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The maximum rate of data transfer across a network in a given amount of time.
Must be managed properly to prevent delay/loss of voice, data, or message traffic between users and their distant end
Conventional Bandwidth Allocation
A fixed amount of bandwidth that is common to all users, which is the most predictable but least efficient.
Demand Assigned Bandwidth Allocation
Bandwidth based on individual needs of users, managed efficiently without dedicating channels to specific users.
Allocated on AS NEEDED basis
When user disconnects bandwidth is freed up
Internet is example
Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation
Occurs when combined data rates exceed total network bandwidth, causing issues only when all users transmit simultaneously.
Time Of Day Restriction
A method to allocate bandwidth priority based on specific times of day.
Network Infrastructure
The composition of protocols, media, and physical components that enable user data communication.
Formed when TWO users communicate with each other when exchanging data across form of transmission line or media
EIA Standards
Protocols developed by the Electronics Industries Association that govern computer communications across networks.
Determines how computers commuinciate with each other across network
Modems maintain integrity of transmitted data converting Digital to Analog
The oldest standard for serial communication between modems and terminals, developed in 1962.
Military Equivalent is 188C
Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)
Devices (like computers) that serve as sources and destinations of data in a network.
Exist at end of data chain
Data Communication Equipment (DCE)
Modems that connect DTE devices and facilitate the transfer of data.
Establishes, maintains, terminates a data transfer
A standard developed to address disadvantages of EIA-449, defined by a 25 pin D type connector.
Twisted Pair
A balanced transmission medium consisting of two conductors twisted together to improve compatibility and reduce noise.
Coaxial Cable
An unbalanced transmission medium with an inner conductor, insulated shielding, and grounded mesh shielding.
Can transmit all types of signals at once
Can support baseband and broadband network
Baseband is one signal at a time
Broadband modulates different frequencies to transmit multiple signals
Most popular type of cabling in RF field
Balanced Transmission
Transmits identical signals on two separate wires, 180 degrees out of phase.
used by twisted pair
Unbalanced Transmission
Transmits signals on one wire while the other serves as ground; used in coaxial cables.
Carries signals on just one input/output
Fiber Optics
A method of data transmission using light, offering high speeds and noise-free data over distances.
Wireless Communication
Data transmission that occurs without wires, which can be directional or omnidirectional.
Digital Service Unit (DSU)
Device that manages the interface with DTE, operates with or alongside Channel Service Unit (CSU).
Channel Service Unit (CSU)
Device responsible for connecting to the telecommunications network, works in conjunction with DSU.
Digital Network Hierarchy
A logical sequence for building transmission rates in a network, developed by Bell System Laboratories.