byzantine-sasnid conflict
pushed sassanids back, left both of them exhausted and vulnerable to new power
hijaz corridor
trade route that became used because the byzantine-sasanid conflict pushed it there
bedouin tribalism
valued cooperation and tribal unity, key source of social organization, focus on consensus
significance of raiding
customary process, led to interchange between tribes, necessary for survival
council of tribal elders
"first among equals", no absolute authority, generally temporary power
pre-isalmic ka’ba and all’at
important sites for polytheism religion
mecca as haram
sanctuary that was a place where no violence took place, people could worship who they wanted
nature spirits, can be good or evil
islamic holy text, organized shortest to longest, longer ones are later in medina, shorter are earlier in mecca
suras or “revelations”
The words of Allah that angel Gabriel revealed to Muhammad in order for him to write it down, considered direct verbatim of Allah's words
hadiths or '“traditions”
deeds/sayings of muhammed, compiled in 9th C
quraysh of the outisde
poorer section of quraysh tribe
tribe of muhammed
muhammad’s first wife
rich widow
originally his employer
retreat on mount hira
went up with his family, had a fit and saw gabriel commanding him to recite
angel gabriel
appears to muhammed and tries to get him to recite
“the seal of the prophets”
muhammad held this title
last of the prophets of god before him
made it difficult to assign leader after his death because you can’t declare another prophet if he is the last
abraham as muslim
muhammad believed abraham was muslim
jesus in qur’an
affirms jesus as the messiah
fall of iblis
the angel iblis refuses to bow before adam making him a fallen angel
synonymous with satan
friday as day of prayer
the last abrahamic religion comes first
is believed to be the day when Adam was created, entered Paradise, and was expelled from it, making it a particularly significant day for Muslims
muhammad’s view on polygamy
no favorites
limited to 4 wives, they all must be treated equally, men should think before marrying women
rules regarding marriage consent and dowry
arranged marriage requires consent, all women must be age of 9 to consent to marriage
a’isha as “mother of the faithful”
Muhammad's favorite wife, framed with defying Muhammad's bed, Muhammad shares half his revelation with her, took authority, making her known as mother of the faithful, her authority was challenged and she lost
the hijra 622
first pilgrimage, beginning of islamic calendar, muhammed declares himself prophet
muslim community, first established when muhammad fled to medina so muslims could freely worship
One of the qualities of the ideal of the sheikh, stands for fairness and forbearance, meaning that one must possess both traits when deciding what is best for the community
banu qurayza
Muhammad ordered the massacre of males of this tribe because it was accused of betraying Muslims by backing the Quraysh led forces, Jewish clan that clashed and forced Muhammad to separate Islam and Judaism
change in qibla
direction of prayer, shift from jerusalem to mecca after clash with jews