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the decameron
what did giovanni boccaccio write?
giovanni boccaccio
who wrote “the decameron”?
date of “the decameron”?
the black death in florence and its social/psychological implications
what is “the decameron” about?
what did mathias of neuenburg write?
mathias of neuenburg
who wrote “chronicle”?
ca. 1349-1350
date of “chronicle”?
accusations/treatments towards jews for the black death (poisoning, allegedly)
what is “chronicle” about?
ascent of mount ventoux
what did francesco petrarch write?
francesco petrarch
who wrote “ascent of mount ventoux”?
april 26, 1336-7
date of “ascent of mount ventoux”?
journey up a mountain w/ deeper meaning
what is “ascent of mount ventoux” about?
collected letters of a renaissance feminist
what did laura cereta write?
laura cereta
who wrote “letters of a renaissance feminist”?
november 5, 1486
date of “letters of a renaissance feminist part one”?
details the younger years of cereta’s life; briefly discusses religion
what is “letters of a renaissance feminist part one” about?
january 13, 1488
date of “letters of a renaissance feminist part two”?
focuses on women’s’ intellectual abilities and the need to earn knowledge (also briefly compares men and women)
what is “letters of a renaissance feminist part two” about?
discourses on the first ten books of titus livy
what did niccolo machiavelli write? (read first)
niccolo machiavelli
who wrote “discourses on the first ten books of titus livy”?
date of “discourses on the first ten books of the livy”?
discusses liberty and the impact of religion now vs. then on it (w/ republics, for example)
what is “discourses on the first ten books of the livy” about?
the prince
what did niccolo machiavelli write? (read second")
niccolo machiavelli
who wrote “the prince”?
date of “the prince”?
discussed the traits that rulers should (desire to) have
what is “the prince” about?
in defense of the indians
what did bartolomé de las casas write?
bartolomé de las casas
who wrote “in defense of the indians”?
c. 1548-1550
date of “in defense of the indians”?
discussed the unfair treatment of indians in the americas by the spanish during colonization
what is “in defense of the indians” about?
martin luther
who wrote “the ninety-five theses”?
ninety-five theses
what did martin luther write first?
date of “ninety-five theses”?
martin luther
who wrote “the freedom of a christian”?
the freedom of a christian
what did martin luther write second?
date of “the freedom of a christian”?
martin luther
who wrote “against the murdering and robbing hordes of peasants”?
against the murdering and robbing hordes of peasants
what did martin luther write third?
date of “against the murdering and robbing hordes of peasants”?
william shakespeare
who wrote “a winter’s tale”?
a winter’s tale
what did william shakespeare write?
charles v
who wrote “the new laws of the indies”?
the new laws of the indies
what did charles v write?
date of “the new laws of the indies"?