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Systemic study of human behavior in society.
Auguste Comte
Coined the term sociology in 1838.
C. Wright Mills
Introduced the concept of sociological imagination.
Sociological Imagination
Understanding personal troubles in social context.
Personal Troubles
Private matters affecting individuals and relationships.
Public Issues
Broader social forces impacting groups' experiences.
Social Facts
Durkheim's concept influencing human behavior.
Social Solidarity
Degree of connectedness among individuals in society.
Altruistic Suicide
Influenced by strong group norms and ties.
Egoistic Suicide
Result of weak social integration and detachment.
Anomic Suicide
Caused by disrupted norms during social change.
Fatalistic Suicide
Result of excessive regulation and oppression.
Social Integration
Support provided by social connections and networks.
Moral Regulation
Guidance from shared societal values and norms.
Scientific Revolution
Suggested possibility of a science of society.
Democratic Revolution
Encouraged societal improvement through collective action.
Industrial Revolution
Created social problems needing sociological solutions.
Ideas about right/wrong and desirable/undesirable.
Conjectures about relationships between observed facts.
Systematic observation to test theories' validity.
Philosophy emphasizing observable, scientific facts.
Cultural Values
Influence theories and belief systems in society.
J. Philippe Rushton
Controversial theorist on race and intelligence.
Theoretical Traditions
Four influential frameworks in sociology's development.
Philippe Rushton
Proposed racial hierarchy in intelligence and stability.
Macro-level theory focusing on social stability and structures.
Conflict Theory
Macro-level theory emphasizing class struggle and inequality.
Theoretical perspective addressing gender inequalities in society.
Symbolic Interactionism
Focus on individual interactions and meanings in society.
Examines individual or small group behaviors.
Studies society as a whole and its institutions.
Emile Durkheim
Founder of sociology, focused on social cohesion.
Karl Marx
Analyzed class conflict and economic determinism.
Max Weber
Explored social action and the role of culture.
Talcott Parsons
Functionalist theorist emphasizing social systems' stability.
Robert Merton
Distinguished between manifest and latent functions.
Manifest Functions
Intended and observable social consequences.
Latent Functions
Unintended and less obvious social consequences.
Social Structures
Patterns of relationships that maintain societal stability.
Class Consciousness
Awareness of one's social class and interests.
Capitalist class owning means of production.
Working class selling labor for wages.
Worker Alienation
Disconnection from work and its products.
Opiate of the Masses
Marx's term for religion's role in false consciousness.
Platform Capitalism
Business model where platforms mediate between producers and consumers.
Gig Economy
Labor market characterized by short-term contracts.
Economic Determinism
Theory that economic factors shape societal structures.
Max Weber
Conflict theorist emphasizing capitalism's non-economic roots.
Protestant Ethic
Calvinist belief promoting hard work and investment.
16th/17th century belief in predestination and hard work.
Cultural Turn
1960-70s focus on culture's role in social dynamics.
Cultural Hegemony
Dominant values accepted as common sense by society.
Antonio Gramsci
Theorist of cultural hegemony and social control.
Foucault's Confinement
Social control through confinement for economic purposes.
Control of workforce for economic efficiency.
Symbolic Interactionism
Micro-level focus on subjective meanings in social life.
Blumer's Principles
Three principles: meaning, language, and thinking.
Looking Glass Self
Cooley's concept of self-conception through social interaction.
George Herbert Mead
Founder of symbolic interactionism; self through interaction.
Interpretive Process
Meanings evolve through social interactions and interpretations.
Modern Feminism
Focus on gender inequality in societal structures.
Societal system of male domination over women.
Harriet Martineau
First woman sociologist advocating for gender equality.
Feminist Theories
Critical theory examining dominance and subordination in gender.
Political Dimension
Personal life is influenced by political structures.
Gendered Spheres
Public and private life experiences differ by gender.
Social Construction of Gender
Gender inequalities are socially created, not biological.
Indigenous Theory
Holistic approach integrating spiritual, emotional, mental aspects.
Labour Participation Rate
Decline in Canadian males' workforce participation noted.
Economic Downturn Effects
Impact on poorly educated males' employment rates.