Events of each chapter and key themes of Acts | Key themes of Galatians
Jesus taken up into heaven, Matthias chosen to replace Judas
the Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost, Peter’s sermon, the fellowship of the believers
Peter heals a lame beggar and speaks to the onlookers
Peter & John before the Sanhedrin, the believers pray, the believers share their possessions
Ananias & Sapphira, the Apostles heal many, the apostles persecuted
the choosing of the 7, Stephen seized
Stephen’s speech to the Sanhedrin, the stoning of Stephen
the Church persecuted & scattered, Phillip in Samaria, Simon the sorcerer, Ethiopian eunuch
Saul’s conversion, Saul in Damascus & Jerusalem
Cornelius calls for Peter, Peter’s vision, Peter at Cornelius’s house
Peter explains his actions to the circumsized, the Church in Antioch (Agabus the prophet)
Peter’s miraculous escape from prison, Herod’s death
Barnabas & Saul sent off, Cyprus (Elymas the sorcerer), Pisidian Atioch (invited to speak in the synagogue on 2 Sabbaths, jealous Jews)
Iconium (people of the city divided, some plotted to stone them so they fled), Lystra & Derbe (Paul & Barnabas called gods), Paul’s stoning, the return to Antioch
the Jerusalem council, the council’s letter to Gentile believers, Barnabas takes Mark & Paul takes Silas
Timothy joins Paul & Silas, Paul’s vision of the man of Macedonia, Lydia’s conversion, Paul & Silas in prison (singing praise → chains released, jailer’s conversion, set free, revealed as Roman citizens)
Thessalonica (riot, Jason), Berea (more noble, Thessalonian Jews come & Paul flees), Athens (idols, speech)
Corinth (Gallio), Priscilla, Aquilla & Apollos
Paul in Ephesus (“John’s baptism” ordeal, 7 sons of Sceva), the riot in Ephesus (Artemis)
Through Macedonia & Greece, Eutychus raised from the dead at Troas, Paul’s farewell to the Ephesian elders
On to Jerusalem (Agabus predicts Paul’s imprisonment), Paul’s arrival at Jerusalem (purification rites for the temple), Paul arrested, Paul speaks to the crowd [continued next chapter]
Paul speaks to the crowd (shares about God commissioning him), Paul revealed as a Roman citizen, Paul before the Sanhedrin [continued next chapter]
Paul before the Sanhedrin, the plot to kill Paul (Paul’s nephew), Paul transferred to Caesarea
Paul’s trial before Felix
Paul’s trial before Festus, Festus consults King Agrippa, Paul before Agrippa [continued next chapter]
Paul before Agrippa
Paul sails for Rome, the storm, the shipwreck
Paul ashore on Malta (provided for), Paul’s arrival at Rome, Paul preaches at Rome under guard
Fulfilment of God’s promises
fulfilment of OT promises directly & indirectly
Kingdom of God
God rules sovereignly, “already, not yet” aspect, role of Israel and Gentiles
Birth of the Church
requirements to join for both Jews & Gentiles, work of the Church (evangelism & discipleship), it’s God who adds to its numbers
Holy Spirit
Jesus’ ascension sets the stage for the coming of the Spirit, crucial to inaugurated kingdom, fulfilment of God’s plan, empowering & uniting of God’s people
Sovereignty of God
He’s in control of everything, “it is necessary,” God determines who will do His work, suffering & deliverance for God’s people, seen in: Israel’s history; Jesus’ life/death/resurrection/ascension; development of stories throughout Acts
suffering of Jesus & His followers (kingdom contested), used to exalt Christ (Peter & Paul), spread of the Word & establishment of churches, Jesus had to suffer for God’s purposes to be accomplished, Jesus sets an example for us
Resurrection of Christ
Gospel message for the lost & the saved, life/death/resurrection of Jesus is God’s sovereign work, Jesus work while we wait for the fullness of the Kingdom to come, gives the Holy Spirit, spoken of in all major sermons in Acts (to Jews & Gentiles)
Galatians themes
God at work, Gospel outcomes, & Gospel departure