What do Bereiter and Engelmann think about language spoken in low-income black families?
Inadequate for educational success
what do CDT see as the major cause of underachuevement
lack of intellectual and lingustic skills
What do Official Statistics (2010) show?
Pupils with English as first language only 3.2 points ahead of those without English as first language
what do CDT see as a cause of the failure of black children?
- lack of motivation due to socialisation
- socialised into a subc. that instils a fatalistic, live for today attitude
What do Gillborn and Mirza (2000) argue about indian p?
Indian pupils do very well despite not having English as their first language
What sort of subculture do black children tend to live in?
A fatalistic 'live for today' subculture
What did Daniel Moynihan (1965) find?
Many black families are headed by a lone mother, therefore children get inadequate care as there is no breadwinner.
Boys also lack a male role model
Leads to a cycle
What group does Charles Murray belong to?
The New Right
What does Charles Murray (1984) argue?
The high rate of lone parenthood and lack of positive male role models leads to minority underachievement
What does Roger Scruton (1986) think is a cause of ethnic underachievement?
Not embracing the British culture
Why does Ken Pryce (1979) think family structure contributes to underachievement?
-Asians do better as their culture is more resistant to racism and gives them a better sense of self-worth
-Black Caribbean culture less cohesive and less resistant to racism- leads to low self-esteem
-Pryce thinks the cause of this is the differing effects of colonialism - Asian culture wasnt destroyed by this
What does Tony Sewell (2009) argue?
- lack of fatherly nurturing and 'tough love'.
- Results in black boys struggling to overcome emotional and behavioural difficulties
- Street gangs offer fatherless boys, "perverse loyalty and love"
- Take on a media inspired role model of anti school bkack masculinity
What does Sewell (2009) think the barrier is to black boys?
-Standard English and doing well viewed as suspicious and selling out to the white establishment
-"The biggest barrier facing black boys is actually black peer pressure"
why do black students do worse than asian students?
cultural differences in socialisation and attitudes to education
What perspective does Gillborn (2008) take?
Critical Race Theorist
Not peer pressure, but institutional racism
What does Sewell (2009) think Asian families benefit from?
High value on education and an 'Asian work ethic'
What does Ruth Lupton (2004) argue? - Asians
Adult authority in Asian families is very similar to schools
like respectful behaviour being expected
LUPTON- white w/c
Ethnic minorities more likely to aspire to uni than white w/c.
Poorer levels of behaviour in white school despite less pupils on fsm
Blamed on lower levels of parental support
Whereas, ethnic minority parents see education as a 'way up in society'.
Ethnic minority pupils are more likely to aspire to go to university than white British pupils.
- lack of parental support
Evans - White W/C Families
white working class street culture can be brutal, as a result of power games which are played on the street are replicated in schools bringing disruption and making it hard for pupils to succeed.
- have to learn how to intimidate others and withstand intimidation
Why does Geoffrey Driver (1977) criticise the cultural deprivation theory?
-Ignores the positive effects of ethnicity on achievement
-Black Caribbean families provide girls with good female role models
-This leads to black girls being more successful than boys
Why does Errol Lawrence (1982) criticize the cultural deprivation theory?
- challenges pryce
Argues black pupils fail due to institutional racism
What does Keddie argue?
CDT is a victim blaming explanation
-Students are culturally different not culturally deprived
-Schools are too ethnocentric
What are the improvements proposed by cultural deprivation theorists?
-Multi-cultural education
-Anti-racist education
What is material deprivation?
A lack of physical necessities that are seen as essential or normal for life in today's society
What were the discoveries made by Guy Palmer (2012)?
-Almost 1/2 of all ethnic minority children are low-income, compared to 1/4 of white children
-EM 3x as likely to be homeless
Why are ethnic minorities more at risk of material deprivation?
-Live in economically depressed areas w low wages and high unemployment
-Cultural factors e.g. Purdah
-Lack of language skills
-Asylum seekers unable to get work
-Racial discrimination
- foreign qualifications
What are some official statistics on material deprivation?
Indian and CHinese that are md. still do better
-85% CHI. w fsm got 5/+ GCSES
-65% of white girls w/o fsm
What are some official statistics on the class vs. ethnicity argument?
-Materially deprived Chinese and Indian girls do better than MD whites
-In 2011, 86% FSM Chinese girls gained 5+ GCSEs
Compared to 65% non-FSM white
What does David Mason (2000) argue?
-"Discrimination is a continuing and persisting feature of the experience of Britain's citizens of an ethnic minority"
What does John Rex (1986) argue racial discrimination leads to?
Social exclusion e.g. in housing
-worsens poverty faced
- substandard accomodation
What did Wood et al (2010) find in his 3 job applications to 1,000 jobs?
- 3 names of differing ethnic origin
- 1 in 16 EM offered an interview
- 1 in 9 white`
- helps explain why members of EM are more likely to face unemployment