Do you think I’m usually early, on time, or late to events? Explain.
What does my Instagram tell you about me?
Make an assumption about me. (All players)
What was your first impression of me?
Do you think I’ve ever checked an ex’s phone for evidence?
What fast food restaurant do you think I’m most likely to drive through? What’s my order?
What reality show do you think I’m most likely to binge watch? Explain.
Maintain eye contact for 30 seconds. What did you notice?
On a scale of 1-10, how messy do you think my car is (1 being cleanest)? Explain.
Do I seem like more of a creative or analytical type? Explain.
What compliment do you think I hear the most?
What about me is most strange or unfamiliar to you?
Do I look kind? Explain.
Who do you think my celebrity crush is?
Do you think I intimidate others? Why or why not?
As a child, what do you think I wanted to be?
Do I seem like someone who would get a name tattooed on myself? Why or why not?
What’s the first thing you noticed about me?
Do you think I fall in love easily? Why or why not?
What do you think I’m most likely to splurge on?
What about me intrigues you?
Close your eyes. What color is my shirt?
Rate your dancing skills on a scale of 1-10. On the count of three, say your answers out loud!
Do you think I was popular in school? Explain.
What do you think my go to karaoke song is?
Do you think plants thrive or die in my care? Explain.
What do my shoes tell you about me?
What subject do you think I thrived in at school? Did I fail any?
How many speeding tickets do you think I’ve gotten?
If you were to buy me a present, knowing nothing about me except what I look like, what would it be?
Think of something others would never guess about you based on looking at you. Both players reveal on 3.
Think of your childhood favorite TV show. On the count of 3, say it out loud!
Do I remind you of anyone?
How likely am I to go camping? How high maintenance is my set up?
Do I seem like a coffee or tea person? Sweetened or unsweetened?
What is my body language telling you right now?
What do you think is the hardest part of what I do for a living?
What does my phone wallpaper tell you about me?
Do you think I’ve ever been fired from a job? If so, what for?
Do I seem like a morning person or a night owl? Why?
Think of your favorite brand of cereal. On the count of 3, say your answers out loud!
Finish the sentence: Just by looking at you, I’d think ____.
Do I seem like a cat or dog person?
What character would I play in a movie?
If MySpace were still a thing, what would my profile song be?
Ask and answer the next question in a different accent.
Close your eyes. What color are my eyes?