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South Africans descended from French/Dutch settlers of the 17th century, founded new settler colonies in the 19th century, minority but held political power
Held political power, settler colonies descendants of Dutch/French settlers, South African
Dutch settlers in South Africa (farmers)
Dutch farmers in South Africa
British Raj
Name for British colonial govt in India
British colonial govt India
Agreements with Europeans that gave European bankers and merchants unfair advantages in the Ottoman Empire
Trade give ups (Ottoman) yay for others (Europeans)
Civil Service
Permanent professional branches of a government's administration, excluding military and judicial branches and politicians
Elite professional class of officials who administered the government of Brit. India
Country's laws can be applied to its citizens outside of its borders
Citizen outside of country border applied law
Domination of one state or group over its allies
Military/political/economic dominance superiority of one state over another.
Like viceroys of Egypt under Ottoman, hereditary title
Descendants of Muhammad Ali, expensive modernization Egypt, hereditary
Belief that one race is superior than others
One race better.
Indian troops serving in British army, defended entrepots and warehouses
Social Darwinism
Idea that social/racial differences determined morals/smart/destiny, justify Imperialism
Evolution "survival of the fittest" but to human societies.
Spheres of Influence
Region dominated and influenced by outside power
Region controlled and influenced by outside power
Treaty Ports
Ports in E. Asia opened to foreign trade because unequal treaties
Ports E. Asia because unequal treaties.
Charles Darwin (19th century)
Scientist who came up with evolution
Evolution science man.
Herbert Spencer
British philosopher/sociologist who applied evolution (survival of fittest) to human societies.
Social Darwinism man, took Darwin ideas and put racism/Imperialism in it
James Cook (18th century)
British navigator, claimed E. Coast of Australia for Brits, found Pacific Islands
Muhammad Ali
Albanian Ottoman soldier viceroy of Egypt, took Ottoman control away, modernized Egypt.
Viceroy and modernizer of Egypt under Ottomans.
Cecil Rhodes
Owner De Beers Diamonds, politician, expand British Empire from S. Africa to C. Africa (S. Rhodesia and N. Rhodesia- Zimbabwe and Zambia)
Business, politican, expand Brit S. Africa to C. Africa for a train.
King Leopold II (1880s)
Belgian King, opened up African interior to Europeans, slavery in Congo Free State
(1800s) Belgian king, slavery in Congo
Sultan Abdul Mejid I
Most successful Ottoman reform sultan
Ottoman sultan, tried reform ottoman with Tanzimar Reforms, Westernize
Tupac Amaru II
Mestizo/Incan led revolt in Peru beheaded by Spain
Incan led revolt Peru, killed by Spain
Sufi Mystic sent by Allah to purify Islam and defeat Christian British and Secular Egyptians
Sufi sent by Allah purify Islam, Mahdist revolts
Yaa Asantewa
Asante Queen led fight against British after son exiled
Warrior queen Asante War of Golden Stool
Emperor Menelik
(19th-20th century) fought Italians colonizing Ethiopia and won