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Jay Barney
Father of Resource-Based Theory
Strategic Planning process - 6 steps
1. Strategic Intent
2. Analysis
3. Formulation
4. Implementation/Launch
5. Measurement/Evaluation
Which investors can put a company into default and into bankruptcy?
Debt holders
Who are considered the "owners" of a publicly traded company?
"Common" shareholders
Mission statement
WHY does the company exist
Vision Statement
WHAT do you want to accomplish and WHEN?
-include timeframe
-specific and measurable
-does not use revenue or marketshare
VRIS Model by Jay Barney
V- Valuable
R- Rare
I- Imitability
S- Substitutable
Gary Hamel
Famous Innovator, Core Competencies
Henry Mintzberg
Father of Emergent Strategy & 5 P's of Strategy
Michael Porter
Popularized Modern Competitive Strategy Theory; Created 5-Forces Model/I/0 Model
Igor Ansoff
Father of Strategic Planning
Alfred Chandler
Major pioneer of strategic management thought
Philip Selznick
Organizational- Level Theory
Peter Drucker
"Effectiveness of Executives"
Henri Fayol
Father of Modern Management Theory
Fredrick Taylor
management as a science/ labor efficiency
Concept of Organizational Strategy
1. Strategic Management
2. Strategic Planning Process
A) Process B) Plan
3. Realized Strategy
4. Business Model
Four Primary Objectives of Organizational Strategy
1. Survival
2. Competitive Parity
3. Competitive Advantage
4. Sustain Competitive Advantage
Single Event Game
A "one-event" game means that once a battle or war is won, there is no further competition between the parties. (The opposing side is either dead or has surrendered)
Barriers to Entry
-economies of scale
-product differentiation
-capital requirements
-switching costs
-access to distribution channels
-cost disadvantages independent of scale
-government policy*
The two major of external environment
1. General
2. Industry
General Environment
Can affect the industry and company; company CANT affect back.
Industry Environment
Directly affects the company; company CAN have significant affect back (porters 5 forces)
P - Political/legal
E - Economic
S - Sociocultural
T - Technological
D - Demographic
E - Environmental
G - Global
Defines what tern: Unique strength that differentiates a company from its competitors. It is what makes the company stand out in the market and can be viewed as a subset of core competencies that competitors cannot easily imitate.
Distinctive Competency
Porters five forces (SBSNR)
1) Seller Power
2) Buyer Power
3) Threat of substitutes
4) Threat of new entry
5) Competitive Rivalry
Resource-based view
1. Resources
2. Capabilities
3. Core Competencies
Resource based view author
Jay Barney
I/0 Model Author
Michael Porter
Resource-based view of the firm
I/0 Economics view
Basic assumptions of Resource based economics
1. Firms acquire different resources
2. Firms develop unique capabilities based on how they combine and use resources
3. Resources and certain capabilities are NOT highly mobile
4. Differences in resources and capabilities are the bases of CA and a firms performance rather than the industry
Basic assumptions of I/0 Economics
1. External Environment (Industry & General)
2. Resources are similar
3. Resource differences are short lived
4. Decision makers are rational
Condition where companies engage in intensive rivalry, market change, quickly and often, and entry barriers are low
Disruptive Technologies (aka disruptive innovation)
new technology that destroys the value of an existing tech + creates new markets (ex: streaming services like Netflix replacing things like RedBox and Blockbuster)
Perpetual Innovation
how rapidly and consistently new, information-intensive technologies replace older ones (moores law)
Technology Diffusion
the speed at which new technologies become available to firms and when firms and customers choose to adopt them
Increasing economic interdependence among countries and their organizations. Reflected in flow of products, financials, and knowledge across countries.
Above-average returns
Returns "in excess" of what an investor expects to earn from other investments with similar amounts of risk
Average Returns
Returns that are "equal to" those the investor expects to earn from other investments
Investors uncertainty about economic gains/losses of an investment
Competitive Advantage
Superior value in a competitive Situation by implementing a chosen strategy.
Global Economy
goods, services, people, skills, and ideas move freely across geographic borders
core competencies
Capabilities that serve as a source of CA for a firm over its rivals
What’s better: Distinctive or Core Competency's
Core competencies are the essential skills and abilities that allow a company to compete in its markets, while distinctive competencies are the specific strengths that make the company stand out compared to competitors.
Thus Distinctive is better
the capacity for a set of resources to perform a task or an activity in an integrative manner
Organizational Culture
the complex set of ideologies, symbols, and core values that are shared throughout the firm and influence how the firm conducts business
Actions taken by a government to protect its economy from adverse influences due to foreign trade
For example, if a country is worried that its local farmers can't compete with cheaper imported food, it might impose tariffs on foreign produce to make it more expensive, encouraging people to buy locally grown products instead.
Inputs into firms production process such as capital equipment, skills of employees, patents, finances, and talented managers
Companies or networks of companies that sell complementary g/s
Strategic Competitivness
Achieved by successfully formulating and implementing a value creating strategy.
Strategic Flexibility
capabilities used to respond to various demands and opportunities existing in a dynamic and uncertain competitive environment
Strategic Leaders
People located in different areas and levels of the firm to help achieve its vision, fulfill mission, and adhere to values