a great majority of votes for one side
something given or received as an equivalent for services
Presidential succession
the order in which officials fill the office of president in case of a vacancy
a member of a political party chosen in each state to formally elect the president and vice president
Electoral college
the institution that is composed of a set of electors who are chosen to elect a president and vice president into office every four years
Winner-take-all System
the system used by the Electoral College in almost every state in which the candidate who receives the most popular votes in a given state wins all the electoral votes for that state
Political Action Committee (PAC)
an organization formed to collect money and provide financial support for political candidates
Federal Election Commission (FEC)
an independent regulatory agency created by Congress to enforce federal election laws
first in order of time or development
an event held before an election where members of a political party select delegates to send to the national party convention, where they will also vote to nominate a candidate
a meeting where political party members who have been chosen as delegates from each state vote for the candidate supported by their state's voters
Third-party candidate
someone who represents a political party that is neither Democrat nor Republican