Tall, Flat, Centralised, Decentralised and Matrix structure.
What is a Tall structure
This structure is usually used for big businesses.
It has many layers.
Advantages and disadvantages of Tall structure
+Employees can be closely supervised (a small span of control).
+Good promotional prospects for staff (motivation)
+There is a clear management structure showing authority and responsibility
- Employees may feel restricted
-Requires lots of middle managers (expensive)
-Decisions will take longer to make.
What is Flat structure
This structure is usually used for small businesses.
It has little layers.
Advantages and disadvantages of Flat structure
+Promotes better communication with staff
+Decisions making is more efficient
+Removes expensive layers of middle management.
-Fewer promotion opportunities for staff to gain.
-Roles and responsibilities
- It can hinder business growth.
What is a centralised structure
Involves keeping all of the major responsibilities at the centre of the organisation.
Managers made decisions.
Advantages and disadvantages of centralised structure.
+Senior management have more control.
+Standard procedures across all branches allows cost saving to be made.
+ Decisions are made in the interest of the whole businesses.
-Branch managers have limited responsibilities
-There may be few promotion opportunities with branches.
-Workers don’t fee; they are involved in decisions.
what is a decentralised structure
Employees make their own decisions.
Advantages and disadvantages of decentralised structure
+Workers are empowered to make decisions (motivated) .
+Branches can respond to changes quickly.
-Senior managers have no insight into day-to-day decisions that are made.
-More managers with the skills to make business decisions are needed (expensive).
What is a Matrix structure
When you take employees from your business and choose them to do a certain project.
Advantages and disadvantages of the Matrix structure.
+Staff can be allocated roles based on their expertise.
+It allows a very flexible approach, allowing the business to react quickly to changes.
-teams can be difficult to manage as staff may be working on different projects.
-It can cause possible conflict between departments.
They report to the CEO.