a field that helps us to better understand, analyze, and respond to ethical quandaries faced in medicine and medical research.
approach in normative biomedical ethics where 4 key principles are used to resolve and better understand particular cases.
Clinical ethics
applying ethics to understanding and resolution of healthcare dilemmas
Research ethics
study of ethical issues in carrying out scientific research
2 main ethical issues that gave rise to bioethics?
Nazi and Japanese medical experiments in WWII & Tuskegee syphilis experiment
Normative ethics
a branch of philosophy concerned with the formulation of criteria for what is morally right and wrong
3 different approaches of normative ethics?
deontology, teleology, utilitarianism
2 critiques of normative bioethics?
doesn’t take into account specific cultural contexts because different cultures/social groups have distinct beliefs about what is “moral” Can be exclusionary/problematic
Respect for autonomy
Respecting that individuals have the right to make their own decisions around their health
informing patients of all aspects of treatment to enable them to make the most informed decision
“Do no harm” to patients
Acting in best interests of a patient’s health & striving to “do good” on their behalf
Ensuring medical decisions are fair & distribution of scarce medical resources is fair across populations