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What invention permitted the great expansion of cotton cultivation?
Cotton gin
What did Eli Whitney invent?
cotton gin and interchangeable parts
How did interchangeable parts help the industrial revolution? What was the purpose of it?
Interchangeable parts were made to make it easier to make and repair products; help lead to mass production of products
How did Samuel Slater contribute to the Industrial Revolution in the United States?
He is known as the father of the American Factory System, he memorized textile machinery in England and built it in the United States, specifically the spinning machine
What economic changes were caused by the Industrial Revolution?
Switch from the cottage industry to the factory system
What area of the United States was most industrialization happening in the 1800s?
The North
What is Robert Fulton known for?
The steamboat engine
What was the market revolution? What contributed to it?
-better roads
-faster steamboats
-new inventions
-immigrants coming and working in the new industry
What all were the results of the growth of a national market economy?
-combined with #8
How did the transportation revolution contribute to the market revolution?
It helped to connect the different regions in industry to create national economy
What was the American System?
-protective tariff
-national/federal government paying for internal improvements (roads, canals,)
-national bank
Why was the opening of the Erie Canal important?
strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions
What took the place of the canal boom?
Where was the Erie Canal?
upstate New York
What was the Era of Good Feelings? Why was it called that?
same as 36
List all the parts of the Missouri Compromise.
-Missouri came in as a slave state
-Maine came in as a free state
-rest of Louisiana territory, north of the 36/30 would be slave free
Who came up with the Missouri Compromise?
Henry Clay
What was the Monroe Doctrine?
Said that no European countries could take over any new nations in the Western Hemisphere
What is nationalism?
pride in one's country
What did the first factories in Lowell, Massachusetts produce?
Who did the Lowell Mills mainly employ?
young unmarried women
What all did Jacksonian Democrats favor?
-universal suffrage for white males
-rotation in office
-presidential electors being chosen by popular vote
-reward political supporters with government jobs
What was the tariff of abominations? What was an important effect of the tariff?
The tariff was passed in 1828, high tariff, South Carolina did not like it and adopt the nullification theory
What section of the U.S. was most hurt by the Tariff of 1828?
the south
What was the spoils system?
rewarding political supporters with government jobs
How did Andrew Jackson increase the power of the executive branch?
-vetoed the national bank recharter bill
-used the veto to get rid of laws that he did not like congress passing
-ignored key supreme court decisions that he did not agree with
What was the cement that held the Whig Party together in the early days of the party?
their hatred of Andrew Jackson
How did the Cherokees try to assimilate themselves into white society?
-adopted a system of settled agriculture
-adopted Christianity
-developed a written constitution
-some owned slaves
What were the characteristics of Andrew Jackson as a president?
refused to forgive those who personally offended him, gave supporters government jobs, destroyed the bank of the United States, made the executive branch more powerful
Why did Andrew Jackson's administration support the removal of Native Americans from eastern states?
Whites wanted Indian lands
What was the Bank War?
Jackson vetoed rechartering the bank of the united states, took all the federal funds out of the bank, and put them into pet banks that will ultimately lead to the death of the bank
By the 1830s what group obtained widespread suffrage?
poor white males
What Supreme Court case decided Congress did have the power to create a national bank?
McCulloch vs Maryland
What principle did the Supreme Court case Marbury v. Madison establish?
judicial review
Was it truly an Era of Good Feelings? Explain why or why not with specific examples.
saq - 7 sentences