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What type of joint has the following motion:
Freely moveable
What type of joint has the following motion:
Slightly moveable- eg. ribs
What type of joint has the following motion:
Immovable- eg. spinous process & vertebrae
What type of joint has the following motion:
Wide range of motion
What type of joint has the following motion:
Motion in one plane
What type of joint has the following motion:
Movement of 2 articulating surfaces
What type of joint:
Allows extension & retraction of an appendage
What type of joint:
Elbows & knees
What type of joint:
Allows back and forth and up and down, but does not allow for rotation like a ball and socket
What type of joint:
What type of joint:
Allows for radial movement in almost any direction
Ball & socket
What type of joint:
Hips and shoulders
Ball & socket
What type of joint:
Joints sliding past each other in a gliding or plane
What type of joint:
Mid-carpal and mid-tarsal
What type of joint:
Allows rotation around an axis
What type of joint:
Neck- occipital spins over top of the axis
What type of joint:
Forearms- radius & ulna
What type of joint:
Similar to a ball & socket, allows the same type of movement to a lesser magnitude
What type of joint:
What ROM is tested first: Active or Passive
Active ROM
What grade muscle strength:
No evidence of contractility
What grade muscle strength:
Slight contractility, no movement
What grade muscle strength:
FROM, gravity eliminated
What grade muscle strength:
FROM with gravity
What grade muscle strength:
FROM, with gravity, some resistance
What grade muscle strength:
FROM against gravity, full resistance
What is the most moveable joint in the body?
Is an audible snap with movement of the TMJ a normal finding?
Extension of C-spine: up to ____ degrees
Flexion of C-spine: ____ degrees
Rotation of C-spine: _____ degrees
Lateral bend of C-spine: _____ degrees
Flexion of shoulder: _____ degrees
Extension of shoulder: _____ degrees
Abduction of shoulder without scapular motion: _____ degrees
Abduction of shoulder with scapula: _____ degrees
External rotation of shoulder: _____ degrees
Internal rotation of shoulder: _____ degrees
Flexion of elbow: _____ degrees
Extension of elbow: _____ degrees
Pronation of elbow: _____ degrees
Supination of elbow: _____ degrees
Flexion of knee: _____ degrees
Extension of knee: _____ degrees
Internal rotation of knee: _____ degrees
External rotation of knee: _____ degrees
Flexion of T & L spine: _____ degrees
Extension of T & L spine: _____ degrees
Lateral bend of T & L spine: _____ degrees
Rotation of T & L spine: _____ degrees
What special test:
Hyperextension with lateral rotation and axial compression of the patient's head
Spurling's test/Cervical compression
A + Spurling's test/Cervical compression indicates ______
Foraminal stenosis & nerve root irritation/compression
What result is considered a + cervical distraction test?
The pain decreases or is eliminated
What special test:
Place your hands under the back of the head, cup the chin, apply a distraction force
Cervical distraction
What does the Neer's sign test for?
Shoulder impingement
What does the Hawkin's and Kennedy test evaluate?
Shoulder impingement
What does the external rotation lag sign test for?
Integrity of the supraspinatus, teres minor, and infraspinatus tendons (rotator cuff tear)
What does the internal rotation lag sign/lift off test for?
Subscapularis tear
What do the "Empty can" and "Full can" tests evaluate?
Rotator cuff tear
What does the Drop Arm Test evaluate?
Rotator cuff tear
What special test:
Flex, adduct, and internally rotate the shoulder & extend the elbow, patient is resisting downward force
O'Brien's test
What does the O'Brien's test evaluate?
AC joint or Labral tear
What does the "Clunk Test" evaluate?
Labral lesions
What does the anterior slide test evaluate?
SLAP lesions
What special test:
Patient has hands on hips and thumbs pointed posteriorly, examiner places a forward and superior force on elbow, patient resists the force
Anterior slide test
What does the Sulcus sign evaluate?
Inferior shoulder instability
What special test:
Examiner applies downward distraction force on the arm with hand above the elbow, used to determine inferior shoulder instability
Sulcus sign
What does the anterior apprehension sign/test or crank test evaluate for?
Anterior labrum/capsule instability
What does Jobe's relocation test evaluate?
Shoulder instability
What is a + result of the Speed's test?
Pain in the bicipital groove
What special test:
Elbow in extension, patient flexes the shoulder against resistance, pain in bicipital groove is positive
Speed's test
What is a + result of the Yergason's test?
Pain in the bicipital groove
What special test:
Patient attempts to supinate the wrist against resistance (with the elbow flexed at the side), pain in bicipital groove is positive
Yergason's test
What is a + result of the Ludington's test?
No contraction palpable
What does the Ludington's test evaluate?
Torn head of biceps
What special test:
Patient clasps hands behind head and contracts the biceps
Ludington's test
What is a + result of the Lippman's test?
Sharp pain on the bicipital groove
What does the Lippman's test evaluate?
Bicipital tendonitis
What special test:
Flex patient's arm to 90 degrees and move the biceps tendon side-to-side
Lippman's test
What does Adson's maneuver test for?
Thoracic outlet syndrome
What does Allen's test evaluate?
Thoracic outlet syndrome
What does the Military brace test for?
Thoracic outlet syndrome
What does the Roos test evaluate?
Thoracic outlet syndrome
What special test:
Passively extend and abduct the arm while the patient hyperextends the head/neck, assess the radial pulse
Military brace test
What is a + result of the Military brace test?
Diminished or absent radial pulse
What is a + result of the Roos test?
Patient is unable to maintain the test position, diminished motor function of the hands, and/or loss of sensation in the upper extremities
What special test:
Patient holds both elbows at shoulder height while pushing their shoulders back, patient will open & close their hands for several minutes
Roos test
A winged scapula indicates _____ dysfunction
Varus or Valgus stress test:
Holding the elbow slightly bent, apply pressure to the inside of the elbow. This places the lateral (outside) ligaments under stress. Pain and instability indicates damage to the LCL.
Varus stress test (elbow)
Varus or Valgus stress test:
Holding the elbow slightly bent, apply pressure to the outside of the elbow. This places the medial (inside) ligaments under stress. Pain and instability indicates damage to the MCL.
Valgus stress test (elbow)
What does a + Tinel's sign at the elbow indicate?
Ulnar nerve compression or entrapment
What special test:
Repeated tapping over the ulnar nerve where it passes behind and underneath the medial epicondyle
Tinel's sign at the elbow
What special test:
Stabilize the patient's elbow with 1 hand and patient pronates the forearm and extends and radially deviates the wrist
Mill's test
What special test:
Pain with pressing below the lateral epicondyle, pain on the outside of the elbow when hand is extended at the wrist against resistance, apply pressure to the dorsum of patient's first forcing it into flexion
Cozen's test
What does the Mill's test evaluate?
Tennis elbow
What does the Cozen's test evaluate?
Tennis elbow
Tennis elbow
a. Medial epicondylitis
b. Lateral epicondylitis
Lateral epicondylitis
Golfer's elbow
a. Medial epicondylitis
b. Lateral epicondylitis
Medial epicondylitis
What special test:
Patient pronates & flexes the wrist and forearm at the same time, positive result is pain over the attachment of the wrist flexor muscles on the inside of the elbow
Golfer's elbow
What does the Finklestein test evaluate?
DeQuervain's tenosynovitis