Where did the philosophies of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle emerge?
Ancient Greece
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What is Socrates philosophy?
Used questioning to engage in conversations about the “good life”
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What is Plato philosophy?
Favored rule by “philosopher kings” who would penetrate the illusions of the material world and grasp the “world of forms” of truth, justice, beauty, etc.
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What is Aristotle philosophy?
Emphasized the development of knowledge through the practical study of the natural world
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Why are the Ancient Greek philosophers important?
Search for knowledge through observation (not assumption). Used reason and evidence to understand human action and the world.
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Where did the philosophies of Confucianism, Daoism and Legalism emerge?
Ancient China
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What is Confusianism?
A philosophy concerned with worldly goals that ensure social order and good government. 5 relationships would bring harmony to society.
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What is Daoism?
A philosophy that promotes willful ignorance (keep to your own doings), live simple, inaction, etc. If people stop living for glory, there would be no war or envy and less suffering.
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What is Legalism?
A philosophic that promotes strict law and order and harsh collective punishment (light offenses = harsh crimes). Shang Yang thought if punished for light crimes, heavy crimes would be avoided.
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Why is Ancient Chinese Philosphy important?
Shows the different types of mindsets and beliefs that formed after Warring States and Spring & Autumn period to show how people have different solutions to resolving conflict.
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Where did Hinduism and Buddhism emerge?
Ancient India & Pakistan
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What is Hinduism?
A polytheistic religion that believes in Brahman (universal soul) (also a God), Karma, Dharma, reincarnation until moksha is reached by meditation and good actions (break samsara cycle). Has caste system.
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What is Buddhism?
An alternative religion to Hinduism that believes in the Four Noble Truths (achieve suppression of suffering by Eightfold Path). Eightfold Path is behavioral, spiritual and ethical discipline. Karma is reborn by samsara, not soul, no creator god, Karma, Dharma, Nirvana is end of samsara. Practice no caste system and meditation.
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Why are Hinduism and Buddhism important?
Hinduism and Buddism are important because they show how quickly a religion can spread, how not having a caste system is a selling point (Buddhism), and how people want a guide on how to behave to achieve a peaceful afterlife.
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Where did Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam emerge?
Ancient Middle East
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What is Zoroastrianism?
The first monotheistic faith that believe in the God Ahura Mazda; battle between supreme good and supreme evil (Angra Mainyu), good souls will spend after life in timeless earthly splendor, no burying or cremating dead bodies
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What is Judaism?
An Abrahamic faith that beleives that actions are more important than words, eventually monotheistic, Jewish people are the chosen people, personal relationship with God, heaven/hell, messiah will come, Torah is text
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What is Christianity?
An Abrahamic faith, one god, holy trinity, Jesus died for mankind’s sins, heaven and hell, original sin (need baptism), second coming (messiah), bible is holy text
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What is Islam?
An Abrahamic faith, God is Allah, Muhammad is God’s prophet, Qur’an is holy text, submit to God to prevent suffering, final judgement (heaven/hell), 5 Pillars of Faith, appelaed to women and more rights, unifies clans, peace
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Why are Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam important?
Zoroastrianism was foundation of monotheistic religions, the rest are Abrahamic faiths that show how different religions can form from one story due to different beliefs. Emperors becoming religious quickens the spread of religions (how religions spread). Lots of fights/conflict with these religions