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Santa Maria in Trastevere, Icon of Virgin and Child
6th-9th century, Rome
robes of byzantine empress, “queen Mary,” flanked by angels, similar to book of kells?
Book of Kells, image of Madonna and Child
8th-9th century, Ions/ Scotland
Portrait of Sts. Peter and Paul
7th century, Rome
Sancta Sanctorum, icons, features have spiritual qualities
Reliquary box with stones from Holy Land
7th Century, Rome
souvenir, crucifixion, resurrection, ascension
Sancta Sanctorum
6th century, Rome
icon of Christ regarded as holy thing, kept with relics and had powers
Monastery of St. Columba stone cross
8th century, Scotland
cross of st martin,
Chemise of Ste. Bathilde
7th century, Chelles France
Christians could not bury individuals with goods so to bypass that they embroidered and jeweled silk linen
Sant Apollinare in Classe, Ravenna, apse mosaic
Ravenna, 550
jeweled cross, emblem of victory over sin and death, transfiguration,
Sutton Hoo ship burial and treasure
5th-6th century, Anglo-Saxon/Francia
hollow belt buckle, rectangular hanging bowl, hinged clasps, animals and interlace, Beowulf
San Vitale mosaics
546-458, Revenna
church not a basilica, octagon, Justinian and Theodora flanked by angels,
Vatican Virgil
5th century, Rome
similar to Quedlinburg Itala, pagan analogy for the illustrated bible, not a very good link tho, romans didn’t have a book like the bible, possible attempt to make one
Quedlinburg Itala
5th century, Rome?
notes to illustrator painted over, story of Samual and Saul
Santa Maria Maggiore mosaics
430-440, Rome
enormous church dedicated to Mary enthroned, theme of rulership,
Eagle fibula
500, San Marino/Revenna
cloisonné garnets, queens grave, cross in middle (Christian)
Bow fibula
5th century, Austria
barbaric upper-class jewelry, usually found in burials,
Stilicho and Serena Ivory
400, Rome/Northern Italy
Stilicho military man with fibula, romans adopted barbaric exotic fashion,
Projecta Casket
4th century, Rome
wedding gift, bow fibula, Christian but Venus is on it, husband was not the most important person in the family, so it shows how wealthy his family was
silver was pre-eminent luxury material
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
359, Vatican City
unusually rich, Christ enthroned resting his feet on personification of heaven and entering Jerusalem, adlocutio,
Dura Europas Baptistery
<256, Syria
Christian meeting house, preserved by burial, good shepherd
Catacomb ceiling with good shepherd
3-4th century, Rome
good shepherd in center, surrounded by 4 Jonah scenes, prophet resting under shepherd in paradise
Early Christian Seal with anchor and fish
3rd century, Alexandria???
Archangel Micheal and Gabrial for protection, Clement said symbols are okay with god if it is for legal work/seal
Dura Europas synagogue
<256, Syria
buried, david enthroned,
Archangel Michael Ivory
resembles nike,
Rabulla Gospels, Crusifixtion
Syria, 586
avoided up until now because it was so awful even tho it is a central part of the bible,
Rabulla Gospels, Ascension
Syria, 586
sun moon personification, used roman formula, taken to heaven after 3 days in the cave
Hagia Sophia, Exterior
Constantinople, 530s
looks like it is suspended from heaven by a gold chain, golden rays pour in the building,
Hagia Sophia, Interior
Constantinople, 530s
Madonna and Child Mosaic
Constantinople, 800s
hagia sophia, mary is enthroned, christ on lap, hankerchief on christs knee,
Lindisfarne Gospels, Carpet page
North England, 700
decorative pages beginning of book, not all have crosses, but a lot do, relates to the interlace of pre-Christian metal work
Lindisfarne Gospels, Chi Rho page
North England 700s
Christ, beginning of gospel book of Matthew, decorative because it was for display and most people could not read
Lindisfarne gospels Matthew
North England, 700s
author portrait,
Book of Kells, Temptation of Christ
Scotland, 800
Book of Kells, carpet page
North England/ Scotland, 800
Pictish Stone (Aberlemno 1)
Scotland 600s
class1, symbols only (in pairs unless the mirror and comb is being used) unlewd stones (not shaped)
Pictish Stone (Aberlemno 3)
Scotland, 700-800s
class 2, symbols on one side cross on the other, shaped and in relief, hunting and battle scenes
Pictish Stone (Meigle)
Scotland 800s
class 3, any stone that does not have pictish symbols is usually dated after 843
Gemma Augustae
10 BC, France?
Otto 3 sitting in Jupiter’s thrown with personification of Rome beside him, below is erection of trophy for defeat of the barbarians
Four Tetrarchs
300, Constantinople/Egypt/Venice
Identical attributes embracing one another symbolizing unity, Augustus has a beard and is holding Cesear