trust vs mistrust
trust that they can be taken care of, receive love
negative outcomes: dependent or paranoid
autonomy vs shame & doubt
where child develops self-confidence and sense of autonomy
negative outcomes: obsessive/impulsive or avoidant
initiative (purpose) vs guilt
imitating adults, learning to take initiative and have ambitions
negative outcomes: antisocial/narcissistic or constricted
identity vs role confusion
experimentation to “find myself”
negative: no solid sense of self, unstable relationships and goals
may use more first-person pronouns
look in the mirror more, watch recordings of themselves more
interrupt others more often during conversation
become distressed and aggressive when insulted
make good first impressions
are more active on social media, post more about accomplishments, post more selfies
has been associated with success in areas such as…
show business, leadership, job interviews, initial interactions
but narcissists lose popularity over time
examines the process of developing one’s psyche in relation to others in the environment
precursor to attachment theory!
internalized representations of parents (unconscious) become the basis for relating to others in life
neglectful → results in a lack of empathy and warmth
authoritarian → insists on perfection, winning and toughness
permissive/indulgent → promote entitled attitudes