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McCulloch v. Maryland 1819
Increase power of federal government over states; federal government has more control over the economy
Worcester v. Georgia 1832
Marshall court rules forced removal of Cherokee is unconstitutional; Jackson ignores ruling
Election of 1828
Jackson portrays Adams as out-of-touch elite, presents himself as a 'common man'
Mass Politics
Jackson's victory paves way for candidates appealing to needs and wants of majority
Spoils System
Jackson rewards political supporters with cabinet positions
Theory that states can declare federal laws unconstitutional; Tariff of Abominations
Henry Clay
Brokers compromise to lower tariff over 10 years; pioneer of nullification
Nullification Crisis
State's Rights vs. Federal Authority; increasing sectionalism
Force Act, 1833
Allows federal government to use army and navy to collect taxes
Bank of the United States
Jackson vetoes recharter; undermines bank with pet banks
Whig Party
Formed by Clay and Quincy Adams; opposes Jackson's concentration of power
Martin Van Buren
Jackson's VP; wins election against Whigs
Second Great Awakening
Rejection of predestination; emphasis on self-reliance and civic virtue
Philosophical and literary movement emphasizing simple life, optimism, and self-reliance
Dorothea Dix
Advocates for rehabilitating mentally ill; pushes for public hospitals
Horace Mann
Develops public education, teacher training programs, and curriculum reform
Slave Conspiracies
Gabriel's Conspiracy 1800; Denmark Vesey's Conspiracy 1822
Task System
Labor system in upper South; slaves work until daily task is finished
Gang System
Labor system in deep South; slaves work in large gangs managed by overseers
Nat Turner's Rebellion
Turner leads enslaved African Americans in revolt, killing 60 whites; strengthens South's resolve to defend slavery
Abolition Movement
Opposition to slavery; William Lloyd Garrison, David Walker, Maria Stewart
Frederick Douglass
Escaped slave, abolitionist, writer, and speaker; publishes The North Star
Underground Railroad
Network of secret pathways to help slaves escape to freedom; led by Harriet Tubman
Women's Reform Movements
Active participation in abolition, temperance, education, and healthcare
Texas-Mexico Tensions
Cultural differences and slavery disputes lead to rebellion
Manifest Destiny
Belief in U.S. destiny to expand westward and southward
Election of 1824
John Quincy Adams vs. Andrew Jackson; Jackson wins popular vote, Adams wins electoral college
Corrupt Bargain
Henry Clay convinces congressmen to vote for Adams in exchange for Secretary of State position
Indian Removal
Jackson's belief in moving Native Tribes off their land to make way for white settlers; Indian Removal Act 1830
Mexican-American War
Conflict over Texas autonomy and territorial aspirations; Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
Gold Rush
Discovery of gold in California leads to mass migration and economic boom