Home like environment
usually no emergency equipment if something goes wrong
keep warm (birth is a cold experience)
hot and warm beverages
children are desired
boys are prefered
keep warm (birth is a cold experience)
many lactose intolerant
Endometrium: inner lining/mucous membrane (what comes off during menstruation and helps fertilized egg implant)
myometrium: middle, thick and muscular layer (functional in pregnancy and labor)
perimetrium: outer layer that envelops the uterus
2 million
only 400 mature
46, or 22 pairs
1 pair of gametes (sex cells determining sex of fetus)
one in each pair is from mother, and the other is from the father
looks like urine
contains protein, glucose, fetal hair, fetal urine and vernix caseosa (cheesy material covering skin of fetus)
derived from maternal blood
2 arteries, 1 vein
assess for these post cord cutting after birth
Two systems are separate, but fetus dips into mothers supply to receive nutrients and can mix
20 weeks
may survive outside of uterus (need NICU however)
lungs are not ready at this stage
Method for determining due date
identify 1st day of LMP
subtract 3 months
add 7 days
Method for determining due date/checking growth
measured in cm
between 18-32 wks, fundal height matches number of weeks
Hormones increase drastically
hCG hormone increases (human chorionic gonadotropin)
addition of placenta which produces hormones (estrogen and progesterone, hPL, hCG)
circulation increases
(Returns to normal size and shape after birth)
shorter and softer (to prepare for dilation and thinning (effacement) during labor)
mucus plug forms in cervical canal to prevent entrance of microorganisms
walls thicken
discharge increases
increased glycogen in discharge which can cause UTI
orthostatic hypo-tension
cardiac output increases (greatest during labor)
WBC increase
increase in blood volume by 40%
Increase HR
BP should stay the same
increase in clotting factors (prevents hemorrhaging and bleeding post birth but increases risk for DVT/PE)
capacity stays the same
inspiration increases to meet increased need for oxygen
slowed peristalsis
relaxation of cardiac sphincter (can cause heartburn)
low carb metabolism
low fat metabolism
nausea w/ or w/o vomiting
Increased urinary stasis
increased glycogen in discharge
GFR increases by 50%, causing 99% sodium re absorption
(most of this sodium is used by the fetus, but leftover can cause edema of mother)
Be wary of antidiurtetic effect medications (pictocin) that can cause fluid overload/toxicity
Medications may be sub-therapeutic due to
Increased GFR
increased cardiac output
increased plasma volume
leafy greens
whole grains
fresh fruits and veggies
fish limited to 170g or 6 oz of freshwater fish per week
all raw fish avoided
Vit A
Vit C
Vit D
folic acid
omega 3s
fatty acids
iron (take on empty stomach with vit C)
lab belt under the abd, across pelvic bone
avoid sitting for long periods of time during travel. Max of 6 hours with stops made at least 2 hours for a 10 minute walk
easy way to determine fetal health
count kicks for 30-60 min 2x per day
encouraged after 28 weeks
10 kicks in 1-2 hours is healthy
uses 5 observations to check fetal health and oxygenation
fetal breathing, movements, tone, volume of amniotic fluid, FHR variability (fetal hear rate) (using non stress test)
Aspiration of amniotic fluid
can test for genetic disorders
can test for maternal fetal blood incompatibility
pictocin is given to cause light contractions
fetal response is monitored.
given rhogam
rhogam after birth if baby is RH positive
inspiration and expiration should be equal in length
do not hold breath or hyperventilate
during pushing, take a deep breath and push on exhale
breathing into cupped hand if hyperventilating
complication of pregnancy
cervix dilates early in pregnancy, cannot support the weight of growing fetus
Cervix can be reinforced surgically with either McDonald’s or Shirodkar procedures
placenta implants on/near cervix opening instead of fundus
may cause (painless) bleeding in 3rd trimester as cervix dilates
bed rest
NO vaginal exams
can cause hemorrhage, fetal death, ect.
placenta seperates too early
occurs after 20 wks gestation
SUDDEN ONSET PAINFUL BLEEDING, dark red vaginal bleeding
Leading cause of maternal death
can cause DIC
blunt trauma to abdomen
vasoconstriction drugs
maternal hypertension
Death is coming
blood runs out of clotting factors, massive hemorrhage
termination of pregnancy may be needed, administer blood products, oxygen. Correct underlying cause
Bleeding from gums, injection sites, petechiae on skin are s/s that DIC is developing
usually secondary to another complication such as abruptio placenta, GH, retained dead fetus, mole, hemorrhagic shock, septic abortion
mothers blood produces antibodies that destroy fetal RBC (fetus can have anemia and heart failure and die in the womb)
RH positive is dominant trait, so chances are good that baby will be RH positive
women has group O blood
fetus has A, B or AB blood
Mother has antibodies for A and B
Do not need to treat in the womb, only after birth
can cause jaundice
Exceeds 140/90 after 20th week of pregnancy; No proteinuria; B/P returns to normal after 6 weeks PP
considered preeclampsia when renal involvement leads to proteinuria
considered eclampsia when CNS involvement leads to seizures
B/P 160/110, elevated serum creatinine, Headache, blurred vision, hepatic dysfunction, thrombocytopenia
can lead to seizures
termination of pregnancy may be considered at 32-34 weeks
Persistent vomiting causing weight loss, dehydration, electrolyte imbalance
fetus at risk for poor growth (fetal intrauterine growth restriction)
impaired glucose tolerance during pregnancy
should dissapear after birth
50% of these patients get DM type 2 within 5 years after delivery
Pulmonary Embolism
Changes in coagulability and fibrinolysis occur during pregnancy that increases risk for these conditions
observe for s/s of shock (pallor, cold, clammy, restlessness, perspiration)
weigh perineal pads to determine amount of bleeding
asess fetal heart rate
emotional support
How fetus presents
breech (feet or buttocks first, c-section needed) 3% of births
cephalic (head first, normal) 95% of all births
shoulder (shoulder down)
fetus drops into outlet of pelvis
mother can breathe, but has to pee all the time
“baby has dropped down”
relationship of fetal head to mothers pelvis
starts at 0 after lightening, as number increases positively, baby is on the way out.
measured in cm
cervix to efface/thin
cervix to dilate
push fetus downwards
each should be followed by period of rest
you can ascertain the start of contractions by placing hands on fundus
Ripening: softening
Effacement: shortening/thinning of cervix
Dilation: opening 1-10 cm