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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A set of computer tools used to capture, store, transform, analyze, and display geographic data.
Global Positioning System
A set of satellites used to help determine location anywhere on Earth’s surface.
Satellilte-Based Remote Sensing
Getting data from Earth’s surface from a satellite.
Includes visual light wavelengths, land infrared and radar information (Since 1970s)
Aerial Photography
Images of Earth from an aircraft, printed on film
used for mapping since the mid 1800s
Formal (Uniform) Region
An area where everyone shares one or more common characterisitcs
Ex: Common language, climate, land, etc.
Functional (Nodal) Region
Geographic areas that are organized around a node (or a central point)
Vernacular (Perceptual) Region
Based on perceived commondalities in culture and land; An area that believe exists as part of their cultural identity
That are linked together due to people’s opinions, attitudes, feelings, or beliefs on the region
Topographic Map
A map that uses contouro lines to display the terrain and elevation changes in an area.
The closer the lines are together the steeper the terrain is, the more space between the lines the less elevation is changing
Distance Decay
The effect of distance on cultural or spatial interactions
-The larger the distance the less interactionss
Friction of Distance
More about transportation, how hard/easy for you to get from place A to B
When distance plays a role in obstructing interaction between 2 locations
Space Time Compression
(Counters Distance Decay) The reduction of time it takes for something or someone to get from one place to another (due to modern technology)
Shows data by replacing land or distance with a certain variable(population)
Transform the land with the biggest data value
Dot Density Map
Uses dots on a map to visualize a distribution of a large number data field
Flow-line Map
Great at showing the movement of different goods, people, animals, services, or ideas between different palces
Mercator Projection
Accurate in directions, but distorts size and location of land mass
Robison Projection
More distortion near the poles which helps preserve the size and shape of land mass
Goode’s Homolosine Projection
Shows the true size and shape of land masses but distortions in distances near the edge of the map
Peter’s Projection
Accurate map projection at showing the true size of the Earth’s land mass but also distorts in land mass and direction
The maps centers on Africa
Absolute Distance
The EXACT measurement of the distance between 2 places (Measured in miles or kilometers)
Relative Distance
The approximate measure between 2 places
Absolute Direction
The exact direction a person is heading (North, South, East, West)
Relative Direction
The direction given in relation to another object’s current location
Qualitative Data
Often collected through interviews, observations, or the interpretation of primary source materials , such as texts, artwork old maps, etc.
Information that is often in word form, and is up for interpretation, debate and discussion
Quantitative Approaches
Information that is oftern in number form, and is objective and not up for debate.
In number form, mathematical techniques.
Particularly imporant in economic, political, population geography
Small Scale Map
A map that shows a large portion of the Earth’s surface but has less details in the data it is displaying
Large Scale Map
A map that shows a smaller portion of the Earth’s surface but has more details displayed
Reference Map
An informational map that shows boundaries, names of places, and geographic features of an area
Used for directions, key features, political boundaries, elevation changes, etc.
Thematic Map
A map that displays spatial patterns of places and uses quantitative data to display specific topics
Display one or more variables across a particular area.
Choropleth Map
Thematic Map- Uses color variation to represent different data sets
Isoline Map
Uses lines to connect different areas that have siilar or equal amounts of data
Ex: Weather Map