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Connects bone to bone
Connects muscle to bone
skeletal muscle tissue
Voluntary muscle pulls on bones and causes body movements.
costal cartilage
the cartilages that connect the sternum and the ends of the ribs
intervertebral discs
fibrocartilage pads that separate and cushion the vertebrae
negative feedback
A primary mechanism of homeostasis, whereby a change in a physiological variable that is being monitored triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation.
A tendency to maintain a balanced or constant internal state; the regulation of any aspect of body chemistry, such as blood glucose, around a particular level
Secreted by thyroid glad to take calcium out of blood.; stimulates osteoblasts to store it in bone; lowers blood calcium levels
bone forming cells
Bone-destroying cells
the process in which material is laid down
the process of removing or digesting old bone tissue
blood cell formation
long bone
longer than they are wide; femur
short bone
similar length and width; e.g. carpals and tarsals
irregular bones
oddly-shaped bones; e.g. bones of the vertebrae and face
sesamoid bones
round bones found near joints (e.g., the patella)
flat bones
These bones are thin, flat, and curved. They form the ribs, breastbone, and skull.
Functions of the skeletal system
support, protection, movement, storage, blood cell production
axial skeleton
Portion of the skeletal system that consists of the skull, rib cage, and vertebral column
appendicular skeleton
bones of limbs
calcium homeostasis feedback loop
Negative feedback loop;
too high: thyroid releases calcitonin-stimulates calcium salt deposits-calcium levels fall
too low: PTH released-osteoclasts degrade matrix and release-calcium levels rise
skeletal cartilage
avascular and not innervated
Bone strcuture
organs made of skeletal, nervous, and connective tissues
compact bone
Hard, dense bone tissue that is beneath the outer membrane of a bone
spongy bone
Layer of bone tissue having many small spaces and found just inside the layer of compact bone.
articular cartilage
covers the surfaces of bones where they come together to form joints
epiphysial line
remnant of growth plate
red bone marrow
found in spongy bone; site of hematopoiesis
membranous lining of the hollow cavity of the bone
proximal epiphysis
where diaphysis and epiphysis meet
shaft of a long bone
distal epiphysis
medullary cavity
cavity within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow
yellow bone marrow
stores fat
nutrient artery
large artery that enters compact bone near the middle of the diaphysis
growth is regulated by
growth hormone, thyroid hormone, sex hormone
A dense fibrous membrane covering the surface of bones and serving as an attachment for tendons and muscles.
osteogenic stem cells
develop into osteoblast
mature bone cells
structural unit of compact bone
central canal (haversian canal)
canal that houses blood vessels located at the center of the osteon
microscopic channels in the bone that provides blood supply
Concentric rings made up of groups of hollow tubes of bone matrix
circumferential lamellae
fill outer region of dense bone
perforating canals
Perpendicular to the central canal
Carry blood vessels into bone and marrow
small cavities in bone that contain osteocytes
supporting bundles of bony fibers in cancellous (spongy) bone
bone-forming cell
bone remodeling
spongy bone replaced 3-4 years; compact replaced 10
organic components
bone cells and osteoid
inorganic compounds
do not contain carbon
any break in the calcified bone tissue
fracture repair
Step 1: Fracture hematoma forms
Step 2: Fibrocartilage (soft) callus forms
Step 3: Hard (bony) callus forms
Step 4: Bone remodeled
softening of the bone
A condition in which the body's bones become weak and break easily.
Paget's disease
too much spongy bone; leads to deform