a reaction of the body and mind to any unpleasant or challenging events in life that requires attention or action
a kind of reaction or change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain
a collection of physiological, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive reactions that occur in response to environmental demands
Types of Stress
The positive response of stress to our well-being
This positive stress stimulates you to go on thus you grow and improve
The harmful consequence of stress
This negative stress often causes poor performance and even real physical diseases like cancer, immune disorder, etc.
any event or stimulus that causes stress
can take many forms, ranging from the daily hassles of life to significant life changes
Fight-or-Flight Response
The body prepares for action, generally consisting of either confrontation or avoidance of the threat
Physical Signs of Stress
Muscle tension
Pounding Heart
Shortness of breath
Increase sweating
Dry mouth
Skin rash
Grinding teeth, nail biting
Muscle tension
Pounding Heart
Shortness of breath
Increase sweating
Dry mouth
Skin rash
Grinding teeth, nail biting
Physical signs of stress
Emotional Signs of Stress
Anger, Irritability
Inability to concentrate
Negative thinking
Excessive worrying
Loss of interest
Frequent crying
Anger, Irritability
Inability to concentrate
Negative thinking
Excessive worrying
Loss of interest
Frequent crying
Emotional signs of stress
Behavioral Signs of Stress
Loss of Appetite
Drug Abuse
Sleep Problems
Hurrying and talking too fast
Criticizing others
Reckless behavior
Loss of Appetite
Drug Abuse
Sleep Problems
Hurrying and talking too fast
Criticizing others
Reckless behavior
Behavioral Stress
Psychological Signs of Stress
Constantly irritable with other people
Feeling of being a failure
Difficulty in making decision
Loss of interest in other people
Having a hard time to concentrate
Constantly irritable with other people
Feeling of being a failure
Difficulty in making decision
Loss of interest in other people
Having a hard time to concentrate
Psychological Signs of stress
Moderate amount of stress
helps us focus our attention
Excessive stress
leads to diminished attention, concentration, decision-making, and short-term memory
physical activity and exercise
healthy eating
adequate sleep
cognitive restructuring
Stress management techniques
Stress management techniques
designed to keep stress levels within an optimal range
Stress management
its goal is not to eliminate all stress.
Exercise regularly
eat a healthy diet
practice relaxation
express yourself
try the following to maximize your ability to cope with stress
Health-related physical fitness
Also called functional fitness
Health-related physical fitness
helps ensure that a person will be able to function effectively and meet the demands and tasks of everyday life
Cardiovascular Endurance
Muscular Strength
Muscular Endurance
Body composition
5 Components of Health-related Physical Fitness
Cardiovascular Endurance
the ability of the heart and lungs to work together to provide the needed oxygen and fuel to the body during sustained workloads
Jogging, cycling, swimming
examples of Cardiovascular Endurance
Cooper Run
Most often used to test cardiovascular endurance
Muscular Strength
the amount of force a muscle can produce. Examples would be the bench press, leg press or bicep curl
Bench press
example of Cardiovascular Endurance
Push up Test
Most often used to test muscular strength
Muscular Endurance
the ability of the muscles to perform continuous without fatiguing
Cycling, step machines, elliptical machines
examples of Muscular Endurance
Sit up Test
Most often used to test muscular endurance
the ability of each joint to move through the available range of motion for a specific joint
Stretching individual muscles or ability to perform functional movements (ex: lunge)
example of flexibility
Sit and Reach Test
Most often used to test flexibility
Body composition
the amount of fat mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone and organs
Body composition
can be measured using underwater weighing, Skinfold readings, and bioelectrical impedance
Underwater weighing
considered the “gold standard” for body fat measurement, however because of the size and expense of the equipment needed very few places are set up to do this kind of measurement
Barriers to Physical Activity
Insufficient time for exercise
Consider exercise as an inconvenience.
Lack self-motivation
Find exercise boring
Lack confidence in their ability to physically active (low-self-efficacy)
Have fear of being injured or recent injury
Lack self-management skills
Lack encouragement, support or companionship from family and friends
Do not have adequate facilities