Religious Education Theme A: Families and Relationships James Davison

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Positive view on homosexuality

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Positive view on homosexuality

"Love your neighbour"
"It is not good for man to be alone"

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Negative view on homosexuality

"Be fruitful and multiply"
"Do not have sexual relationship with a man"

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Positive view on contraception

"Every good gift comes from above"
"The conference agree that other methods may be used, provided that this is done in the light of Christian principles" Lambeth Conference

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Negative view on contraception

"Be fruitful and multiply"
"God made mankind in his own image"

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"It is not good for man to be alone"
"Be fruitful and multiply"

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Positive view of sex outside marriage

"Be fruitful and multiply"
"Every good gift comes from above"

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Negative view of sex outside marriage

"Follow my ways and be blameless"
"Every sexual act should be in the framework of a marriage" Pope Pious

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Natural Moral Law

Thomas Aquinas:
-Preserve life
-Ordered society
-Worship God
-Educate offspring

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Positive view on divorce

Utilitarianism by Jeremy Bentham-Generate the most love
"Do not commit adultery"

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Negative view on divorce

"Love your neighbour"
"A man leaves his mother and father and clings to his wife"

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Purpose of family

"Be fruitful and multiply"
"A man leaves his mother and father and clings to his wife"

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Positive view on equal gender rights

"God made mankind in his own image"
"Nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ"

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Negative view on equal gender rights

"Women should remain silent in the churches"
"Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands"

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Symbolic understanding of Genesis

"It was good"
"Made in the image of God"

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Literal understanding of Genesis

"God said let there be light and there was light"
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

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"Work it and take care of it"
"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth"

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"Let them rule over the fish of the sea"
"Eve gave the apple to Adam"

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Free treatment of animals

"Everything that lives and moves will be food for you"
"Let them rule over the fish of the sea"

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Restricted treatment of animals

"The righteous care for the needs of their animals"
"Are not 5 sparrows sold for 2 pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God"

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Positive view of evolution

"Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth"
Evolution was seen through finches who grew different shapes of beak dependent on what they were eating.

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Negative view of evolution

"God created mankind in his own image"
"Let them rule over the fish of the sea"-Evolution disagrees with idea of human dominion.

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