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Highway Transportation System
3 parts, roadway users, vehicles, and roadways.
HTS purpose
Move people and cargo from one place to another safely and efficiently
Roadway users
People who use hts by walking, driving, or riding
Who is HTS regulated by?
Federal, state, and local government
the National highway Safety Act
Created guidelines for motor vehicle safety programs. Stares must follow vehicle reg, driver licensing, traffic courts, and highway construction guidelines
National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act
Requires automakers to install certain safety features into each car
Mental skills
Critical judgment and continuous monitoring, stay alert for unpredictable actions
Social Skills
Apply social skills to stressful situations, remain calm and courteous
Physical skills
Smooth use of acceleration and braking and steering controls.
IPDE Process
Organized system for seeing, thinking, and responding during the driving task.
Idpe process stands for
identify, predict, decide, and execute
Zone control system
A method for managing space around your car
Low-risk driving
You constantly monitor other vehicles and roadway users around you, and not assumr
A crash when a vehicle hits another object
Operating costs
Costs for fuel, oil, and tires
Why traffic crashes cost nation billions of dollars
Property damage, time away from work, and medical fees
Environmental responsibilities
Buy and maintain furl efficient vehicles, fuel efficient driving habits, use carpools and public transportation, recycle used materials, work for strong policies
Responsible drivinf
Involves making rational decisions
Graduated driver licensing program
Required young drivers to progress through a series of licensing stages
1 learners permit stage
Drive supervised w adult, held for min 6 months
Intermediate License Stage
Completed learners permit stage + approved driver ed course, night driving, passengers,
Full privilege license stage
completed intermediate license stage no violations no collisions , complete an advanced driver ed course
Drive right education program
Driving is a decision making progress, learn ipde and zone control, drugs nono
Organ donor program
you may indicate desire to be an organ donor by filling out organ donation declaration on license
Implied consent laws
When u get license, u agree to accepting consequences for drinking and driving and test for presence of alcohol
regulatory signs
signs that set limits or give commands
red color sign meaning
stop, yield, prohibited
orange sign color meaning
construction or detour
yellow sign meaning
black sign meaning
octagon shape
triangle shape
vertical rectangle shape
horizontal rectangle
round sign shape
railroad crossing
pennant shape
no passing
diamond shape
school zone
yield sign
slow enough ahead of time
warning sign
alerts you to hazards or changes in the condition of the road ahead
how do international signs differ from other regulatory signs
they rely on symbols no words
you recognize a warning sign by its
diamond shape
guide signs
mark routes, intersections, service areas, and other points of interest
broken white line
separates lanes of traffic moving in the same direction
broken yellow line
seperates traffic moving in opposite directionss
how are railroad crossings indicated
by a x sign
how are school crossings indicated?
children walking
rumble strip meaning
short sections of grooved or corrugated roadway
speed bumps
areas such as parking lots and very narrow streets have these raised portions
shared left turn lane
help drivers turn left into businesses in the middle of a block
hov lanes
reserved for use by buses and carpools
roadway marking
gives a warning or direction
pedestrian signals
used to ensure the safety of people walking
flashing signal
alerts you to dangerous conditions or tells you to stop
turning red after stopping when the signal is red
traffic signal
lights, arrows, flashing signals, lane signals, pedestrian signals
A sign that alerts you to possible hazards and road conditions is a
warning sign
a is a signal that alerts drivers to dangerous conditions or tells them to stop
flashing signal
a sign set on roadways to keep traffic moving safely is an
regulatory sign
an is a center lane used by traffic going in both directions for making left turns
shared left-turn lane
an is used at heavy traffic intersections to tell pedestrians whether they should proceed or wait
pedestrian signal
a short sections of corrugated roadway that warns of hazards is
rumble strip
a sign that uses symbols instead of words Is called an
international sign