Cultural Anthropology
The study of living human cultures.
Learned Behavior
A behavior that has to be learned or taught.
An automatic behavior.
Beliefs, customs, and traditions of a specific group of people.
Cultural Challenge
When two cultures encounter but they do not completely understand each other.
Viewing/judging another culture through your cultural lens.
They are the first people to have lived in a place.
Anthropological Language
A way of exploring culture using detailed descriptions so one culture can understand another.
Doing research in a real-life setting.
Participant Observation
When an anthropologist lives and works alongside the people they are observing.
In Southeast Asia.
Sri Lanka
An island country off the south coast of India.
Vietnamese Students' Location
They are immigrants/refugees from Vietnam who are at the Philadelphia High School.
Black Dots and Earmuffs' Lesson
Look at the big picture and be willing to accept advice from those who have more experience than you.
Kofi Annan
Secretary general of the UN and from Ghana, also won Nobel Peace Prize.
Dr. James' Subculture
Haitian refugees/immigrants.
Dr. James' Location
Social Services Center. Dorchester, MA.
West of the Dominican Republic.
Dr. James' Question
What does it mean to be an American citizen to Haitian refugees/immigrants?
Dr. Paxon's Subculture
Artisan cheese makers.
Dr. Paxon's Location
Consider Bardwell Goat Farm. Londonderry, VT.
Dr. Paxon's Question
How do people learn how to make good artisan cheese?
Dr. Helmreich's Subculture
Marine Biologists.
Dr. Helmreich's Location
Marine Biology lab at MIT. Cambridge, MA, and in the ocean.
Dr. Helmreich's Question
What does the ocean look like to the scientists who describe it during this environmental crisis?