Planets in Solar System (in order)
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
terrestrial (rocky surface)
smallest planet
no moons
thin atmosphere →heat doesn’t get trapped →opposite side is cold
side that faces sun is very hot
Astronomical Unit (au)
1.5 × 10 ^11 m
approximately avg distance btwn Earth & Sun
Light year
9.46 × 10^15 m
used for things OUTSIDE solar system
very convenient for large distances
the distance light travels in a year (MEASURING DISTANCE, NOT TIME)
Hottest planet due to thick CO2 in atmosphere
No moons
Rotates clockwise (Sun sets towards east)
Day on Venus > year on Venus
Earth’s twin (similar size, close orbit)
1 moon
Densest planet in solar system
all 3 states of water
Plate tectonics → earthquakes
Asteroid Belt
Asteroids = rocky objects, diameter = usually <1 km
Asteroids orbit btwn Mars & Jupiter
Thought to be leftover pieces of early solar system that never formed a planet
2 moons
Red planet due to iron oxide (rusted iron)
Tallest mountain
May have had water in the past
Gaseous planet
largest (in terms of mass & size)
Rotates very fast (10 hrs per day)
Great red spot : super storm, 3X the size of Earth
79 known moons
2 ½ times the mass of all the planets combined
Gas planet
Less dense than water
Over 30 rings made of ice, dust, and rocks
82 known moons: the largest moon, Titan, is larger than the planet Mercury
Ice Planet
27 moons
13 rings
Tilted on side
Blue-green color from METHANE GAS in atmosphere.
Sunlight passes thru atmosphere & reflected back out by Uranus' cloud tops
Methane gas absorbs red portion of light => blue-green color
Ice planet
14 moons
5 rings
Blue due to methane gas
Furthest from the Sun → takes longer to revolve
Beginning of universe
point in space in time which is:
infinitely hot
infinitely dense
infinitely small (SMALLER THAN PROTON!!)
We do not know where it came from.
Big Bang Theory
scientifically accepted theory of the beginning of the universe
refers to when singularity began to expand & cool. A LOT HAPPENED
Happened about 13.7 billion years ago
Expansion, not explosion
We do not know what caused it.
Hubble’s Law
the farther galaxies are, the faster they are moving away from us
strong support for Big Bang Theory
Universe is still expanding
Newton’s 1st Law (its relation to this unit)
From Big Bang Theory, all things in universe are moving.
Once stars are moving, what will cause them to stop?
NOTHING. They will continue moving at a constant velocity, until an unbalanced force causes them to change their motion.
“Star nursery” - where stars are born
Clouds of dust (Li) & gas (primarily H & He)
GRAVITY keeps the particles together.
Law of Universal Gravitation
All things w/ mass are attracted to each other.
Based on 2 factors:
mass of objects
distance btwn objects
center to center
Gravity & mass = directly related.
Gravity & distance = inversely related.
Fg = Gm1m2/r²
G = gravitational constant (doesn’t change)
r = radius (distance btwn 2 objects from center to center)
m = mass
Birth of a Star
Stars begin in a nebula (clouds of dust & gas).
Gravity pulls mass together → particles spin
Spins faster & faster → gets hotter
Reaches ~ 15 million degrees C = nuclear fusion begins & star is born.
Beginning of star’s life (when star will expand & release light / energy)
Nuclear Fusion
When gasses get too hot, they turn into 4th state of matter (PLASMA)
Plasma = electrons are stripped & nuclei is left bare
If nuclei in this state go fast enough, they will fuse into a new element
Hydrogen fuses into helium. 4 hydrogen nuclei → 1 Helium nucleus.
Difference in mass in nuclear reaction → energy
According to equation E=mc²
From mass, you get energy.
We see this energy in form of light → how star shines
From the Sun, tension btwn 2 competing forces
Gravity - wants to pull everything together
Energy from fusion - wants to blow it all apart
Convert Venus’ distance from Sun (107.5 BILLION M) to AU & cm if 1 AU is 147.4 billion m.
0.7 AU or 70 CM
How are galaxies classified?
Order this from smallest → largest:
Mars, USA, Cell, Jupiter, atom, Cerritos, dog, Sun, Mercury
atom, cell, dog, Cerritos, USA, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Sun
How are galaxies different from nebulae?
Nebulas are solely where stars are born
Galaxies contain stars, as well as other things like planets, asteroids, etc
Galaxies are larger than nebulas
Mass of planets from smallest → largest
Mercury, Mars, Venus, Earth, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter
ACRONYM: Mighty Martians Visit Earth, Usually Not So Jovial
Inner planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars
Also called terrestrial planets
Smaller in size & denser
Few moons & no rings
Rocky surface
Close to Sun & each other
Outer planets
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
Also called gas giants
Larger in size
Lots of moons & can have rings
no solid surface
=> no defined physical features
As a result of gaseous surface
What do planets with the most mass have in common?
< density
> period of rotation @ equator
> period of revolution
> distance from Sun
Eccentricity of orbit
Why do outer planets not have craters?
Outer planets made of gas → asteroids have no solid surface to fall onto
True or false: less gravitational force = less size & less moons & rings (unable to support them w/ less Fg)
What is used to differentiate between inner & outer planets?
# of rings
Distance from Sun
# of moons
Kuiper Belt
large region in cold, outer reaches of our solar system beyond orbit of Neptune.
sometimes called "third zone" of solar system
most likely has millions of small, icy objects
Some objects, including Pluto, are > 600 miles wide.
Objects have frozen compounds i.e. ammonia & methane
Oort Cloud
lies beyond Pluto & most distant edges of Kuiper Belt.
planets of our solar system orbit in a flat plane, but Oort Cloud is in giant spherical shell surrounding Sun, planets & Kuiper Belt Objects
like a big, thick bubble around solar system, made
of icy, comet-like objects (can be large as mtns, or even larger)