Chapter 3 - Cell Organelle and Cell Membrane

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  1. A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from

    1. An animal, but NOT a plant

    2. A bacterium

    3. A plant, but NOT an animal

    4. A plant OR an animal

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  1. A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from

    1. An animal, but NOT a plant

    2. A bacterium

    3. A plant, but NOT an animal

    4. A plant OR an animal

d. A plant OR an animal

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  1. The diagram below shows a bilayer which makes up most membranes. What are the molecules shown in the diagram?

    1. Phospholipids

    2. Protein

    3. Carbohydrates

    4. Cholesterol

a. Phospholipids

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  1. Grana, thylakoids, and stroma are all components found in

    1. Chloroplasts

    2. Mitochondria

    3. Vacuoles

    4. lysosomes

a. Chloroplasts

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  1. Use the above figure to answer the question. In the last (third diagram), which direction will water move? (Extracellular fluid = 3.0% NaCl and Blood Cell = 0.9% NaCl)

    1. Out of the RBC causing it to shrink

    2. Into the RBC causing it to shrink

    3. Out of the RBC causing it to swell

    4. Into the RBC causing it to swell

d. Into the RBC causing it to swell

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  1. A patient has a serious accident and lost a lot of blood. To replenish his body fluids, distilled water equal to the volume of blood lost is transferred directly into the patient. What will be the probable result fo the distilled water transfusion?

    1. The patient’s red blood cells will shrivel up because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the patient cells

    2. The patient’s red blood cells will swell because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the patient cells

    3. The patient’s red blood cells will burst because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the patient cell

    4. The patient’s red blood cells will shrivel up because the blood fluid is hypertonic compared to the patient cells

b. The patient’s red blood cells will swell because the blood fluid is hypotonic compared to the patient cells

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  1. The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Which of the following structures is primarily involved in this process and therefore abundant in liver cells?

    1. Golgi apparatus

    2. Smooth ER

    3. Transport vesicles

    4. Rough ER

b. Smooth ER

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  1. All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell EXCEPT

    1. Ribosome

    2. DNA

    3. Plasma membrane

    4. An endoplasmic reticulum

d. An endoplasmic reticulum

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  1. Which of the following is found in all prokaryotic cells, but not found in all eukaryotic cells?

    1. A plasma membrane for selective transport

    2. Proteins synthesized by ribosomes

    3. A cell wall

    4. DNA as genetic information

    5. A semifluid matrix of the cytoplasm

c. A cell wall

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  1. When molecules move through a plasma membrane from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration by way of a carrier protein, it is called

    1. Active transport

    2. Exocytosis

    3. Osmosis

    4. Endocytosis

    5. facilitated diffusion

e. facilitated diffusion

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  1. Which of the following would move through the cell membrane most RAPIDLY?

    1. An amino acid

    2. Starch

    3. Glucose

    4. CO2

d. CO2

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<ol><li><p>Use the following diagram to answer the question. What direction will the solute diffuse across the semipermeable membrane?</p><ol><li><p>From the left to right</p></li><li><p>The molecules will not diffuse, they are equilibrium</p></li><li><p>From right to left</p></li></ol></li></ol>
  1. Use the following diagram to answer the question. What direction will the solute diffuse across the semipermeable membrane?

    1. From the left to right

    2. The molecules will not diffuse, they are equilibrium

    3. From right to left

a. From the left to right

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  1. ______ transport moves material against the concentration gradient, requiring ______

    1. Passive, ATP (energy)

    2. Sodium, energy

    3. Facilitated, proteins

    4. Active, ATP (energy)

a. Active, ATP (energy)

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  1. Which of the following is not an organelle found in eukaryotic cells?

    1. Chloroplast

    2. Mitochondria

    3. Lysosome

    4. Actin

    5. Nucleus

d. Actin

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  1. Water diffuses through small channels in the plasma membrane called

    1. Transport proteins

    2. Aquaporins

    3. Nonpolar proteins

    4. Sodium-potassium pumps

    5. Nuclear pores

b. Aquaporins

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  1. The sodium-potassium pump requires a transport protein and energy. Therefore, it is an example of

    1. Osmosis

    2. Exocytosis

    3. active transport

    4. simple diffusion

    5. Facilitated diffusion

c. active transport

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  1. Which one of the following transport mechanisms requires energy?

    1. Transport of O2 across the cell membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration

    2. Transport of water across the cell membrane from an area of high concentration to low concentration

    3. Transport of sodium ions against their concentration gradient (low to high)

c. Transport of sodium ions against their concentration gradient (low to high)

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  1. If proteins were not sent to the correct location in a cell, you would suspect a malfunction in the lysosome

    1. False

    2. True

a. False

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  1. You are observing an amoeba cell, you notice clear droplets being taken up by vesicles at the edge of the cell. You would conclude that amoeba can perform

    1. Osmosis

    2. Receptor-mediated endocytosis

    3. Pinocytosis

    4. Diffusion

c. Pinocytosis

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  1. Written: You are labeling the parts of the cell model. If you were asked to label the location of DNA in a eukaryotic cell, you would mark the


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  1. The cell membrane is referred to as “selectively” permeable because

    1. Anything can pass through it as long as it is not harmful to the cell

    2. It allows some materials to pass through it while preventing others from passing

    3. It is a COMPLETE barrier between the cell and outside environment

b. It allows some materials to pass through it while preventing others from passing

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  1. What is the function of cholesterol in the animal cell membrane?

    1. Stores energy

    2. Speeds up diffusion

    3. Facilitates transport of ions

    4. Maintains membrane fluidity

d. Maintains membrane fluidity

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  1. Large number of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize which of the following molecules?

    1. Lipids

    2. Proteins

    3. Starches

    4. Steroids

b. Proteins

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  1. What structures are found within bacterial cells?

    1. Ribosomes

    2. Chloroplasts

    3. Mitochondria

    4. Nucleus

    5. Plasmodesmata

a. Ribosomes

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  1. _____ function in the collection, packaging, and distribution of molecules made in the cell

    1. Vesicles

    2. Mitochondria

    3. Ribosomes

    4. Golgi bodies

    5. Lysosomes

d. Golgi bodies

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  1. All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell EXCEPT

    1. An endoplasmic reticulum

    2. plasma membrane

    3. DNA

    4. Ribosomes

a. An endoplasmic reticulum

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  1. Which structures in the site of the synthesis of proteins may be exported from the cell?

    1. Lysosomes

    2. Tight junctions

    3. Golgi vesicles

    4. Rough ER

d. Rough ER

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  1. Cyanide binds with at least one of the molecules involved in the production of ATP. Following exposure of the cell to cyanide, most of the cyanide would be found in?

    1. Mitochondria

    2. Lysosomes

    3. Ribosomes

    4. endoplasmic reticulum

a. Mitochondria

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  1. If you wanted to design a drug to prevent prokaryotic cells from attaching to substrates, which structure should the drug inhibit?

    1. Ribosome

    2. Pili

    3. Capsule

    4. Nucleoid

    5. Flagella

b. Pili

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  1. Celery stalks are immersed in fresh water for several hours and become stiff and hard. Similar stalks left in a salt solution become limp and soft. From this we can deduce that cells of the celery stalks

    1. Hypotonic to fresh water but hypertonic to the salt solution

    2. Hypertonic to the fresh but hypotonic to the salt solution

    3. Hypotonic to both fresh water and salt solution

    4. Hypertonic to both fresh water and salt solution

b. Hypertonic to the fresh but hypotonic to the salt solution

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  1. The movement of ions across the membrane down a concentration gradient using an ion channel is an example of

    1. Active transport

    2. Endocytosis

    3. Osmosis

    4. Exocytosis

    5. facilitated diffusion

e. facilitated diffusion

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  1. The organelle that contain enzymes that digest worn-out parts of cells are called

    1. Secretory vesicles

    2. Golgi complexes

    3. Vacuoles

    4. Lysosomes

    5. Nuclei

d. Lysosomes

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  1. If a fellow student told you that they had an animal cell under the microscope, the presence of what structure would tell you that was wrong

    1. Central vacuole

    2. Nucleus

    3. Golgi complex

    4. Lysosome

    5. Chromosome

a. Central vacuole

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  1. If you were grading an exam question about the plasma membrane, which answer would lose points?

    1. Cholesterol affects the fluid nature of the membrane

    2. It has a hydrophobic interior and hydrophilic regions that faces water

    3. Proteins embedded in the lipid bilayer do not move

    4. It surrounds all living cells

    5. Transmembrane proteins span the membrane

c. Proteins embedded in the lipid bilayer do not move

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Written: A semifluid matrix, called fills the inside of the cell


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  1. Which process enables a white blood cell to ingest a bacterium?

    1. Diffusion

    2. Phagocytosis

    3. Pinocytosis

    4. Osmosis

    5. Active transport

b. Phagocytosis

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  1. Without the nucleolus, which of the following would not occur?

    1. Photosynthesis

    2. Protein packaging for export

    3. Ribosome subunit assembly

    4. Genetic variation

c. Ribosome subunit assembly

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  1. What type of molecule passes through a cell membrane most easily?

    1. Large polar

    2. Ionic

    3. Small and hydrophobic

    4. Large and hydrophobic

c. Small and hydrophobic

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  1. Written: In addition to a plasma membrane, plant cells have ## which protect and support the plant cell

cell wall

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  1. The movement of oxygen from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is an example of

    1. Diffusion

    2. active transport

    3. Filtration

    4. Osmosis

a. Diffusion

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  1. A plant’s central vacuole function is

    1. Capturing energy from sunlight

    2. Packaging molecules for export from the cell

    3. Storing water, sugars, and ions

    4. Manufacturing sugars

    5. Storing the genetic information of the cell

c. Storing water, sugars, and ions

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  1. What structures are found within bacterium

    1. Plasmodesmata

    2. Nucleus

    3. Chloroplasts

    4. Ribosomes

    5. mitochondria

d. Ribosomes

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  1. Many proteins are made and excreted from the cell. Using the list, put the cellular events in order

    1. Vesicles containing proteins and lipids fuse with the Golgi bodies

    2. Vesicles pinched off from the Golgi to carry the molecule to designated location

    3. Proteins and lipids are made on the ER membrane and put in vesicles

    4. The golgi bodies tag the molecules to signal their ultimate delivery

      1. D, c, a, b

      2. D, b, a, c

      3. A, c, b, d

      4. C, a, d, b

      5. B, a, c, d

iv. C, a, d, b

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  1. Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that will be transported from the cell?

    1. Tight junctions

    2. Golgi vesicles

    3. Rough ER

    4. lysosomes

c. Rough ER

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  1. An extensive system of internal membranes, called the ____, is where carbohydrates and lipids are manufactured, and proteins are made that will be exported from the cell

    1. Mitochondria

    2. endoplasmic reticulum

    3. Nucleus

    4. Nucleolus

    5. Golgi complex

b. endoplasmic reticulum

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  1. This organelle stores water and waste products and is responsible for producing rigidity in plant cells called turgor pressure

    1. Vacuole

    2. Chloroplast

    3. Peroxisome

    4. Lysosomes

a. Vacuole

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  1. For each of the following definitions or descriptions of cell transport, choose the best answer

    1. The movement of any substance along a concentration gradient (high to low) —-----

    2. The release of large amounts of substance on the OUTSIDE of the cell —----

    3. The movement of WATER across a selectively permeable membrane —-------

a. simple diffusion

b. exocytosis

c. osmosis

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  1. Which process enables a white blood cell to ingest a bacterium?

    1. Osmosis

    2. Phagocytosis

    3. Diffusion

    4. Pinocytosis

    5. Active transport

b. Phagocytosis

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  1. Choose the correct organelle that matches the function (Not a multiple choice question)

    1. ---- Stacks of flattened membrane that store, alter, and package proteins

    2. ---- Membranous channels without ribosomes that synthesize lipids and carbohydrates

    3. ---- Vesicles that contain powerful enzymes that remove pathogens and damaged organelles

    4. ---- Produces 95% of the ATP required by the cell

    5. ---- Organelle that functions as a site of protein synthesis

a. golgi apparatus

b. smooth endoplasmic reticulum

c. lysosome

d. mitochondria

e. ribosome

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  1. The organelles that contain enzymes that digest worn-out parts of cells are called

    1. Vacuoles

    2. Nuclei

    3. Golgi complexes

    4. Lysosomes

    5. Secretory vesicles

d. Lysosomes

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List the three major principles of the cell theory

  1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells

  2. Cells are the smallest living things

  3. Cells arise only by division of previously existing cells

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  1. Red blood cell lysis will occur when placed into a(n) ____ solution

    1. Hypotonic

    2. Isotonic

    3. Hypertonic

a. Hypotonic

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Why are most cells so tiny? (Written response)

(This answer comes from the internet) “Cells are so little, so they can maximize their ratio of surface area to volume. Smaller cells have a higher ratio which allow more molecules and ions move across the cell membrane per unit of cytoplasmic volume.Cells are so small because they need to be able to get the nutrients in and the waste out quickly”

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  1. The diagram below shows a bilayer which makes up most membranes. What are… the diagram? (Picture needed)

    1. Carbohydrates

    2. Protein

    3. Cholesterol

    4. Phospholipids

d. Phospholipids

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The passive movement of molecules along a concentration gradient in a random movement is called (Written response)

simple diffusion

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  1. Which of the following organelles is NOT a common destination for small vesicles that bud off the golgi apparatus?

    1. Endoplasmic reticulum

    2. Lysosomes

    3. Vacuole

    4. Plasma membrane

a. Endoplasmic reticulum

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  1. When a cytoplasmic vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane, expelling its contents outside of the cell, this process is known as

    1. Exocytosis

    2. Phagocytosis

    3. Pinocytosis

    4. Endocytosis

    5. Active transport

a. Exocytosis

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  1. Oxidative metabolism, that provides ATP for cellular energy, occurs in the

    1. Mitochondria

    2. Peroxisomes

    3. Chloroplasts

    4. Lysosomes

    5. Nuclei

a. Mitochondria

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  1. Select the membrane molecule that is made up of a polar region with two nonpolar fatty acid tails

    1. Cholesterols

    2. Transmembrane proteins

    3. Cell surface proteins

    4. Carbohydrate chains

    5. Phospholipids

e. Phospholipids

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  1. Choose the membrane molecule responsible for aiding passage of polar molecules into and out of the cell

    1. Transmembrane proteins

    2. Cell surface proteins

    3. Cholesterols

    4. Phospholipids

    5. Carbohydrate chains

a. Transmembrane proteins

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  1. If you were to place a cell in a hypertonic solution, water would rush in the cell and burst

    1. False

    2. True

a. False

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  1. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have many similarities. Which of the following characteristics only pertains to chloroplasts?

    1. Site of photosynthesis

    2. Circular DNA

    3. Plasma membrane

    4. Simple fission division

    5. Site of oxidative metabolism

a. Site of photosynthesis

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Written: The nucleus is surrounded by a double membrane called the _____

Nuclear envelope

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  1. The nucleus of the eukaryotic cell functions

    1. as the site of RNA synthesis.

    2. All of the answer choices are correct.

    3. as the command center for the cell.

    4. to house the nucleolus.

    5. to store the cell's hereditary information.

b. All of the answer choices are correct.

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  1. Which of the following statements about diffusion is correct?

    1. it is a passive process in which molecules move from an area of lower concentration to one of higher concentration

    2. it is a passive process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration

    3. it occurs rapidly over long distances

    4. it requires energy

b. it is a passive process in which molecules move from an area of higher concentration to one of lower concentration

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