Johannes Kelper**
* He used telescope to prove Earth’s orbit was an elliptical instead of a circle
* Proved Copernicus’ basic ideas were true
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**Rene Descartes**
* “I think, therefore I am” (dont trust anyone, question everything)
* Developed analytical geometry (algerba + geometry linked, new tool for scientific research)
* Believed everything should be doubted until proven
* Relied on mathematics and logic
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**Francis Bacon**
* Urged scientists to experiment and then draw conclusions
* Attacked medieval scholars for relying on the conclusions of ancient thinkers
* Believed that a better understanding of the world would generate practical knowledge that would improve people’s lives
* Empiricism (experimental method)
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**Thomas Hobbes**
* Believed that humans were naturally selfish and wicked
* Thought that people should hand over their rights to a strong government
* Social contract
* Wanted an absolute monarchy/ruler
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**John Locke**
* Believed people could learn from experience and improve themselves
* All people are born free and equal 
* Natural rights (if government fails to protect them, overthrow the government)
* Democracy 
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**Natural Rights**
* Life
* Liberty
* Property
* The purpose of government is to protect these rights
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**Baron de Montesquieu**
* separation of powers
* “Power should be a check to power”
* *On the Spirit of Laws, his famous book*
* Believed britian was the best governed of his time (republic)
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**The Estates General**
* French revolution
* The meeting place of the early french revolution
* Third estate - bottom, carrying the load (money)
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**Causes of the French Revolution**
* Enlightenment ideas
* American revolution inspired
* Poor leadership
* Economic issues
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**The Jacobins**
* Radical revolutionary club
* Home of robespierre and c.o.p.s
* Caused reign of terror
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**Objectives of the Moderate Phase of the French Revolution**
* Not extreme
* Originally wanted to create a constitutional monarch
* Shifted to radical
* Started moderate (french rev) 
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**Objectives of the Radical Phase of the French Revolution**
* Leads to no king
* French republic
* Kill the king
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**The Reign of Terror**
* 40,000 french died (mostly peasants)
* After king was executed
* No one is safe from guiotene
* robespierre
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**The Role of Horses in the Mongol Empire**
* Main form of transportation
* Companion
* 1 horse + 3 others per mongol
* The reason theyre such great warriors
* Mongols are nomads
* Live on asian steppe (flat plain) (sutable for horse
* Pastoralist - herd domesticated animals
* Key component to military success (speed)
* Allows them to travel 120 miles a day
* Greatest soldiers in the world bc of horses
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**Feudalism - Causes, Classes, Benefits, and Obligations**
* Begins during middle ages, after charlemagne (900)
* Arose for protection from vikings, muslims, and magyars 
* Invasions sparked the need for protection
* People were born into peasants
* 90% were peasants (europe)
* Social classes had obligations
* King, land goes down
* Peasants, service goes up
* Peasants - stability and protection (benefits)
* Lords / knights - great social status and wealth
* King - army
* Land for service
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**Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s views on Human Nature**
* Both agree on social contract (deal with government)
* Locke: positive view on human nature, we consent for leadership
* Governement protects/provides for us and we give money/follow laws
* Democracy
* Hobbes: negative view on human nature, life would be terrible if we did what locke says
* dictator/king (all powerful)
* Government gives strong stable protection if people give up all their rights to the government
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**The connection between the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment**
* Came after middle ages (1500s)
* Rev kicks it off -> human achievements, knowledge, greek/roman, improve life
* Sc rev comes along that continues the concept of human achievements -> question everything, data, observe, church is wrong (galileo - solar system)
* Enlightenment comes w the church being wrong (if the church is wrong, is the king wrong?) -> reason, logic to solve problems, world can be improved
* Challenge feudalism, kings -> democracy
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**The Causes of the French Revolution**
* Enlightenment ideas
* American revolution - 1776
* Circumstantial things - poor leadership
* Economic crisis - bankrupt / chaos