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The duplication of the uterus with a common cervix is
bicornuate uterus
A blood-filled vagina and uterus is known as
An anomaly of the uterus in which only one horn develops is
unicornuate uterus
A fluid-filled vagina is
A complete duplication of the uterus, cervix, and vagina is
didelphys uterus
In this condition, blood may be seen in the cervix and uterine cavities
vaginal atresia
the “cigar”-shaped uterus that is deviate to one side is
unicornuate uterus
Early in development, both sexes appear similar until the ___ week of gestation
These ducts form most of the female genital tract
In the newborn female, the uterus is prominent with a
thickened hyperechoic endometrial lining
The uterus is supplied by the
uterine arteries
The fundus: cervix ratio in a 10-year-old child is
Congenital anomalies of the uterus have a high association of
renal anomalies
Types of mullerian abnormalities include all except which of the following?
improper location of the vagina
The upper third of the vagina and uterus are derived from the embryonic
both a and b (paramesonephric ducts and mullerian ducts)
The most common cause of female pseudohermaphroditism is
congenital virilizing adrenal hyperplasia
The cranial parts of the paramesonephric ducts form the
uterine tubes
A congenital anomaly of the uterus in which two closely spaced uterine cavities are seen with only one fundus is a
septate uterus
A differential diagnosis of an ovarian teratoma may include
This uterine condition has the highest incidence of fertility problems
septate uterus
The bilobed uterine cavity with wide-spaced cavities and low incidence of fertility complications is
bicornuate uterus
Ovarian size in the neonate to postpuberty female is most accurate using
ovarian volume
Congenital uterine anomalies occur in approximately ___% of females
Errors in sexual development result in
ambiguous genitalia
There is a high incidence of larger ovarian cysts in infants of mothers with all except
DES exposure
What is the physiologic status of prepuberty
This muscle is best imaged in a transverse plane with a caudal angulation at the most superior aspect of the bladder
levator ani
What muscle group may be seen in the false pelvis along the lateral sidewall of the pelvis
This ligament contains the uterine blood vessels and nerves
broad ligament
The ligament that occupies space between the layers of another ligament and occurs in front and below the fallopian tube is the
round ligament
Bending forward of the fundus and body of the uterus is called
The normal size of the menarchal uterus should measure
8 cm long x 4 cm wide
The superficial layer of glans and stroma of the endometrium is called the
zona funtionalis
The structure that lies above the uteroovarian ligament, round liagment, and tuboovarian vessels is the
fallopian tube
The ovary produces two hormones. Estrogen is secreted by ___, whereas progesterone is secreted by the ___.
follicles; corpus luteum
The release of an egg from the ruptured follicle is
The vagina has two sources of blood supply:
uterine artery and vaginal artery
the ovary receives its primary blood supply from the
ovarian artery
The widest portion of the fallopian tube is the
The blood supply to the fallopian tube is received by
ovarian artery
Which of the following about ovaries is false?
the ovaries are attached at the anterior aspect of the broad ligament
The left ovarian vein drains into the
left renal vein
The ovaries are supported laterally by the
suspensory ligaments
A mature follicle is known as a ___ follicle
A mature follicle typically is ___ cm in size right before ovulation
The endometrium demonstrates a “three-line” sign in the
proliferative phase
The retrouterine space is also known as
posterior cul-de-sac
The pelvic recess between the anterior bladder wall and the pubic symphysis is
space of retzius
Abnormally heavy or long menses is termed
A continuation of the broad ligament that provides support to the cervix is the
cardinal ligament
Clinical signs of a 32-year-old woman with an enlarged uterus on physical examinations and a history of cyclic profuse, prolonged bleeding with increasing pain most likely represents
The most common site for a leiomyoma to occur is
Complications in delivery may occur with pregnancy if a fibroid is located
near the cervix
Hydrometra appears sonographically as
sonolucent fluid collection in the uterine canal
A benign invasion of endometrial tissue into the myometrium is known as
A hyperplastic protrusion of the the epithelium of the cervix; may be broad based or pendunculated
cervical polyps
The most common sonographic finding in endometrial carcinoma
Presents with abnormal thickening of the endometrial cavity; usually presents with irregular bleeding in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women
A small percentage of leiomyomas are located in the
An acquired condition with obstruction of the cervical canal is most likely a result of
cervical stenosis
The size and shape of the normal uterus are related to all except which of the following?
family history
Which leiomyoma location is most likely to cause heavy irregular uterine bleeding
The most common cause of uterine calcification is
On ultrasound, the characteristic appearance of a degenerating leiomyoma is
Which of the following statements about adenomyosis is false
ectopic tissue arises from stratum functionalism of the endometrium
Uterine arteriovenous malformation (AVM)
involves the myometrium
The endometrium should be measured from
hyperechoic layer to hyperechoic layer
Endometrial hyperplasia develops from
unopposed estrogen stimulation
A 3-day postpartum woman complains of intense pelvic pain. Sonographically, the uterus appears hypoechoic with an irregular endometrium. This most likely represents
In postmenopausal patients, an endometrial thickness of less than ___mm excludes endometrial abnormality
Only ___% of women with postmenopausal bleeding have endometrial carcinoma
Patients on tamoxifen have an increased risk of
all of the above
A 28-year-old woman presents with left lower quadrant pain. Her last menstrual period was 2 weeks ago. Sonographically, the uterine body displays a highly echogenic structure is the endometrial cavity. This most likely represents
Irregular, acyclic bleeding is defined as
Where might you find a Gartner’s duct cyst
In a posthysterectomy patient, the normal vaginal cuff should not exceed ___cm
A small endocrine structure that develops within a ruptured ovarian follicle and secretes progesterone and estrogen
corpus luteum cyst
A benign adenoma containing multiple small cysts is a/an
A tumor that may mimic gas or feces in the pelvis is a
The dermoid tumor typically is associated with which ultrasound sign
tip of the iceberg
A ___ cyst occurs when a dominant follicle does not succeed in ovulating and remains active although immature
follicular cyst
The most common adnexal mass found during early pregnancy is a
corpus luteal cyst
A mucinous cystadenoma is all except which of the following
Thick with irregular walls and septations
What statement about Meige’s syndrome is false
It is associated with theca lutein cysts
Which of the following is a localized tumor of endometriosis most frequently found in the ovary, cul-de-sac, retrovaginal septum, and peritoneal surface of the posterior wall of the uterus
The normal ovary has a
homogenous texture
Simple ovarian cysts in postmenopausal woman are not likely malignant when measuring less than ___cm
Sonographic criteria for a simple ovarian cyst include all except which of the following
posterior shadowing
An ovary is generally considered abnormal if its volume is ___ the size of the contralateral ovary
Which statement about polycystic ovarian syndrome is false
it occurs in the mid to late thirties
In PCOS, the ovaries have a/an ___ shape
Paraovarian cysts arise from the
broad ligament
A specific diagnosis of paraovarian cyst is made possible only by
demonstrating an ipsilateral ovary separate from the cyst
Ovarian carcinoma is classified into four stages. Stage II is
limited to the pelvis
The most common benign tumor of the ovary is a/an
This rare benign ovarian neoplasm is most often seen in postmenopausal women
A common condition in which functioning endometrial tissue is present outside of the uterus
Partial or complete rotation of the ovarian pedicle on its axis defines
ovarian torsion
Which of the following statements about ovarian torsion is false
the left ovary is three times more likely yo torose than the right
Which pelvis organ is more involved with metastatic disease
Which of the following is an endocrine disorder associated with chronic anovulation