if a person experiences a state of arousal for which they have no immediate explanation, they will label this state and describe their feelings in terms of the cognitions available to them at the time
if a person experiences a state of arousal for which they have an appropriate explanation, then they will be unlikely to label their feelings in terms of the alternative cognitions available
if a person is put in a situation, which in the past could have made them feel an emotion, they will react emotionally or experience emotions only if they are in a state of physiological arousal
knowledge about the injections (informed, misinformed, and ignorant)
the emotional situation following the injection (euphoric or anger)
observational data that was recorded by 2 observers through a 1-way mirror during the emotional arousal element (euphoric or anger)
the self-report that participants completed following the emotional arousal
joins activity
initiates a new activity
watches stooge
ignores stooge
agreed with comment
disagreed with comment
neutral to comment
initiates agreement or disagreement
watches stooge
ignores stooge