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The Gilded Age
Robber Barons
Jay Gould
President of the Union Pacific Railway,
Interstate Commerce Commision, 1887
John D. Rockefeller
Standard Oil Company
Ida Tarbell, McClures Magazine 1902-5
Sherman Anti-trust Act 1890
Andrew Carnegie - Carnegie Steel
Homestead Steel Strike, 1892
1877-Wild-cat railroad strike
1886-Haymarket Bombing
1893-Pullman Strike
National Origins Acts, 1924
Jacob Riis-How the Other Half Lives 1890
Horatio Alger - Ragged Dick(1867)
The Social Gospel
Manifest Destiny
Frederick Jackson Turner
Theodore Roosevelt
Dime Novel Cowboys
Buffalo Bill Cody
The Wild West Show (1883)
Homestead Act, 1862
California Gold Rush, 1849
Henry Comstock
Virginia City, Nevada, 1858
Oklahoma Land Rush
Trans-Mississippi West
Plains Indians
Reservation System
George Armstrong Custer
1868-Washita Massacre
Treaty of Fort Laramie, 1868
Custers Last Stand
Board of Indian Commissioners, 1869
Dawes Severalty Act, 1887
Massacre at Wounded Knee, SD
Alfred Thayer Mahan, The Influence of the Sea Rover on History (1890)
The Roosevelt Corollary, 1904
Open Door Policy
William Howard Taft
The Spanish-American War
Yellow Journalism
The Maine - Feb. 15, 1898
April 11, 1898 - War Declaration
Admiral Rewes
The Platt Amendment (1901)
Emilio Aguinaldo
The Grange
Interstate Commerce Commission
National Farmers Alliance
Charles W. Macune
The Southern Alliance
National Colored Farmers Alliance
Tom Watson of GA
Mary Lease of KS
The Peoples Party of the US
William Mckinley
William Jennings Bryan
Clara Barton - Red Cross
Jane Addams
Settlement House Movement
Hull House, Chicago
Frederick W. Taylor
Trust Busting
Conservation Movement
The Progressive Party
Federal Reserve Act (1913)
Federal Trade Commission Act (1914)
Clayton Anti-Trust Act (1914)
Keating-Owen Act (1916)
City Beautiful Movement
Margaret Sanger
National Origins Act, 1924
U-Boat Warfare
Zimmerman Telegram
National Security League
American Expeditionary Force
General John J. Pershing
Selective Service Act, May 1917
War Industries Board
May 1918, Cantigny
June 1918-Belleau Wood & Chateau-Thierry
Argon Offensive, Fall 1918
Espionage Act, June 1917
Sedition Amendment, May 1918
Eugene v. Debs
Armistice, Nov. 11, 1918
Wilsons 14 Points
Treaty of Versaille, 1919
The irrenconcilables
Henry Celdoat Lodge
Robert & Helen Lynd
Attorney-General A Mitchell Palmer
J. Edgar Hoover
Raids of Jan. 20, 1920