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Major Beliefs of Hinduism

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Major Beliefs of Hinduism

  • polytheistic

  • reincarnation

  • karma

  • world’s oldest religion (asia)

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Major Beliefs of Buddhism

  • ancient religion w no holy book

  • goal is to be enlightened

  • four noble truths

  • polytheistic

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Major Beliefs of Judaism

  • Oldest monotheistic religion

  • Guided by the Ten Commandments

  • Founded by Abraham

  • Monotheistic (god)

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Major Beliefs of Christianity

  • Holy Bible

  • Spread of Christianity through the roman empire

  • Followers of Jesus

  • Monotheistic (god)

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Major Beliefs of Islam

  • prophet Mohammed

  • Quran

  • Five Pillars of Islam (central beliefs)

  • Monotheistic (Allah)

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Major Beliefs of Daoism

  • Living in harmony with nature

  • Ying and yang

  • Ancient traditions of philosophy and religious belief

  • The Tao, “the way” (everything is unified and connected to the Tao)

  • Originates 2000 years ago in China

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Major Beliefs of Confucianism

  • Founded by Confucius

  • More of a philosophy than religion combined with other religions

  • Golden Rule

  • 5 basic relationships = orderly society

  • Teachings collected in the Analects

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  • Belief in many gods

  • Hinduism

  • Buddhism

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  • Belief in only one god

  • Judaism (oldest)

  • Christianity

  • Islam

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Mandate of Heaven

  • If there's an evil ruler, the god(s) will send a sign

  • The sign is often a storm, drought, or famine

  • This means the emperor/ruler has to step down

  • God permitted rulers to rule

  • China dynasties

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Civil Service Exam

  • Originated in China

  • A test to ensure the capabilities of government workers

  • Have to pass to work in government

  • Gets rid of getting government positions through family/ties

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Cultural Exchange

  • Concept of ideas (religions, inventions) spreading

  • Spread due to trade

  • Happens throughout history

  • ex// Buddhism spreading to Japan from China

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  • A loyal warrior who acted as a bodyguard for lords

  • Feudal Japan

  • Dying an honorable death > living a long life

  • Land for service (land from lords)

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  • Demanding code f behavior for samurais

  • Show courage

  • Reverence for gods

  • Fairness

  • Generosity towards the weaker

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  • State in Japan ruled by a Shogun

  • Shoguns were supreme generals of the emperor’s army

  • They often ruled through puppet emperors (figureheads)

  • They were highest in the feudal system

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Division of the Mongol Empire

  • Empire was broken up into khanates

  • Broken up by Gengis Khan’s grandkids

  • Most famous - Kublai Khan (ruled Yuan dynasty)

  • Kamikaze (failed to overtake japan bc of storm and island)

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Products of Trans-Saharan Trade Network

  • Across the Sahara desert

  • Gold and salt

  • Gold traded north

  • Camels

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Trans-Arabian Trade Network

  • Silk Road coming from China

  • East to West

  • Disease

  • Middle East became the intersection of world trade

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Accomplishments of Mansa Musa

  • Religion (Islam)

  • Journey to Mecca (haj)

  • Grew empire to twice the size of Ghana (governors ruled provinces)

  • Royal control over gold-salt trade

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  • Lived in city-states

  • Practiced human sacrifice

  • Had a written language (glyphs, wrote in codex {book})

  • Had calendars which had gods of the day (religion was basis of their life)

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  • Largest

  • Practiced human sacrifice

  • Did not have a written language

  • Knots and ties (quipo) for communication/records

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  • Sun god

  • Built capital city around body of water

  • Practiced human sacrifice

  • Were originally nomadic

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Middle Ages

  • 500 to 1500 (european)

  • Between the Roman empire falling and the renaissance beginning

  • Church was very powerful

  • Franks, Charlemagne, holy roman empire

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Cause of Feudalism

  • Invasions (Muslims, nagars, Vikings)

  • Protection for service

  • Gauarentee safety

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Effects of the Crusades

  • Holy war, going off to retake the holy land (middle east)

  • Crusaders - kights

  • Decreased the power of the church

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Effects of the Great Schism

  • During the middle ages

  • Split in the church

  • Two popes

  • Decrease in the power of the church

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Effects of the Bubonic plague

  • Came from the mongols

  • Killed about half of the european population

  • Decreased the power of the chruch

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  • Beginning of the renaissance

  • Study of philosophy/history / individual achievement

  • Humanism is the intellectual movement focused on human achievements

  • Reflected through realistic pieces in art

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Renaissance Man

  • Man who excels in many fields (well-rounded)

  • Classics, art, politics, combat

  • The Courtier teaches how to become a “universal” person

  • Leonardo da Vinci: ultimate renaissance man

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Renaissance Woman

  • Upper-class and charming, vocal, confidence

  • Educated in classics

  • Expected to inspire art but not create it

  • Isabella d’Este, patron of artists, wields power in Mantua

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The Printing Press

  • Allowed books and pamphlets to be made faster and cheaper

  • Spread the revolutionary ideas of the Renaissance and Reformation

  • The Gutenberg Bible - first book to be printed on the printing press

  • Led to increase in education

  • Johann Gutenberg - 1400s

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Martin Luther

  • Began a movement to reform practices in the Chruch that be believed were wrong

  • German monk

  • Protest the corruption of the church (indulgences)

  • Never recants and sticks by his word

  • Makes own relgion (protestant / lutherans)

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Luther’s 95 Point Thesis

  • His 95 problems with the church

  • Printed w the printing press

  • Spread like crazy around europe

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Galileo Galilei

  • Scientific revolution

  • Telescope (used telescope / improved it)(Kepler is the inventor)

  • Proved the helicentric theory

  • Recants and went to jail but took back what he said

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The Anglican Church

  • Official church of England

  • Leader is the french monarch

  • Did it to divorce his wife

  • Segment of prodestant faith

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The Trans-Atlantic Trade Network

  • Experation across the atlantic

  • The goal is to spread god, glory, goods, gold

  • Taking proffets across the atlantic

  • Columbus, Cortez

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Motivating Factors for the Age of Exploration

  • Gold

  • Glory

  • Goods

  • Spread god

  • Greed

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Laws of Nature

  • Laws of science

  • Gravity

  • Concept of are laws of nature diff for each person (answer - always the same)

  • Enlightenment ideas

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Johannes Kelper

  • He used telescope to prove Earth’s orbit was an elliptical instead of a circle

  • Proved Copernicus’ basic ideas were true

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Rene Descartes

  • “I think, therefore I am” (dont trust anyone, question everything)

  • Developed analytical geometry (algerba + geometry linked, new tool for scientific research)

  • Believed everything should be doubted until proven

  • Relied on mathematics and logic

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Francis Bacon

  • Urged scientists to experiment and then draw conclusions

  • Attacked medieval scholars for relying on the conclusions of ancient thinkers

  • Believed that a better understanding of the world would generate practical knowledge that would improve people’s lives

  • Empiricism (experimental method)

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Thomas Hobbes

  • Believed that humans were naturally selfish and wicked

  • Thought that people should hand over their rights to a strong government

  • Social contract

  • Wanted an absolute monarchy/ruler

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John Locke

  • Believed people could learn from experience and improve themselves

  • All people are born free and equal

  • Natural rights (if government fails to protect them, overthrow the government)

  • Democracy

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Natural Rights

  • Life

  • Liberty

  • Property

  • The purpose of government is to protect these rights

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Baron de Montesquieu

  • separation of powers

  • “Power should be a check to power”

  • On the Spirit of Laws, his famous book

  • Believed britian was the best governed of his time (republic)

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The Estates General

  • French revolution

  • The meeting place of the early french revolution

  • Third estate - bottom, carrying the load (money) <- issue

  • Wanted to tax second estate

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Causes of the French Revolution

  • Enlightenment ideas

  • American revolution inspired

  • Poor leadership

  • Economic issues

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The Jacobins

  • Radical revolutionary club

  • Home of robespierre and c.o.p.s

  • Caused reign of terror

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Objectives of the Moderate Phase of the French Revolution

  • Not extreme

  • Originally wanted to create a constitutional monarch

  • Shifted to radical

  • Started moderate (french rev)

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Objectives of the Radical Phase of the French Revolution

  • Leads to no king

  • French republic

  • Kill the king

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The Reign of Terror

  • 40,000 french died (mostly peasants)

  • After king was executed

  • No one is safe from guiotene

  • robespierre

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The Role of Horses in the Mongol Empire

  • Main form of transportation

  • Companion

  • 1 horse + 3 others per mongol

  • The reason theyre such great warriors

  • Mongols are nomads

  • Live on asian steppe (flat plain) (sutable for horse

  • Pastoralist - herd domesticated animals

  • Key component to military success (speed)

  • Allows them to travel 120 miles a day

  • Greatest soldiers in the world bc of horses

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Feudalism - Causes, Classes, Benefits, and Obligations

  • Begins during middle ages, after charlemagne (900)

  • Arose for protection from vikings, muslims, and magyars

  • Invasions sparked the need for protection

  • People were born into peasants

  • 90% were peasants (europe)

  • Social classes had obligations

  • King, land goes down

  • Peasants, service goes up

  • Peasants - stability and protection (benefits)

  • Lords / knights - great social status and wealth

  • King - army

  • Land for service

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Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s views on Human Nature

  • Both agree on social contract (deal with government)

  • Locke: positive view on human nature, we consent for leadership

  • Governement protects/provides for us and we give money/follow laws

  • Democracy

  • Hobbes: negative view on human nature, life would be terrible if we did what locke says

  • dictator/king (all powerful)

  • Government gives strong stable protection if people give up all their rights to the government

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The connection between the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, and the Enlightenment

  • Came after middle ages (1500s)

  • Rev kicks it off -> human achievements, knowledge, greek/roman, improve life

  • Sc rev comes along that continues the concept of human achievements -> question everything, data, observe, church is wrong (galileo - solar system)

  • Enlightenment comes w the church being wrong (if the church is wrong, is the king wrong?) -> reason, logic to solve problems, world can be improved

  • Challenge feudalism, kings -> democracy

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The Causes of the French Revolution

  • Enlightenment ideas

  • American revolution - 1776

  • Circumstantial things - poor leadership

  • Economic crisis - bankrupt / chaos

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