a set of vertices connected by a set of edges which make up separated areas known as faces or regions
another word for a network is…
an edge that starts and ends at the same vertex
multiple edges
two edges which connect the same two vertices (if directed, must be going in the same direction)
adjacent vertices
two vertices which are connected by an edge(s)
weighted graph
a graph which has amounts, distances, or some other similar information affixed to each edge
directed edge
an edge that can be travelled only in a specific direction
another word for a directed edge is…
a graph with directed edges
directed graph
another word for a digraph is…
undirected graph
a graph which includes no directed edges
simple graph
an unweighted, undirected graph with no loops or multiple edges
simple digraph
a directed graph with no loops or multiple edges
simple weighted graph
a weighted graph with no loops or multiple edges
a sequence of vertices adjacent by edges
closed walk
a walk which begins and ends at the same vertex
open walk
a walk which begins and ends at different vertices
a walk with no repeat use of edges nor vertices
a walk with no repeat use of edges nor vertices aside from the first vertex, which it both begins and ends at / a path which begins and ends at the same vertex
closed path
another word for a cycle is…
the number of edges travelled in a walk, including any repeats
the total weighting of travelled in a walk of a weighted graph
a walk which does not include any repeated edges
connected vertices
two vertices in an undirected graph between which there exists a path
connected graph
an undirected graph for which all vertices are connected
disconnected graph
an undirected graph for which all vertices are connected
any edge in a connected graph which, if removed, would turn the graph into a disconnected graph
complete graph
a simple graph in which every vertex is connected by every other vertex by a single each
a graph that is a part of another larger graph
bipartite graph
a graph whose vertices can be split into two distinct groups so that each edge connects each vertex from one group with a vertex from the other
planar graph
a graph for which all edges are “in the same plan”, and as such can be drawn without any overlapping edges
euler’s rule
for any connected planar network, vertices + faces = edges + 2
any connected simple graph which contains no cycles
the number of edges which meet at a vertex
another word for degree is…
odd vertex
a vertex which has an odd number as its degree
even vertex
a vertex which has an even number as its degree
the number of edges travelling in to meet a vertex in a directed graph
the number of edges travelling out from a vertex in a directed graph
eulerian graph
a graph with zero odd vertices, thus containing an eulerian circuit
semi-eulerian graph
a graph with exactly two odd vertices, one at which the eulerian trail must start, and the other at which it must end
eulerian trail
a trail in a connected graph that traces every edge and only once each, repeated vertices permitted
eulerian circuit
a closed eulerian trail
hamiltonian path
a path which visits every vertex in a graph and only once each
hamiltonian cycle
a path which visits every vertex in a graph and only once each with the exception of the vertex at which it starts and must also end / a closed hamiltonian path
hamiltonian graph
a graph which contains a hamiltonian cycle
semi-hamiltonian graph
a graph which contains an open hamiltonian path
adjacency matrix
a matrix which describes the adjacency of pairs of vertices