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Conductance change
produced when transmitter binds to receptor; opens up non VG channels
Voltage insensitive
- non VG channels
Ligand-gated channels
channels that only open when transmitter binds to receptor
Max membrane potential
When excitatory transmitters are released from presynaptic axon, the membrane never reachs +55mV
Process ligand ig
Transmitter binds to receptor and opens Na+ channels, increasing Na conductance ii. If membrane was only permeable to Na, the membrane potential would approach E Na 1. Plot would resemble a longer AP since there are no VG K channels to repolarize the membrane
Max epp
Max epsp
Process part 2
When the Ach channel opens, Na flows in and K flows out 1. Membrane potential is midway point
Process part 3
Reversal potential for a specific receptor – membrane potential that is average of equilibrium potentials of the ions to which the channel is permeable
Measuring reversal potential for Ach at neuromuscular junction
Use voltage clamp b. Epp at frog neuromuscular junction occurs due bc Ach increases the conductance for Na and K
When Vm=Ei what happens
the current reverses its direction
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