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An STI that is often silent, difficult to diagnose, and can result in conjunctivitis or pneumonia in the newborn if untreated.
May lead to (Ophatlmia Neonatorum)
Prom, ptl, pp endometriosis
An STI where women are often asymptomatic, leading to potential complications such as salpingitis and miscarriage.
An STI that has primary and secondary stages, with untreated cases resulting in up to a 40% risk of fetal or perinatal death.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
An infection presenting as soft, papillary lesions, which can lead to complications during pregnancy.
Genital Herpes Simplex Virus
An infection characterized by painful, recurrent genital ulcers that can be transmitted during labor.
Hepatitis A
A viral infection presenting with flu-like symptoms and preventable by vaccination.
Hepatitis B
A viral infection often asymptomatic, can be prevented by vaccination and has no specific treatment.
Hepatitis C
A viral infection often asymptomatic, treated with interferon alfa and ribavirin.
A viral infection with no cure, can be transmitted to the fetus and requires antiretroviral therapy.
An STI that may cause a yellowish or green frothy discharge and may be asymptomatic.
Group B Streptococcus
A bacterial infection that is often asymptomatic and is a leading cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Ophtahlmia Neonatorum
A manifestation of neonatal gonococcal infections that can lead to blindness without treatment.
Premature rupture of membranes, a complication associated with infections such as chlamydia.
Preterm labor, which can be a consequence of untreated STIs.
PP endometriosis
Postpartum endometriosis, which may be related to infections and their management.
Rapid Plasma Reagin, a blood test for syphilis.
Venereal Disease Research Laboratory, another test for syphilis.
Post-Exposure Prophylaxis; treatment started after potential exposure to an STI.
Infection of the amniotic fluid which can arise from maternal infections.
Cesarean delivery
A surgical procedure to deliver a baby that may be necessary in the presence of active herpes lesions.
Congenital infection
A disease transmitted from mother to fetus during pregnancy.
Neonatal sepsis
A severe bacterial infection in newborns, often associated with maternal infection.
Painful intercourse, which can be a symptom of STIs like trichomonas.
Fetal effects
Consequences of untreated maternal infections, potentially resulting in abnormalities or miscarriages.
Profile of lesions in HPV
Soft, papillary swellings in genital and anorectal regions; can impede labor.
Flu-like symptoms
Common early manifestations of infections such as HIV and hepatitis.
Immunity Globulin
Used to prevent hepatitis A infection in exposed pregnant women.
IV Penicillin G
An effective treatment for Group B Streptococcus infections.
An injectable antibiotic used to treat gonorrhea.
Abstinence during lesions
Recommended practice for individuals with herpes simplex virus during outbreaks.
Culture test
A laboratory method to diagnose infections such as gonorrhea and chlamydia.
Surgical delivery decision
Made based on the presence of active lesions during labor.
Neonatal transmission
The passing of infections from mother to newborn during delivery.
TORCH infections
Infections that can affect the fetus and include toxoplasmosis, hepatitis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, and HSV.
Asymptomatic carriage
Having an infection without showing symptoms, common in several STIs.
Microscopic evaluation
A diagnostic technique used to identify trichomonas infection.
Maternal postpartum sepsis
A severe infection occurring after childbirth, potentially linked to STIs.
Bloodborne transmission
The method of transmission for HIV and hepatitis viruses.
HPV transmission during birth
Risk of acquiring HPV by the neonate during vaginal delivery.