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To those who fear want
Epictetus (Ancient Greek Stoic Philosopher)
Main Arguments
-Wealthy people cowards- fear poverty
-Poverty isn't a moral character, neither shame or pride
-Wealth often an accident of birth
-Don't fear what cannot be controlled
-People always find way to survive
New Testament
Main Arguments
-Taught through parables (simple stories teaching spiritual/moral lesson)
-Acting wisely (just doing it) v. acting righteously (moral)
-Acting wisely leads to eternal rewards (relations rather than wealth)
-Rich man and Lazarus
-Material wealth is spiritually dangerous bc it causes mistreatment of others
The Flower Market
Po Chi-i
Main Arguments
-Flowers social metaphor for luxuries we spend money to the detriment of the poor
-All resources put into cultivating flowers can be better spent on poor
-Uses "we" to include reader in injustice
Gin Lane
William Hogarth
Main Arguments
-Artwork- engraving
-Social criticism
-Ills of gins addiction particularly in poor and children
Migrant Mother
Dorothea Lange
Main Arguments
-the hardships of being a migrant worker
-focuses on particularly women and mothers
An Essay on the Principle of Population
Thomas Malthus
Main Arguments
-If constraints didn't exist, populations increase geometrically, more rapidly than food which is arithmetic (addition)
-Pop. growth can't go unchecked
-Human catastrophes, natural disasters, wars and disease are natural constraints
-We must make own choice to control pop.
A Modest Proposal
Jonathan Swift
Main Arguments
-Satirical piece
-Proposal is to breed and eat poor Irish babies which...
-solves hunger issue
-rids out Catholics
-gives poor commodity to sell and creates jobs
-induce marriage
-Critical of English and ruling Irish who neglect the poor
-Tone: mocking and bitter
-Suggests: taxing absentee landlords, creating and using local goods, mercy, tightening belts
Economic and Moral Progress
Main Arguments
-Economic progress: advancement in one's material condition
-Moral progress: spiritual advancement; permanent
-Economic progress hinders moral progress
-Moral progress demands rejection of economic progress
Simone Weil
Main Arguments
All humans are equal
All humans have equality of opportunity (education and prospects- jobs)
Equality of opportunity cannot act alone
-low social status
-can lead to depression
Social mobility
-only goes one way, otherwise instability
Solution: Equality of proportion
-greater wealth= greater responsibility and liability
Solution: no more quantitative equality
-difference in kind
Two types of inequality- stable inequality (inequality of kind), inequality of degree (wealth but no moral respect)
Poor Kids + Arguments
-Poverty is difficult to escape
-Children deeply affected by it
-Hyper aware of family finances
-Shame- for lacking what others have
-Take jobs to help family finances
-Education is affected because of constant moves (housing issues)
Inequality for All
See guide
What is an infograph?
A visual representation of info, data or knowledge
When is it used?
-When complex info needs a quick and clear explanation (signs, maps, journalism, technical writing, education)
-Computer science, math, stats
-Communicate a message
-Large amounts of info into compact and easy presentation
-Reveal data, show evolution
The types?
-Statistical (bar graphs, pie charts)
-Process (how to)
-Geographical (maps, etc.)
When creating one ask...
-What for
-What is the goal
-Answers determine type of relative data- relevant for what we want
-How to refine data
-how to represent data best
-Choose most effective visual metaphor
*sentence could be clearer than chart
-color palette can help
Lifeboat Ethics
Main Arguments
-for humanity to survive harsh decisions must be made to keep lifeboat afloat
-wealthy nations shouldn't share resources and wealth with poorer ones
-Christian and Marxist ethic only provide short term solutions to long term issue- overpopulation and depletion of resources
-"The Tragedy of the Commons"- shared public space no one takes care of (food bank, ocean)
-new technologies in food development doesn't solve problem- won't keep up and further depletes resources
-We cannot look to past injustices
to dictate future
-Absolute justice is impossible- our primary duty is to the present and future
The Singer Solution to World Poverty
Peter Singer
Main Arguments
-we have power to save lives of those in poverty
-morally if we value children's lives we're compelled to donate money
*all money going beyond basic necessities of life
*luxuries as simple as going out to dinner should be given up in order to donate to poor
-Distance and/or direct knowledge shouldn't affect your ability to save a life
"Rent Seeking and the Making of an Unequal Society"
Main Idea
-Government is involved in all aspects of economy and is responsible for wealth distribution
*education and job training