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Does life have meaning? (Catholic answer:)
Life is sacred.
Joseph Campbell quote:
People don't want to know the meaning of life. People want the experience of being alive.
St. Ambrose quote:
It did not suit God to save his people by arguments
Fundamental starting place for religious life?
Radical Amazement
Abraham Joshua Heschel
Polish-American rabbi, important Jewish theologian
Three Ways of Seeing
Eye of the flesh, mind, and soul
St. Bonaventure
Medieval Franciscan theologian, gave us three ways of seeing
Places of Refusal
Flattening, cynicism, and despair
Religious leader who speaks to Jesus in John 3
What are two possible meanings of anothein?
Being born again or from above
John 3:16
For God so loved the world that He sent His only Son
Means that something is loved by God, God is close to it
Chloe Valadry's definition of sacred:
inexhaustible, can be renewed, as opposed to perfection
Contingent, dependent lives
Imago Dei
Image of God, meaning humans reflect God in how we are made
The Purpose of Prayer
The purpose of prayer and religious seeking is to see the truth about reality
Who wrote I and Thou
Martin Buber
I & Thou - I & it
What are the two primary word sets that people speak